Blood test results and a diagnosis

rella1965 Member Posts: 34
edited 9. Dec 2008, 09:57 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi there

I said I would get back to the forum with my results. My GP said I had an RF of 74, and he was happy to diagnose RA with all the other symptons and joint damage to my hips. Was a bit relieved he gave me a diagnosis as I was worried I would have a battle for a while. And also my husband now has confirmation as he was a bit in denial about it all.

I have got lots of can anyone help?

I told him I had always suffered from rheumatism from when I was a child (so do my kids), and remember staying off school for several weeks one winter, the doc said growing pains. Can I have had it this long I wonder?

I also had a high cholestorol count, which is not a new thing, and runs in the family, lots of heart disease there. GP is now going to put me on statins. Does RA affect the heart or is it the drugs you take?

Have an appointment at the Rheumatology clinic on the 16th Jan, what is likely to happen then? Any hints and tips?

I have been keeping a symptons diary suggested by Kate, its been really useful thanks. Can anyone tell me if the gritty red eye thing is likely to get better with the medication? Does this also mean I have Sjogrens syndrome as well?

Thanks everyone, you have kept me sane this past two weeks or so. Sorry for all the questions but I know I will at least have some answers.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,172
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rella
    sounds as though you are feeling more releived than anything to have a name for your symptoms - that's how I felt too, but also a bit teary.
    Othres will be able to answer your questions better than me, but I don't know af any links with the heart - something to do with lungs though.
    I get red eyes too and have got artificial tears to put in them which helps.
    Your rheumy apt should be fairly straightforward with the GPs diagnosis, but you may have xrays (including chest) and an examination. Should then start you on DMARDs to prevent damage to your joints.
    Thanks for letting us know and good luck with it all
    Toni x