Worried :( Please help!!!

naomic Member Posts: 6
edited 4. Feb 2009, 19:51 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone,
I am really worried and was hoping some of you lovely people might be able to help me. I have RA and this morning at my rheumy apt was given a steriod injection into my bum (80mg) I have had steriod tablets before (5-7.5mg) and local injections, but not this kind of injection. I should have asked more questions before I had it done, but now I am worried. I feel as if although only slow-releasing this is a bigger dose of steriods than I have had before! Does anyone who has had one of these had many side-effects? I feel like I am just waiting for them now (didn't get them on tablets) and have a horrible panicky feeling because it was an injection meaning I can't stop the drugs now if I want to!! Your experiences of these injections would be interesting, thankyou.
Thanks for your help, Naomi xxx


  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I dont't have RA, I have oa and carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists. I have twice had injections of steriod for this, at my local hospital and suffered no side effects afterwards. At our district hospital, they have an injections clinic and a Senior Registrar gives the injections. I have also had, about 3 years ago, an injection of steriod into my hip joint for bursitus and it worked. I am not a medic and I don't know if what I had is the same drug, but I think their are 2 main drugs that our hospital uses and I have had both of them :!: I'm sure you'll be fine and feel better for the medication, but if you are worried, which is understandable, ring your GP or tbe rheummy who gave you the injection. They will put your mind at rest. I know its worrying when taking new medication and if you look them up you'll see loads of side effects, but its worth mentioning that most side effects are rare. Hope this is helpful. Love Sue. xxx : :)
  • sharonjax
    sharonjax Member Posts: 19
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello and welcome to the forum. I've had these injections twice and have only good things to say about them apart from the effects don't last long enough. The only side effects i had was the injection site hurt a bit for a while and was totally wiped out (knackered) for the rest of the day.

    I know a lot of people on here swear by them and there are a few posts further back on the subject. Try not to worry or over-analyse your symptoms, easier said than done I know! There are plenty of people here to reassure and advise you on any concerns you may have.

    Take care,
    Sharon x
  • sarahbenn
    sarahbenn Member Posts: 39
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi there was the injection called a depo-medrol?? if so ive had 2 of these injections for my RA within the last year and on both occasions felt much much better afterwards the first one i had lasted about 2 months before it wore off and in those 2 months i felt practically back to normal, the 2nd one i had was just before christmas last year and helped me a great deal through the festive season, the nurses told me you can only have them every 4 months minimum and i never had any side effects whatsoever from having them. hope this helps and dont worry if its the same injection you will definatley start to feel much better. :D
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Naomi
    I had one too and it was fine.
    I don't think you'll have any problems, allergic reactions would have happened by now.
    You won't grow a beard or anything terrible - hopefull you'll start to feel GOOD!!!
    All the best
    Toni x
  • rosiecat
    rosiecat Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi naomi
    I had one of these as well when I was first diagnosed and suffered no ill effects, although I didn't get any relief from it either! hope you feel better soon
  • naomic
    naomic Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thankyou so much for all your helpful comments!!!
    You are all great :)

    I feel much better now. I am really bad about worrying about the side-effects of drugs - going to try and be more positive.
    I have had RA for 10 years (since I was 20) so you would think I would be used to it all now - but I still hate it when they want me to try something different.
    Naomi xx
  • joseyanna
    joseyanna Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I have had 2 of these depo injections. The first one I had took 5 days to work and lasted 3 1/2 weeks. It was great as my neck and shoulders were agony before I had it and it just about gave me total relief. On occasions I got some pain which went after a while. I begged my doctor to give me another injection as there was still quite a few weeks to wait until I went to see the rumy doctor and I needed relief for Christmas. He gave me another one which took 3 1/2 days to work, (not till the day after Christmas) and this lasted about 3 1/2 weeks again. I told the doctor that I sometimes felt pain still although it was great otherwise. He told me that the injection was slowly released into your body and wasn't a measured amount so when I felt it, it probably wasn't releasing as much. Also he said that you should not have too many injections as it can thin your bones and make you put on weight. I hope this helps and your injection works. Take care Jo
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi,ive had about 3 of these injections,had no side affects i did feel great for a couple of weeks,wished it lasted longer.but it did help my flare up at the time.