fusion of the big toe

carrottops Member Posts: 2
edited 5. Dec 2008, 18:14 in Living with Arthritis archive
Please does anybody have any information or personal experience of 1st MTPJ arthrosis fusion of the big toe joint. I am due to have surgery soon.


  • mike77
    mike77 Member Posts: 879
    edited 9. Dec 2008, 03:52
    carrottops wrote:
    Please does anybody have any information or personal experience of 1st MTPJ arthrosis fusion of the big toe joint. I am due to have surgery soon.
    Hi ,
    just wanted to wish you good luck, I know how painful toes can be

    all the very best

    Mike R & hazel :):):):):):):):):)
    Mike R & Hazel & MikeJR
  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have had both done, 1997 & 2004, the weight is transferred onto the smaller joints and they too, become painful, as do other higher joints. I also get spurious pains in odd places, feels like hot molten metal. You'll need a size larger shoe, as the angle they put your toe up at (circa 15 degrees) means you need more room and you'll need plasters inbetween as one toe moves and the other doesn't, giving blisters.

    I hesitate to offer advice, as we are all different, you may get a positive response to the ops, the rate at which you deteriorate may well be slower than me. A friend has had both done and she continues to shop till she drops!

    Best o luck. 8)