Anyone seen a missing 'cope mechenisum'?

skezier Member Posts: 11,333
edited 13. Feb 2009, 14:28 in Living with Arthritis archive
You know it may be the weather, it may be the mud and going through so many clothes because of the driving rain, it may even be the fact I slipped on the snow and landed on my side with a bale of hay on top of me (mind that was almost a week ago so probably don't count!) but today I am on a real downer.
I spoke to the help line forum, boy are they good, and I do seem to have lost me 'cope mechanisum'. I have several ways of dealing with it but none of them seem to be working! So I just wondered how do you cope? It's not just pain it's the endless tiredness. I got everything in at the mo, they'd probably drown outside! I was carrying a bale today, no more than 90' and as I chucked it over the door I almost feel asleep............ Can't do that when I go to bed though, the cramp, spasams and twitching to say nothing of the grinding endless pain goes into over-drive then. So I just wondered how do others manage with the tiredness, oh and if anyone should appen to see a 'cope mechenisum' wondering about looking lost please could you tell it to come home? Take care.


  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    skezier wrote:
    You know it may be the weather, it may be the mud and going through so many clothes because of the driving rain, it may even be the fact I slipped on the snow and landed on my side with a bale of hay on top of me (mind that was almost a week ago so probably don't count!) but today I am on a real downer.
    I spoke to the help line forum, boy are they good, and I do seem to have lost me 'cope mechanisum'. I have several ways of dealing with it but none of them seem to be working! So I just wondered how do you cope? It's not just pain it's the endless tiredness. I got everything in at the mo, they'd probably drown outside! I was carrying a bale today, no more than 90' and as I chucked it over the door I almost feel asleep............ Can't do that when I go to bed though, the cramp, spasams and twitching to say nothing of the grinding endless pain goes into over-drive then. So I just wondered how do others manage with the tiredness, oh and if anyone should appen to see a 'cope mechenisum' wondering about looking lost please could you tell it to come home? Take care.

    Hi Skeizer Throwing bales of hey round, sliding on the ice, playing in the mud, dancing in the rain and sliding accross the ice on your side on a bale of hey and you ask why your feeling the way you do. Now i'm no doctor but i can guess what the problem is, can't you get a few days off at at least a few days in the warm with a bit of rest. The endless pain is a bad one and dont talk to me about sleep phew!!! if only i could get a good nights kip, you can be as positive as you want but in the end that pain wears you out so much. I've just been out in the garden and had a look in my garage i even had a look up and down my street no sign of your cope around here. At a guess and if i was a cope i know what what i would do. I would be saying mud, rain, snow, ice and work i'm getting off here even if its just for a few days. Have you tried the airports and train stations. Skeizer try and give yourself a rest and get yourself in the warm for a while and i think your cope will come home. Take care and keep your chin up
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Skeizer
    Have looked over here too including my loft as I was getting cases down for my holiday on friday :wink:
    If it hasn't turned up by then I can check Colin's suggestion and look at the airport for you :wink:
    (maybe you have it really - you sound to me as though you are doing brilliantly with all you do)
    Take care
    Toni x
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Skeizer if you find your coping mechanism please send it my way as i could do with one as mine coping is zero atm
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Colin and Toni,
    I think your both are lovely for looking. You may both be rite as well on serious side. Toni don't worry about the airports, it's on the same wage as me and could never aford the ticket, however it might be a stow away so please check your bags! I managed to catch an old one I put out to grass and at present its doing its best but I don't half want my one back. (My bones have become a bit more ambitious, they are now complaining in my sternam and ribs and Colin you are so right about pain taking you down).
    I find abit of total insanity helps so...... I did talk to my 'employers' today, I don't have a holiday clause in my contract but they agreed that as soon as the moon turns and goes in the other direction they will give me a month off. There's something to look forward to! I'd like to go to Africa. Where are you off to Toni?
    I caught a glimps of my cope, I think it was in the hedge-row or that could have been a may queen...... I have put out a trap, baited it with my tablets and a nice warm bed...... 'ell if the cope doesn't go in it I might! I'm so tired I seem to be sleep walking and might end up any where, Toni you better check your bags for my hiding in it forget my cope!
    Some one wrote about life being a bitch, I guess I just need to get used to the new improved version of bone pay-back as well. I just don't know how to fight this tiredness............. Keep your eye out for my cope please. Take care
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Noeltone I'm sorry, it's horrible isn't it? If I do find mine I may be able to stop crying. Do you think its the pain or the tiredness? I saw you were down and I so wish I knew the cure, maybe we could find one? I hope my posting doesn't make you feel worse, you stay warm and try and be comfortable and if your lucky there will be a glimps of sun and you will start to be stronger. I'm trying that today and the sun has arrived for now. Take care and a cyber hug for you ((()))
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Skezier,

    I think the problem is that your Cope has gone off in search of his relation Hope, rumour has it that they've now found each other and just decided to have a short holiday on their own.....let's face it everyone needs a break, even our very best friends Cope and Hope :!:

    Don't worry they'll only be away for a very short time and once they've recuperated they'll be back and you'll probably not even realise they've been away at all :wink:

    How cheesy is that :roll: Hope you're feeling better very, very soon.

    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi skezier mine is the pain and the tiredness and the cold it is better in the warm and would be even better under a warm sun?
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Noeltone, I know that one. Is there anything else the dr can give you? I don't know about you but this winter seems so long. we had some sun today, I sat in it with my head against a stable door for a bit today and fell asleep! That seems to be how worn out I am. I don't know what the cure is bit if I did I'd give it you. I realy hope you feel better soon, once your colds gone it will help. If your like me they last untill the next re-infection! I never knew OA and poss RA could stuff your imune sytem so much! I have no resistance to anything but mine is aready having a problem with a 'donkey', which is an auto imune thing. I send you up some sun, and I really hope you find a good place in your head soon. Take care, Cris

    Legs I lost Hope so long ago................ One of my employers is called Hope, maybe she's knicked my Cope, I'll check her pockets while she's not looking! I liked that by the way and I hope they are enjoying them selves! I still want it back but thanks for the smile. :D Take vare, Cris
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Skezier & Noeltone ..........

    If cope and hope seem to be 'missing in action' at the moment at least their cousin 'humour' seems to be with you both.

    Failing any sun actually surfacing any time soon, have you got a good DVD that will make you smile and might bring a ray of sunshine into your home for even a short while? Just a thought.

    last night I got through the tough times by thinking of the comment on one of the other threads about how handy it would be for sheep shearers if Sheep came complete with zips! tickled me thinkiing of how that might work in practice!!! sad or what eh? but it was hard not to smile as I tossed and turned in bed.

    thinking of you both
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonkey,
    Hey thems my sheep and my biggest worry and fear are tied up in them! They are such wonderfully friendly, kind, honnest and tolarant animals! Course to them I'm mummy and the lady with the food! I do sit and chat with them while one gentle chews on my hair and we debate zips.............. I'm glad it made you laugh but I so wish they had some! I also yearn for self cleaning sheep sheds, self wheeling barrows and bags that could walk! Chuck in a few walking bales and a giant mud extracter and I'd be in heaven! Oh and for true bliss a self cleaning chicken house! What would you wish for? Cris
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Skeizer
    Am off to Cape Verde. Don't know where that is...sounds warm though!!!
    Will go and check bags forthwith. They are already packed so might have sneaked in :?: :wink: That's the sort of thing they do sometimes. Maybe yours has sneaked off with Noeltones? In fact they could be anywhere. The trap might well work - especially the warm bed bit. :wink: I beleive they can be lured back...
    I am leaving on friday back next friday and hope that by then yours is back.
    Take care
    Toni x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Toni,
    It sounds nice where ever it is. I kept tinking I knew it, I don't but there was a horse called it!
    You enjoy your self, watch out for the cope, it may be there as it tends to like warmth. I first trapped it on the moors and it didn't know what warmth was, oh how quickly they get spoilt........
    It's my emotinal cope thats awol. It use to just cut in when I got low enough I really need to get it back.
    My 'employers' help in some odd way but they can't replace that lovely blue ball with the manic eyes and very small arms, legs and tail.
    You have a lovely time, with a name like that it has to be good! Enjoy your self,
    Take care,
    Cris :)
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    skezier - be careful what you wish for !!!! ..........

    remember what happened to the Sorcerer's apprentice! :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I shall certainly know your 'cope' when I see it ...... now where did I put those binoculars ...........?

    perhaps you could encourage all the virtual camels from the chit chat thread to come over and help ............ and then again maybe not ..... they are more trouble than help and may teach your sheep some of their own bad ways :roll: :roll: Oh well, will keep my thinking head on.
  • bluesky05
    bluesky05 Member Posts: 39
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Did some1 mention camels? :lol:

    All I can say is probably useless :roll:

    Keep well though, have you still got snow up there?

    Sending you lots of love and cyber hugs, all of you. x :wink:
  • bluesky05
    bluesky05 Member Posts: 39
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni enjoy your your hol! :)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Skeizer
    Your cope sounds really pretty, if somewhat spoiled!!
    I will keep my eyes open for him.
    I'll be back next friday - and I hope by then he willbeb back - they generally come home when the weather picks up :wink:
    Now you all look after yourselves while i'm away and thanks Bluesky I WILL have a good time :)
    Speak to you all when I get back...
    Love Toni x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkey I want to thank you you actually made me laugh and for a moment I 'saw' wheel barrows, bales and mud extractors all doing things they shouldn't! I love the idea of you and little legs out with you binoculars, looking for my cope, please can you find it? Please, please, please!:)

    Blueskies I know nothing of camels but will race you on this sheep, she may be a bit will full but look how well I stays on...........
    ...........Opps...........ooooower..........bag........nee-narr, nee-narr.......

    Toni, you really enjoy your self and bring back the sun. Here's my cope's lasso, if you get it round that bit it will be pulled by the plane. Don't tell them though....
    I really hope it comes back soon, I have only once been lower than this and you know what's so stupid? I am worring my self ragged and bursting into tears over a stupid comment made by a gp down the phone and I don't understand why I can't just do my normal of 'you want a bet!'
    Thanks for just answering all of you. One of my biggest problems is I really am alone. Take care, Cris
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cris do you think a tiny bit of your cope mechanism is still working somewhere under all this despair because you can stil laugh and your sense of humour hasn't gone completely otherwise you wouldn't have been able to start this post let alone come back with your witty replies?

    When I first started with this cussed illness I spent alot of my time crying over the smallest of tasks........I can remember sobbing in bed many nights because I couldn't cope with changing my baby's nappy the next day :shock: I did change it, I had to because my hubby was at work, I cried whilst I was doing it but my point is I did do it even through my tears - and that was a small job like that I wasn't attempting to run a small holding single handedly like you :shock:

    Tears, I think, are part of the acceptance process our body has to go through :cry: and it can often be frustration rather than pain that makes us cry.

    Is there any chance you could get any help even if you approached someone who runs a volunteer scheme like Duke of Edinburgh, these people are volunteering because they want to help.

    Just my thoughts - hope this cloud lifts soon :)

    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Legs,
    That was helpfull, I will look into to the volenter thing. I don't know how much I have ever accepted the OA let alone the other bits and humour is as much a hide as a cope but much needed. I have more feelings under controll today as I got the date of the injections and hope came back a bit. May be my little blue friend is on his way back? Hey they may work!!!!!!
    I have an unhealthy view of this bone thing, I think of it as an invader....... It didn't ask either! I know some of my problems I bought, I did live in the fast lane a bit when I was younger, had a few injuries and may be I do need to accept my limitations? However I just fight it and it hurts me so I hurt it back! It's a stupid thing to do eh? I do know I got it I just wont own it and 20 years of all out war and me and it have now gone into the trenches and we have a stale mate! Just of late I feel it's won. I really am so tired! I missed my drip and maybe that was unwise eh?! I don't know how to fight the tiredness.
    See Legs my friend the humour is better though it goes a bit out of controll the lower I am.
    Physically I cope, it's not so hard since my 'employers' don't chace me, well depending on if I got their food, and I just about scrap by but I can't dig veg this year and I have to say I'm getting a bit broke, still spring is coming, you can even smell it in the air. With the injections I may be able to eh? Now if I could just find my emotinal cope..............
    I will look into the volenter thing, it's a very good idea and thank you, take care . :)