Manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA)

greyheron Member Posts: 167
edited 25. Jan 2009, 18:37 in Living with Arthritis archive
I had a TKR nearly 3 months ago and am struggling to get back a full bend in my knee. It's got to 90 deg, the physio says I should aim at 120 deg, I'm doing the prescribed exercises but improvement is VERY slow.

I've read on sone websites about 'manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA) if the knee is overly stiff / won't bend enough.

Has anyone had this? How bad / good does the knee have to be before this is considered? Should I mention it to the consultant when I see him in a couple of weeks time? It's not that I fancy another op, but it would be good to get a better bend ...

Or am I just being impatient (as usual!)?



  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Wendy :D

    You are getting yourself in a little pickle about your knee bend aren't you? :lol::lol:

    Yes, AIM at obtaining a 120 degree bend, but if , in the end, you cannot get to that, without pain and discomfort, then 90 degrees is fine too.

    If I were you, I would mention all your fears/concerns to your consultant at your forthcoming appointment and see how he replies. You can always drop MUA into the conversation, depending on what he says to you, which at the moment, is an unknown!

    I know what you mean about getting impatient, though!

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    elnafinn wrote:
    Hello Wendy :D

    You are getting yourself in a little pickle about your knee bend aren't you? :lol::lol:

    Yes, AIM at obtaining a 120 degree bend, but if , in the end, you cannot get to that, without pain and discomfort, then 90 degrees is fine too.

    If I were you, I would mention all your fears/concerns to your consultant at your forthcoming appointment and see how he replies. You can always drop MUA into the conversation, depending on what he says to you, which at the moment, is an unknown!

    I know what you mean about getting impatient, though!

    Elna x

    Thanks Elna, as always helping me keep my feet on the ground (even if my knee isn't as bent as I would like it to be!).

    One problem is that although my surgeon is a top man for knees and I have every faith in him, he's not one for lengthy conversations - but I guess I just need to be a bit more assertive with whatever I want to check out with him, after all it's still my knee !

    Take care

  • luckybug
    luckybug Member Posts: 205
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm having knee probs too, my leg had began going outwards and I couldn't walk far without my foot killing me, last year I went in for an arthroscopy, but woke up during the procedure due to the silly anaethatist not listening to me or the doctors, I was supposed to have an epidural as I have problems opening my mouth so I can't be knocked out easy, anyway she decided she could knock me out no problem, and so I woke up just as they began, so I never had the surgery, but the doc did manipulate my leg and when I woke up I was in excruciating pain, after an hour it passed and then a few days later I noticed I could walk without pain a lot further as my foot is not as sore, and my knee is moving a fraction more and is straighter, I still haven't got 90 degrees, so if I fall I can't kneel to get back up like I used to, so I'm hoping he may do something more when I see him in April. He told me it was difficult to manouvre my knee as he could break my leg, as my bones are soft, but whatever he did last time actually worked.