OA and weight

woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
edited 17. Feb 2009, 09:21 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi, Just a thought. I wonder how many people are over-weight because of their arthritis - instead of having arthritis because they are over weight? Just a thougt. Sue


  • kazpaz
    kazpaz Bots Posts: 103
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

  • lindah
    lindah Member Posts: 445
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wondering the same thing yesterday as I think the extra 8lbs I've put on lately is down to not being able to walk as far as I used to.
    Regular fell walker now hurting doing short distances.
    I also have fat feet now,alll the weight is on my middle and my feet.

    Just realised as I sit at the computer one hand just dips into a sweetie jar all by itself.Could I blame this on Arthur too,?
    no didn;t think so.
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :) Never been overweight but have oa in knees, shoulder, hands, neck, back. :(

    Elna :)
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am very overweight, was always very slim until the last 4-5 years
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi woodbon I think I have a bit of both on account of arthuritis I put on weight once was 20st when not so mobile and unable to exercise and in flare and pain and by comfort eating and GP says that puts pressure on joints and I have also lost weight was 14 6 with arthuritis I think it depends on what I do and how bored I get and how unwisely I eat in other words you I cant win me thinks I now weigh 15
  • jaspercat
    jaspercat Member Posts: 1,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Woodbon, I will admit to being overweight when the OA in my left knee started, but now I can't exercise, I have, however, lost 6 stone recently, it hasn't helped my knee though love Jaspercatxx
  • gennyf47
    gennyf47 Member Posts: 30
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    jaspercat wrote:
    Hi Woodbon, I will admit to being overweight when the OA in my left knee started, but now I can't exercise, I have, however, lost 6 stone recently, it hasn't helped my knee though love Jaspercatxx

    I'm slightly baffled now, I'm trying to lose weight as advised by GP, to lessen the effect of the OA/RA - does it help or not??
    Am I going through this major effort of diet and moving my carcass around more just to find out my OA etc will still be painful?
    I do feel I have to lose it anyway, just so I can show my GP I am capable.
    Lost 2 lbs this week, hooray!
  • linmad
    linmad Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    woodbon wrote:
    Hi, Just a thought. I wonder how many people are over-weight because of their arthritis - instead of having arthritis because they are over weight? Just a thougt. Sue

    hi sue,
    had to log on to answer
    me :(:(:(
    since stopping work and having to rely on car for everyday use , when i always walked everywhere i have put on quite a few pounds---but dr did tell me once that if i was 20 stone rather than just under 12 i would probably be in a wheelchair !!
    its really hard to keep it down though when everything can be an effort that gets you puffing and panting, bad nights lead to sleeping in the afternoons trying to play catch -up :roll: :roll: :roll:
    take care linda
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue, I am overweight about a size 16, I had a baby 9 months ago. My OA is not being helped by my weight but was caused purely from trauma caused to my spine from Osteomyelitis in childhood.
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Regarding weight I can see the sense in both sides of ones weight and its connection with arthurititis before my THR they kept on about my weight and so I lost some and I had it done as weight puts an added pressure on the joints and the NHS have a thing about weight atm although I still suffer from arthuritis and its associated probs and not be overwieght but I have to say I hear more clicking groaning etc from my joints when more weighty I think it is all relative to our individual selves.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for all the replies. They all make sense, at home alone and a lot less active I have put on a few (well quite few) pounds. I was more or less an ideal weight just before I was signed of sick 18 months ago, but my job kept me on the go all the time with no time for breaks sometimes, let alone eating! Now, if I think I need a treat, I go to the buiscuits or whatever. Also I walked a lot as a hobby, but now I can't walk to far, as the pain, in my leg but coming from my back gets worse and worse. I am never sure when to stop trying, my GP says I do too much, I am not very over-weight YET but I can see it starting. Maybe the NHS should provide more help with gym fees and special exercise/diet programmes, but in a less judgmental way. I hope this makes sense :!: Just going to get a biscuit :shock: :) Sue
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Missed this thread before but it's very relevant to me.

    My left knee's been dodgy since I had a fall in my teens, I'm now 64 and have struggled with my weight all my life, am probably about 4 stone overweight now and a size 22. I'm sure it hasn't helped my knee to be asking it to carry so much extra weight, but at the same time exercise has been difficult (though I must admit I'm not naturally a sporty person!).

    I'm now trying to lose weight again as I had a TKR in November and want to give it the best chance.

    I've only succeeded in losing significant amounts of weight twice.

    Once was in the 70s when I first worked in London, a doctor in Harley Street gave you amphetamine injections through your tights and more amphetamines in pill format to take away - I went down to a size 10-12 but not a good way to do it - I think he was struck off eventually.

    The other time was a few years ago when the GI diet was first publicised, that worked OK for me so I'm going to try it again.

    Another thing that helped was joining a local gym run by Boots, it was really good with lots of older and overweight members, the staff were great and really knowledgeable about people with medical / joint problems - but then Boots closed it down because it 'didn't fit with their market positioning'. Words fail me ... I've looked at other gyms but they're all full of 20 year old size 8s who look down their noses at older / bigger people - and that includes the staff.

    Good luck to all of us in our struggles!

  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    It would seem from the majority of posts in this thread that some have problems with Exercise or the thought of Exercise. Shouldn't your thoughts be directed at Exercising instead? Yes! There is a difference.
    In your minds eye you see Exercise as painful and time consuming, having to dress up in some leotards, run and lift heavy weights to music. Not so! Exercising can be as easy as walking on the spot in front of the sink whilst washing the dishes, walking up a few flight of stairs daily in your own home is Exercising.
    True, you won't burn off a huge amount of calories and lose tons weight, but it will tone the muscles an aid in improving balance. Combining a diet plan along with exercising will do that. Something as easy as portion control will help, using a smaller plate will fool your eye and brain into accepting that you are having a large meal.
    There are a couple of downloadable booklets on this website that will guide you. It's working for me.
    Good luck

    Thanks for a very positive and helpful post. Will follow your advice!

  • jennywren
    jennywren Bots Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have struggled with my weight for many years and I have tried lots of remedies and I need a maguc pill and I am on a new diet the don't eat anything
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    greyheron wrote:
    rehab44 wrote:
    It would seem from the majority of posts in this thread that some have problems with Exercise or the thought of Exercise. Shouldn't your thoughts be directed at Exercising instead? Yes! There is a difference.
    In your minds eye you see Exercise as painful and time consuming, having to dress up in some leotards, run and lift heavy weights to music. Not so! Exercising can be as easy as walking on the spot in front of the sink whilst washing the dishes, walking up a few flight of stairs daily in your own home is Exercising.
    True, you won't burn off a huge amount of calories and lose tons weight, but it will tone the muscles an aid in improving balance. Combining a diet plan along with exercising will do that. Something as easy as portion control will help, using a smaller plate will fool your eye and brain into accepting that you are having a large meal.
    There are a couple of downloadable booklets on this website that will guide you. It's working for me.
    Good luck

    Thanks for a very positive and helpful post. Will follow your advice!

    Don't dash ahead Wendy.. you haven't seen my bill yet. n060.gif

    Great image !

  • annalisa
    annalisa Member Posts: 21
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i think you do put on weight with osteo i was always 9 and a half stone even after 5 kids once i started having trouble with my hips started putting on weight i was 10 stone when i had my first hip done then went up to 11 when i had the other one done went up to 12 when i had my knee done waiting to have the other one done am now 13 a combination of less excersise and comfort eating annalisa x
  • ktl297
    ktl297 Member Posts: 50
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Is it a chicken and egg thing? I think it is for me... I got control of my weight several years ago after being a comfort eater all my life. I did it by exercise and activity mainly - power walking, DIY, going dancing etc. Since the PA struck I can't do DIY any more or go dancing. Pain in my back and feet stopped the power walking and I began to put on weight. I still go for short walks and keep as active as possible but it's not easy. I know the weight puts more pressure on my joints and so the vicious cycle begins. I've been advised to try pilates but all the classes at local authority centres are during the daytime (when I'm at work) and the only other option is to join a gym but that isn't an option financially... I've bought a book and DVD thingie but it's more difficult than I thought. My new idea is to try to get work to agree to allowing me to do my full time hours over 4 days and have Wednesdays off. Then I could do a class and have some recovery time - if I cna motivate myself! KT
  • annic4363
    annic4363 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    woodbon wrote:
    Hi, Just a thought. I wonder how many people are over-weight because of their arthritis - instead of having arthritis because they are over weight? Just a thougt. Sue

    Me too but again I put it down to steroids - not helped by the fact that I have been advised not to exercise until recently because of serious fatigue. I am now back in the pool but for someone who used to swim 40 lengths a day to struggle to swim 12 3 times a week this is pretty depressing!

    Anyway I have a wedding to go to in May and have a gorgeous suit I bought for another wedding a couple of years ago. I CAN"T GET INTO IT! So that is my current goal - but maybe I will buy another one just in case!

  • luckybug
    luckybug Member Posts: 205
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I have always battled a bit with weight, but never as much since I had steroid infusions, I blew up like a michelen man, and just never seem to have got it off, due to me not being mobile enough, love seeing Drs, and they say "LOSE WEIGHT" I feel like screaming HOW! as all they do is top me up with other drugs.
  • honeykins59
    honeykins59 Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    in reply to weight gain i have deffo since i was diagnosed with arthur i think alot has been since i went on the methotrexate and the steroids injections that i get when i have a flare up and when i go to the clinic i feel very :oops: when they weigh you and make a point of saying you have put on again what am i supposed to do i am now on theseslimming pills from the gp the only thing is i have to watch my fat content if not boy!!!! do i pay but so far i have lost 1 stone so if the docs keep giving me them then i will keep taking them also i have just joinned curves i dont know if anybody has heard of them i have only been 2 so far and feel all right it is not the gym or weight it is cardio and strenthening exercises and you only do it for half an hour the other problem guys arent invitied 8) it is a womans only and i have met quite a few people who have the same condition and have been their longer and found it has actually helped their weight and the arthur so i will keep going if arthur allows me to