Foot ache

averyniceman Member Posts: 75
edited 12. Jan 2009, 16:47 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone

Every night for the past week or so I've been woken up by an ache in my right foot.

The pain isn't there in the day though! And I can walk fine.

I have RA, but up to now the symptoms have been confined to my left hand.

Has anyone experience anything like this?


  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi sorry cant help as dont know much about ra but some body on here will , xx
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Verynice man
    My bro's name is it'sthebloke... and he had a friend who was hasanyonegothisone. So I love your name! :)
    My feet do hurt too, but usually when i walk on them in the day.
    Where is the pain? and can you get back off to sleep or does it ruin your night then?
    Toni x
  • averyniceman
    averyniceman Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:
    Hi Verynice man
    My bro's name is it'sthebloke... and he had a friend who was hasanyonegothisone. So I love your name! :)
    My feet do hurt too, but usually when i walk on them in the day.
    Where is the pain? and can you get back off to sleep or does it ruin your night then?
    Toni x

    The pain is only at night. I can get my shoes on. I can walk. But it's an annoying ache on the top of my foot. I can get back off to sleep -- but I can tell it's getting worse

    Maybe it's not the RA! It's tempting to blame everything on it.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Verynice
    Well mine is more underneath. At least you can get back off to sleep I suppose...
    Thing is it COULD be the RA couldn't it?!
    I think I would make a note so you know when it started and things like that ready for when you next see rheumy.
    Not a lot else you can do is there I suppose - unless it gets beyond a joke then you'll have to get in touch with them anyway.
    You do have my sympathy and hope it gets sorted for you.
    Take care
    Toni x
  • averyniceman
    averyniceman Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for all these replies -- this forum is marvellous.

    It's a strange position I'm in. I guess you've all been there, but I am really surprised to find myself in it.

    My GP did blood tests a couple of weeks ago, and said they indicate RA -- he has promised to fix up an appointment with a Rheumatologist. Meanwhile I just have to wait. And I'm hyper-aware of every little pain, every little twinge, every little ache.

    It's like a sort of torture. I get an ache in the foot. Is the RA spreading or not? There's no way to know!

    What I never expected was that a GP would make a provisional diagnosis for a serious complaint, and then you'd just be left to wait and worry, without feeling part of a team.
  • sunshine14
    sunshine14 Member Posts: 38
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hopefully your appointment won't take too long to come through. I'm waiting for my 2nd Rheumy appt in 2 weeks. At first they suspected MS, but now I'm under Rheumy as well as Neuro. I saw Neuro just before Christmas and he said he was sure it's RA and then sent me for tests. It's horrible isn't it the waiting.

    I suffer with my feet alot. The pain is around the heel and going under the arch and into the ball of the foot in both feet. I also suffer with both ankles, knees, hands, wrists & back. Some days I struggle to walk, and some days it's easier. I often walk like a penguin :lol:

    Good luck, I hope you get seen soon.
  • melbland
    melbland Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:
    Hi Verynice man
    My bro's name is it'sthebloke... and he had a friend who was hasanyonegothisone. So I love your name! :)
    My feet do hurt too, but usually when i walk on them in the day.
    Where is the pain? and can you get back off to sleep or does it ruin your night then?
    Toni x

    The pain is only at night. I can get my shoes on. I can walk. But it's an annoying ache on the top of my foot. I can get back off to sleep -- but I can tell it's getting worse

    Maybe it's not the RA! It's tempting to blame everything on it.


    I get a pain here, which is similar to what you say. The pain feels like overworked muscles, at the very top of the foot and in my case unfortunately lasts days at a time.

    It was one of the first problems I noticed with my feet, but it has since spread significantly.

    I would mention it to your rheumy.

  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone

    Every night for the past week or so I've been woken up by an ache in my right foot.

    The pain isn't there in the day though! And I can walk fine.

    I have RA, but up to now the symptoms have been confined to my left hand.

    Has anyone experience anything like this?

    Hi Nice Man, Ra can get you anywhere and it loves to creep up on you when you least expect it. I suffer quite bad with my feet and it does get you in the dead of night or any time it feels like. It wont be to long befor you see the Rheumy. Take Care
  • averyniceman
    averyniceman Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for all these replies.

    It sounds like the foot pain is RA.

    I've got a pain in the middle of my back now! Just been to the GP ("I'm quietly optimistic about you" he said) : he gave me some diclofenac to stop the back pain waking me.

    Bit scared to take it because of the possible stomach side effects though. (Doctor has given me a proton pump)
  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I have been on Diclofenac since October 2007, for back pain (diagnosed as sciatica).

    I have had no side effects with it, hopefully you will be the same :)