
jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
edited 23. Jan 2009, 19:35 in Living with Arthritis archive
Since this arthur thing has come about I've read loads of stuff on here and the web, now really I'm wondering which is the best option? Is it beneficial to know as much as possible about arthritis in all its forms? I know I scared myself with some of the stuff I read, so I don't go too deeply now into reading about some of the 'symptons' as I only imagine I've started to get them along with everything else :(

Also, for so many of you it seems you get diagnosed with one form and then months or even years later get told you have another form of it! And I'm thinking - well when I have a definite diagnosis I'll know how to deal with it........ but what if it takes months, years even? And all the tests you have - isn't there a blood test that proves 100% the problem is rheumatoid arthritis?

And then I find the medication itself sounds really scary! (And I hate taking pills of any sort!)

oo'er, just decided to go get a whisky! Hope that doesn't become a no-no.................... :shock:


  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh thats a great reply Scottishlass :) Thank you! I hope your outlook is the one I will adopt too in dealing with this.

    hmmmm, hope I don't have to go on the one with no whisky allowed :wink:
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Itl only be a No No if you get started on methotrexate :roll: ,although im having a wee Baileys myself tonight.
    i know what you mean though....on one hand
    ;Knowledge is power,..but on the other hand,
    ;a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
    I often joke that as im a staff nurse i know enough to frighten myself,but not enough to reassure myself,initialy i spent hours trawling the Net for info,but unfortunately every worst case scenario is recorded at some point on google etc,so now i restrict myself to well known and respected organisation such as on here: Arthritis care,or NRAS,or info i pick up at the rheumatology clinic etc.
    .I read the necessary warnings and side effects on medication,but no more than is necessary,EG i need to know if i develope breathing difficulties,or yellowing of my eyes/skin whilst on methotrexate i should seek medical advice,i know if i show signs of unusual bleeding,or sudden acute abdo pain whilst on anti-inflamms i should seek medical advice,but i dont look for info where 1 person out of every million grows an extra ear or developes something fatal or rare...I know im being flippant,but thats kinda my coping mechanism,il deal with what i need to know,and ignore what i dont. Theres a lot of frightening stuff around just now about the Anti-tnfs,because of my work i need to know of the risk of coming into contact with TB,the risk with shingles and chickenpox etc,but since im hoping these drugs are gonna be the lifeline im hoping for,there are a lot of rarer possible side effects that i dont want to know about,i dont want a 1 in a 2 million chance of developing a complications to mar my decision and put me off what might be life changing drugs.
    cos,whilst Knowledge is power....Ignorance is bliss :wink:

    Knowledge truly is a great thing, and it is good to know about your ill ness. When i got the book on enbrel it made me think long and hard i think that drug is so expensive because of that book its a nice piece of kit and bound so well. I dont think even when you ask that hospital staff tell you the truth about mxt because they dont want to scare you. The other problem is you way up the pros and cons, is the illness worse or the side effects. The reason i chose to take the methotrexate and the embrel was simple i was in that much pain and nothing else workrd on me. All my life i have had a fobia of hospitals and being sick or becoming ill, This illness leaves you with no choice but to try the medications. It is the most demoralising debilitating illness i know of. i have asked the Rheumy to controle my pain so that i can return to work and pay my way through life or at least pay the mortgage. No deal they wont do it unless you agree to have help with the illness. In the rheumys words if i cant treat your illness there is no point in seeing you. it seems where all in a catch 22 that never ends. I dont care about the arthritis i've got it and nothing i can do to change that but pain controle is a bit of a bummer. take care and mind me i'm just a moaner.