Physio blues

greyheron Member Posts: 167
edited 23. Jan 2009, 04:39 in Living with Arthritis archive
I had a TKR nearly 3 months ago and as regular readers of the forum will know, I tend to get impatient and 'down' when I think I'm not recovering quickly enough.

I started weekly physio sessions at the beginning of January. (I had good post-op physio in the hospital and was discharged to continue my exercises at home until I'd seen the consultant for follow-up.)

I have a very nice physio, the first session was mainly assessment, the second session we did various exercises and she tried a TENS machine on an area of my knee where I was having pain on bending, and at the last session she added in some more exercises and I went on the static bike.

After the last two sessions my knee was quite painful for about a day but what I am more concerned about it how depressed and tearful I feel the day of and the day after my physio.

Has anyone else felt like this? Or can anyone explain it? At the moment I'm just 'going with the flow' but it is quite upsetting. Is it just part of the mental recovery process, normal 'ups and downs'?

Would be very grateful for any comments and apologies for another moan ...



  • katymac
    katymac Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Wendy,

    I'm sorry the physio has such a horrible effect on you. I haven't had any surgery, but twice, a few years apart, I have been referred for physio and both times it has caused more physical problems than it has cured, so I tend to shy away from it now.

    I'm sure you will get some informative replies soon.

  • michelle22
    michelle22 Member Posts: 93
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I don't know if all hospitals are the same but the one I attend has a Rhummy phyiso and she has been great has given me no exercises only help with pain relief she is the best thing since sliced bread and I can see her at anytime all phisio should have a small amount of pain but not a great amount
  • jools22
    jools22 Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi People !!! regarding physio, I also had a physio few times after my arthroscopy, which did not help much, neither did the physio advice to excercise more ( walk and climb stairs ???) I jsut seen my GP today and I could articulate my complaints without crying. is now a year since my op and it never felt right. ( If I have arthritis I should move more, but if I have an injury I should rest isin't it?) what to do? I've following the Physio advice and now I cannot move at all ( still do nevertheless as you know ) I presented my questions well and logically, result: I have a referral to see an Orthopaedic Consultant and an MRI (at last !!!) :D
    Physio is ok in the rigth situation, but not allways ( I believe :( so, my advice is follow your heart ( or your pain ) and talk to your Doc he/she will be able to help
    good luck
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks everyone for your helpful and supportive replies.

    I've got two more physio appointments booked before I see the consultant for a final check-up so I'll see how it goes ...

    Thanks again
