More problems in bed

petmad Member Posts: 252
edited 20. Feb 2009, 11:13 in Living with Arthritis archive
OK when I read that back it looks bad :oops: but it is only due to my OA :lol:
I sleep in hand splints, now my knees are playing up and need hot pads, so have added them to the routine, now that raises another problem! I have already stopped using a quilt as I feel them too heavy and use only 2 light fleeces. Now I can't lay on my back to put heat on knees as both ankles immediately drop forward causing the most awful pain.
What can I do now?
I live on my own so getting everything set up for sleep already calls for a certain amount of problem solving. Linda


  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Linda

    I did wonder what this was going to be, bet it gets peoples attention :):)

    Have you thought of trying an underblanket for the heat, not sure if it would work but might be worth a try. There are some wedges that might work on your foot problems.

    Love Vonski
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    is a pillow under your knees any help with making laying on your back any more comfortable?

    I recently got a memory foam cushion which looks like a giant lumbar roll (the one like a log cut in half lengthways, if that makes sense) & that would be really soft and warm under your knees. Netto were selling them off for a fiver, but not sure if they will have any in now as that was a few weeks ago.

    will keep thinking and get back to you if i think of anything more.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Petmad
    I too have a memory foam pillow with a dent in it. Makes my neck worse, but is great for under knees and heels if they need supprt.
    Hope your bedtime problem gets sorted!!!
    Toni x
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    SEE I knew you would have some ideas :roll: I never thought of a pillow, I will try that tonight. If the pillow does not work I have those little beanie rolls for car travel I will try them. Thanks all. Linda
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    petmad wrote:
    OK when I read that back it looks bad :oops: but it is only due to my OA :lol:
    I sleep in hand splints, now my knees are playing up and need hot pads, so have added them to the routine, now that raises another problem! I have already stopped using a quilt as I feel them too heavy and use only 2 light fleeces. Now I can't lay on my back to put heat on knees as both ankles immediately drop forward causing the most awful pain.
    What can I do now?
    I live on my own so getting everything set up for sleep already calls for a certain amount of problem solving. Linda

    Hi linda Oh yes bed problems I find it hard to cope with the pain when in bed thats why you offten find me here in the middle of the night. I have the hand splints and although i have tried many times they now live in the wardrobe on the top shelf out of sight. Its hard enough to pull up the blankets up without them. I to sleep under one blanket for the same reason.
    Have you tried Amitriptyline. if not talk to the doctor i dont take them on a regular basis but they do help.
    I dont tuck the bottom of the blanket in its hurts my feet more if i do.
    If you bath or shower prior to bed use the hairdryer on your joints i find it hard to use the towel at times and use the hairdryer all the time. but you can get a little reliefe from using it prior to bed. I have a high footboard on the bed and offten press my feet flat agains it so that they dont move if im dropping off to sleep. And dont forget the socks. I cut mine down the sides or use the shoe horn to get them on and off. Its trial and error i'm afraid but do the hairdryer and let me know how it goes. Take care and hope your feeling better soon
  • xxloulou
    xxloulou Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    petmad wrote:
    OK when I read that back it looks bad :oops: but it is only due to my OA :lol:
    I sleep in hand splints, now my knees are playing up and need hot pads, so have added them to the routine, now that raises another problem! I have already stopped using a quilt as I feel them too heavy and use only 2 light fleeces. Now I can't lay on my back to put heat on knees as both ankles immediately drop forward causing the most awful pain.
    What can I do now?
    I live on my own so getting everything set up for sleep already calls for a certain amount of problem solving. Linda

    I live on my own too and use a small electric heat pad for legs. I found duvets heavy too and solved that problem by putting a large-ish stuffed toy under the duvet to raise it up a bit, but not as high as a cradle (too draughty!).
  • luckybug
    luckybug Member Posts: 205
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    AAWWW I thought this was gonna be a raunchy post..... mind you i am reading it at 1 in the morning and have had a few stellas:D
    I would agree with most of the answers, good luck.
  • pudsybear1
    pudsybear1 Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    petmad wrote:
    OK when I read that back it looks bad :oops: but it is only due to my OA :lol:
    I sleep in hand splints, now my knees are playing up and need hot pads, so have added them to the routine, now that raises another problem! I have already stopped using a quilt as I feel them too heavy and use only 2 light fleeces. Now I can't lay on my back to put heat on knees as both ankles immediately drop forward causing the most awful pain.
    What can I do now?
    I live on my own so getting everything set up for sleep already calls for a certain amount of problem solving. Linda
    Hi Petmad I just thought I'd add one or two things that might help. I can't bear an ordinary quilt because of the weight then I found that a down filled duvet is much lighter you hardly feel it. unfortunately they are expensive but worth every penny. I got mine from QVC shopping channel on tv so its delivered to your door and sometimes they let you make the payments in a set amount of instalments, say two, three or four, depending on their offer. the company that makes them is called 'Northern Nights' and I recommend them for quality and cleanliness (ie cleaning of the down or feathers etc). Although the duver is very light (lighter than a normal summer duvet, I find it lovely and warm in winter and cool in summber. Qvc also have a website. or, just make sure you dont get the american site (same company) - you'll know cos its in dollars.
    Also you can get quite cheaply from companies like Betterware or Kleeneze, equipment that holds the bedclothes away from your limbs. They dont have to be high to create a draught. I also use a pillow under my legs like someone already suggested, and it makes a big difference.
    Hope these thoughts help a bit.
    Pudsybear :)
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all for your answers, I take amitriptyline, I cannot use a feather quilt I am allergic to them.
    I had not thought about using a toy to hold the covers up.
    Am sleeping much better these days and hope this continues. Linda
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Linda,
    I have found amatriptylne helps a lot too. I couldn't get comfortable, kept putting a soft pillow under my knees, tried under my thighs/hips - nothing worked, then the doc prescriped amatriptylne and its usually fine :) . My husband objected to a toy boy :oops: , sorry toy to cuddle, said it would'nt leave room for the cat to be comfortable :!: :oops: :)