OA flare ups.

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 24. Jan 2009, 12:49 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi, I only have OA in both me knees but it is in an advanced state, I was diagnosed after having double keyhole surgery on April 7 2008, although I am in a lot of discomfort most of the time I also get a lot of flare ups, I find I have become almost house bound by them, I stay in by default as I don’t know if walking the dog or going shopping will set them off. It’s odd but I find they tend to creep up on me so generally I don’t recognise I have a problem and by then it’s too late. normally the first signs I find are my though processes i.e. reasoning concentration start to fail the bad knee pain tends to comes later, I also have mood swings and my temper gets short, once they really hit it’s like my minds been scrambled and I don’t know what to do with myself, once they have passed I takes several day’s to get over them, as I feel really washed out, does anyone else feel the same way with them or is it just me overreacting?. :?:


  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't think you're over reacting, afterall, you know how you feel and dealing with pain is an all-consuming life changing matter for all of us but I suppose we all cope in different ways.

    I would say to you try not 'to stay in by default' because your life will become very limited. Even if you walk the dog just a short distance or go for a walk up the street and back you'll be getting a bit of exercise and not narrowing your horizons too much. On days when you're in less pain try to do a little more. The thing you have to bear in mind is that you have to keep your muscles going as much as you're able because if they become weak you'll get added pain from them. :shock:

    Exerise is good for your frame of mind too, we all have to battle with arthritis because at the end of the day the easiest option is to give in to it and then the arthritis has won and you wouldn't want that would you? :wink:
    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have OA in both knees, I've recently had a replacement for the left knee, the right knee isn't so bad but still has its 'off days'. I haven't noticed the 'mood effects' you describe as leading up to a 'flare' but I know that when the pain is bad it certainly can make you feel depressed and washed out.

    I agree with what has been said before, that if you can try to get out each day, it's good for morale. Do you use a stick at all? I know some people don't like using walking aids until they really have to. But I found in the months leading up to my TKR and through the recovery period, a stick has been really helpful to take the strain and give a bit of extra support. I bought a couple of flashy coloured folding ones which didn't cost much more than an ordinary NHS-style one!

    Also, are you taking any medication on a regular basis? I take glucosamine and cod liver oil every day, I used to take ibuprofen daily too as an anti-inflammatory and pain reducer but have cut back on that as I was worried it might be starting to affect my stomach. Obviously you need to check with your own doctor re meds but for me it's better to take things on an ongoing basis with the aim of preventing / reducing flares, rather than wait till it's bad and then try and make it better.

    Hope some of this is helpful, and that you'll find ways of dealing with your OA that make you feel more on top of it.

    Take care.

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have oa in my spine and hands etc.
    I can understand what you mean, sometimes I feel really panicy and bad tempered. Unable to concentrate and really unwell. I find lying down hard because of pain. I talked to my gp about it and she said that pain causes this. It can effect the quality of sleep you get, leaving you feeling as if you've slept most of the night, but in fact this has been of poor quaility and not refreshed you. I also find that the physcological worries of being of work and probibly having to leave work, not knowing how bad things will get, feeling I am not doing all I should in the house and having my husband do most of the major cooking in the evening after work play on my mind. But I too have mood swings and lash out at times, which I know are unfair.
    Logically how can anyone with all these problems, let alone the pain and lonliness that being at home most of the day bring, expect to feel 'normal' whatever that is! I have no magic answers unfortunatly, but I find this sight helps me not feel so alone. Small amounts of exercise are good, reading, although holding a book may hurt a bit and just enjoying the good days. This is all the advice I have. I good relationship with local gps helps too :) BUT REMEMBER, YOU'RE NOT ALONE :!: :!: :!:
  • nickynysmon08
    nickynysmon08 Bots Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have o/a in the hips and both knees, possibly the lower back. I get more flare ups now, whether it is degeneration of the joints, or maybe I am a bit overweight......
    I have flare ups, went to Morrisons at
    Holyhead the other day, my left hip aching like mad and right knee aching too. my instinct was to go for a walk, but the aching was bad that day. I have rested this last week, little walking, and wonder of self censorship is kicking in. my wonder drug is diclofenic, it really clears it up. I think we have to listen to our bodies. I was always a great walker, but lately seem to be doing less.
    the secret is to find the balance that suits each of us I think, it is far easier to overdo things. I do suggest though walking and controlling ones weight. my diet starts as soon as it get warmer!!!!
    I often wonder how it will be in ten, twenty or god forbid, thirty years time. does o/a get worse or reach a state of stasis?

    mellman01 wrote:
    Hi, I only have OA in both me knees but it is in an advanced state, I was diagnosed after having double keyhole surgery on April 7 2008, although I am in a lot of discomfort most of the time I also get a lot of flare ups, I find I have become almost house bound by them, I stay in by default as I don’t know if walking the dog or going shopping will set them off. It’s odd but I find they tend to creep up on me so generally I don’t recognise I have a problem and by then it’s too late. normally the first signs I find are my though processes i.e. reasoning concentration start to fail the bad knee pain tends to comes later, I also have mood swings and my temper gets short, once they really hit it’s like my minds been scrambled and I don’t know what to do with myself, once they have passed I takes several day’s to get over them, as I feel really washed out, does anyone else feel the same way with them or is it just me overreacting?. :?:
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi i have oa in both knees was diagnosed last june after artherscopy and wash out on left knee right knee behaves the same as the left and with just as much pain , was dicharged from the hospital as being to young for new knees , was a health trust place so have had to be refered to my local hospital see him tomorrow also have physio , and yes i get the moods , and lack of sleep , i put it down to the pain and being shattered most of the time , also get alot of migrains , which can lay me low for 2 to 3 days at a time , but i walk most days wether i want to or not , i think use it or lose it , its got to help keeping my muscles working , some times i regret walking to far , so please try your self it can give you some thing to focas on , take it slowly , look in the gardens as you pass notice the change in the season hedges begining to bud up , good luck xxxx
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Hi, I only have OA in both me knees but it is in an advanced state, I was diagnosed after having double keyhole surgery on April 7 2008, although I am in a lot of discomfort most of the time I also get a lot of flare ups, I find I have become almost house bound by them, I stay in by default as I don’t know if walking the dog or going shopping will set them off. It’s odd but I find they tend to creep up on me so generally I don’t recognise I have a problem and by then it’s too late. normally the first signs I find are my though processes i.e. reasoning concentration start to fail the bad knee pain tends to comes later, I also have mood swings a

    Hi Mellman what do you mean you only have OA any type of arthritis is bad and when that pain grips you it does play with your mind. Long term pain is awfull and it does get you down and wear you out. Medication can also play about with your mind. I know what you are are saying about it creeping up on you. I bought a scooter for going out when i'm bad but found that i use it when i'm not so bad as it prevents the pain coming on. I got a couple of walking sticks from the phisio but most of the time my hands and wrists are to sore to use them. It took a bit of getting used to the scooter a street cred thing with me but you soon get into it. I still try to excersise when i can and i do walk about even if its just around the garden or the street. Mind you my computer is 2 flights of stairs up maybee thats why my knees are so bad. Its hard to motivate yourself to go out or even do things, when your in pain you dont want to and when your not your scared to bring it on. Find a way of getting yourself out and about it may help with the mood swings. I know its hard Mellman I hope your feeling better soon take care
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Hi, I only have OA in both me knees but it is in an advanced state, I was diagnosed after having double keyhole surgery on April 7 2008, although I am in a lot of discomfort most of the time I also get a lot of flare ups, I find I have become almost house bound by them, I stay in by default as I don’t know if walking the dog or going shopping will set them off. It’s odd but I find they tend to creep up on me so generally I don’t recognise I have a problem and by then it’s too late. normally the first signs I find are my though processes i.e. reasoning concentration start to fail the bad knee pain tends to comes later, I also have mood swings and my temper gets short, once they really hit it’s like my minds been scrambled and I don’t know what to do with myself, once they have passed I takes several day’s to get over them, as I feel really washed out, does anyone else feel the same way with them or is it just me overreacting?. :?:
    Thanks so much guys for all the in depth replies very much appreiciated :P