shoulder / arm / muscle pain .......... not sure which!

Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
edited 11. Dec 2008, 08:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi guys & gals,

for the last 5 days I have had a sore shoulder (I thought) and have been taking my stronger co-codamol (30/500) to try and cope.

I don't know of anything I speciifically did to that arm, but the pain is worse inthe morning and at night, so I assumed it was RA related.

H0owever, yesterday I realised that it is not actually painful in my shoulder, but more it is the muscle that runs down the top part of my arm nearest my body. If i press in paticular areas it really is sore.

I have tried using my arnica gel, using the lavendar oil that the physios recommended for my neck, and the painkillers, but it is getting worse not better.

Someitmes when I try to lift my arm it won't go in certain directions, unless i lift it with my other arm untl it is 'round the blockage' if that makes sense.

Tried to get a GP appointment, but none available, so will try again tomorrow,l but will have to see the other GP who is not so familiar with me.

any thoughts or similar experiences?


  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:
    Hi guys & gals,

    for the last 5 days I have had a sore shoulder (I thought) and have been taking my stronger co-codamol (30/500) to try and cope.

    I don't know of anything I speciifically did to that arm, but the pain is worse inthe morning and at night, so I assumed it was RA related.

    H0owever, yesterday I realised that it is not actually painful in my shoulder, but more it is the muscle that runs down the top part of my arm nearest my body. If i press in paticular areas it really is sore.

    I have tried using my arnica gel, using the lavendar oil that the physios recommended for my neck, and the painkillers, but it is getting worse not better.

    Someitmes when I try to lift my arm it won't go in certain directions, unless i lift it with my other arm untl it is 'round the blockage' if that makes sense.

    Tried to get a GP appointment, but none available, so will try again tomorrow,l but will have to see the other GP who is not so familiar with me.

    any thoughts or similar experiences?
    hi, iv got o/a but have suffered with the same pains graduly getting worse, but since weve had this cold weather my shoulder feels like its gonna pop out of socket,the pain runs all the way down my left arm to my sitting with my arm on a cushion,have been for 2 days & feels like its gonna seize up also having to take full dose of cocodomols.have u tried ibuprofen, dr told me to take both.i find it bad in morning as iv laid on it & i could cry same with my hip.hope u find some releif soon. debs
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i can't really help, but i can sympathize! i find my arms hurt in what sounds like a similiar thing, in the morning and at night when i'm trying to get dressed or undressed, taking my t shirt over my head is agonyon my shoulder and all down my arm, i have to take it off as quick as i can then sit there wincing for about 10 mins. i thought it was just my clapped out body!!
    sorry feeling very negative at the moment especially now i've managed to hurt my finger!
    sorry i'm not much help! :oops:
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonky, I have refered pain from my neck, it always makes my shoulders and upper arms hurt.
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    that's more or less what i was worried about ...... having recently had physio for a trapped muscle in my neck, I was hoping that i had kept up with the exercises and that I wouldn't have any more problems with it.

    This is worse than the pins & needles etc before.
    Hubby was a love tonight, did the washing up, sent to the shop for me & even bought chocolate! I hate being a burden though, but he gets cross at me for saying that as he says that is what he is there for ..... not sure I remember that in the wedding vows!!!

    I'll see what tomorrow brings.
    ta folks
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well ..... shoulder is not as painful if I don't use it and keep it clamped to my side - not a good thing when it's my best arm!

    Shoulder joint also looks like it is not in the same place as the shoulder on the other side :shock:
    NHS direct website says go to A&E - trying to work out if I shoud do that or go to minor injuries. One requires a train journey (can't drive like I am today) and the other a bus ...... what fun!
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonky, I have to keep mine like that, (roll on the op). If your pain is worse than pins and needles, then like me you could have nerve injury. Please do go to A & E. Linda
  • eugeneg
    eugeneg Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:
    Hi guys & gals,

    for the last 5 days I have had a sore shoulder (I thought) and have been taking my stronger co-codamol (30/500) to try and cope.

    I don't know of anything I speciifically did to that arm, but the pain is worse inthe morning and at night, so I assumed it was RA related.

    H0owever, yesterday I realised that it is not actually painful in my shoulder, but more it is the muscle that runs down the top part of my arm nearest my body. If i press in paticular areas it really is sore.

    I have tried using my arnica gel, using the lavendar oil that the physios recommended for my neck, and the painkillers, but it is getting worse not better.

    Someitmes when I try to lift my arm it won't go in certain directions, unless i lift it with my other arm untl it is 'round the blockage' if that makes sense.

    Tried to get a GP appointment, but none available, so will try again tomorrow,l but will have to see the other GP who is not so familiar with me.

    any thoughts or similar experiences?


    Just before I was first diagnosed with RA 6 years ago I started developing very bad pain in my upper right arm & shoulder, over a period of 2 days it got so bad I ended up in A&E. I was told I'd had a muscle spasm and was given Diclofenac/Co-Dydramol/Diazepam. That lot did the trick! The muscle spasm was the pre-cursor to me being diagnosed. I have had some very bad episodes over the years, usually in both upper arms and chest. The Ati-Flams help as does heat pads. Since I have got myself in a regular (ish) swimming pattern, this has helped with my muscles greatly.

  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thanks all of you

    between you and the helpline team I feel that I am not as 'odd' as I was thinking I was!

    Been to minor injuries unit (more local than A&E) and they were really helpful. Saw a nurse practitioner.
    She said the movement in my arm was very good, that I had no obvious bone or nerve problems, and that it was probably a muscle problem due to the use of the Wii!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :shock: apparently they are not good for the NHS - many people overdo it. I said I thought 5 mins using it carefully was not overdoing it - but that was probably it. :roll:

    she gave me a rollicking for not taking pain meds regularly, as that would be better than taking them as and when it gets too bad. I knew that I suppose but the co-codamol makes me feel so bad when I take it regularly so I have to take paracetamol regularly and see if that helps.

    She said she would refer me to physio - but when I took the form there they did not have a physiotherapist in today! :shock: have to go next wednesday (First day they could give me an appointment!)

    so ... roll on next Wedesday ..... but I must remember to tell Santa that I don't want a Wii any more!

    and there was mee thinking I was doing myself some good ...... I'm sure they use the Wii consoles in nursing homes etc ....... but the MIU said they get no end of people in with games-related injuries.

    I'm off to hibernate under my quilt as that must surely be safe!

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:
    thanks all of you

    between you and the helpline team I feel that I am not as 'odd' as I was thinking I was!

    Been to minor injuries unit (more local than A&E) and they were really helpful. Saw a nurse practitioner.
    She said the movement in my arm was very good, that I had no obvious bone or nerve problems, and that it was probably a muscle problem due to the use of the Wii!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :shock: apparently they are not good for the NHS - many people overdo it. I said I thought 5 mins using it carefully was not overdoing it - but that was probably it. :roll:

    she gave me a rollicking for not taking pain meds regularly, as that would be better than taking them as and when it gets too bad. I knew that I suppose but the co-codamol makes me feel so bad when I take it regularly so I have to take paracetamol regularly and see if that helps.

    She said she would refer me to physio - but when I took the form there they did not have a physiotherapist in today! :shock: have to go next wednesday (First day they could give me an appointment!)

    so ... roll on next Wedesday ..... but I must remember to tell Santa that I don't want a Wii any more!

    and there was mee thinking I was doing myself some good ...... I'm sure they use the Wii consoles in nursing homes etc ....... but the MIU said they get no end of people in with games-related injuries.

    I'm off to hibernate under my quilt as that must surely be safe!

    OHHHHH..... If you spend to much time in be you'll be so weak you wont be able to get up.....................I'm suffering from over use of the computer to look for a new dress to go out in for Christmas.....My neck is soooo sore and I've got shooting pains down my arm and can'nt turn my head..... I was only on for 10 mins, honest, well maybe slightly longer :lol: Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi thought I better update you now I have been to physio!

    It seems that i managed to both trap and damage my bicep muscle, so that is why it hurt so much! (oh, and probably the RA was a bit active too apparently!!!!!!!!)

    So ...... even more exercises and heat treatments and massage to remember to do ..... need 48 hours in a day to fit them all in!

    At least the pain is no more now (Hurrah!!!)
  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonkylegs

    Glad you've got some good news at last. Bet you feel great now you've got rid of that pain.

    Love Vonski x
  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have the same pains, first on left side and now right side. I had x-rays and Ct scans, pain is due to wear in joints. If you read the AC leaflet it spells it out and names it clearly.