A bit of a moan

mmarshall Member Posts: 69
edited 23. Jan 2009, 15:06 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone, just a bit fed up just now.
I have not being feeling great for nealry a month now. My MTX was not working on its own so I have been give suphasalazine to take along with the MTX.
I have been taking them for 4 weeks and have been having a lot of headaches. I also have had a cold and cough for a few weeks which I don't seem to be able to shift.
So I have been feeling miserable with the cold and pain in my joints.
I am still managing to go to work but I not able to do anything else and even at work I am like a zombie, tierd all the time and very down, fed up with it all.
I had another hospital appointment yesterday and the doc said that it was up to myself to either cut down the suphasalazine for a while to see if the headaches go away. I am on 4 sulpha a day or try and continue with taking the 4.
I am going to try and continue with the 4 a day as she also said that the side effect should go away.
She also told me once the Sulpha does kick in I should start to feel better but it can take up to 3 months for that to happen.
Have any of you had bad headaches while taking these pills and how long did they last.
Also she mentioned again about high calcium levels in my blood and said the it could be due to having something called Hyperthyroidism and that as she is not a expert on this field then she will make an appointment for me to see someone else. She said that this condition is common while people with auto-immune diseases, does any of you have this.
Also she had made an appointment for me to get a bone density scan.
As you can imagine my head was buzzing by the time I left the hospital.
Sorry for the moan but I know that you will all understand how I feel.


  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mary,
    Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish-so do I if that helps :wink: It does all get on top of you sometimes, doesn't it? Did the dr take blood to test for hyperthyroidism? I thought that would be the first thing she would do if she suspected this. I've not got thyroid problems but I have had it checked out several times. I'm sure others who have this will get in touch with you. Sorry I can't really help you with this but I just wanted to say hello and I do understand how you're feeling.
    Take care,
    Magenta x
  • mmarshall
    mmarshall Member Posts: 69
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Magenta

    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes the doc has done the blood tests and they are showing Hyperthyroidism.

  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mary,
    Sorry :oops:
    Bit confused with the over or under active thyroid thing, can never remember which is which :?
    Hope things work out for you soon and you start feeling better :)
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hyper is over active hypo is under active. My husband is diabetic and his b/test has just shown hypothyriodism, so he has another pill to take in the morning :? Don't know anything about it though, sorry. Sue
  • mmarshall
    mmarshall Member Posts: 69
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone
    Thank you all for your replies.
    I have got another headache just now and feel out of sorts.
    On the bright side it is Friday and I have Monday off work so a nice long weekend.
    I am watching my grandson Dylan tonight he is 18 months old and he will be staying overnight so that will be fun, luckily hubby is not working tomorrow as I don't know if I could cope on my own.
    Dylan should cheer me up as he alway does.
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mary, so sorry your feeling down and i know what its like on both these drugs, Some people suffer very few side effects cand others suffer bad with them. Its a bit of a catch 22 you want to feel better and you take the drugs because you dont want to have the arthritis.
    You take the drugs feel sick and still have the arthritis LOl. it all takes time for the Rheumy to find drugs that suit you and with 12 14 and 16 week reviews you can find a couple of years pass by whilst they are trying to find the best drugs for you. Whenever i try a new one that doesent work i'm sure my Rheumy is as dissapointed as me. I know its awfull getting on with things whilst you feel the way you do and it does get hard to cope with especialy when you cant see any light at the end of the tunnel, and buy the way well done going to work feeling the way you do. I think the illness and the drugs can make you depressed and i bet you wont find one person on the site who has not felt the same way i get so pi--d of with it all at times but you do get through it and it will be ok. So keep your chin up put a smile on your face and it will all work out in the end. hope you get sorted and start feeling better soon take care.