Can Anyone Help Me I Don't Know What Type Of Mattress I need

rshamill Member Posts: 6
Hi i'm new to the Forum,
I have Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis i was told i had osteoarthritis just before xmas so i now know i've been suffering from it for longer than that , can anyone Help me i'm in really bad pain and i know i'm sleeping on the wrong mattress this is the 6th mattress i've had but my GP or OT can't say what type of mattress i should have that i should try lying on them for about 15 mins before buying one :( last night was the worse night ever i was in sheer agony, i'm going to bed anywhere from 4 or 5 am because i know how painful it is going to be i'm ready to collaspe, i think i'm going nuts and also putting my family same way also i'm running out of money for nightmare mattresses all i want is someone to point me in the direction of the right mattress :cry:
Thank You for any Help


  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi, i also have o.a & brought i memory foam topper.its a cheaper idea to try than buying the whole mattress.i got mine from a catalogue £99.
    i found it has helped i.e on being comfortable enough to get to sleep,but turning over im in pain so no answer there. i also tried the memory foam pillows but felt like i was sleeping with my neck on a i tend to prop my neck up with pillows to take the weight off my shoulders. once im comfy i drift off to sleep.
    im now thinking about putting another memory foam on top of the other,as i cant afford full mattress.
    worth a try if uv tried all the other mattresses,& a bit cheaper if its not suitable. good luck.debsx
  • rshamill
    rshamill Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mash65 wrote:
    hi, i also have o.a & brought i memory foam topper.its a cheaper idea to try than buying the whole mattress.i got mine from a catalogue £99.
    i found it has helped i.e on being comfortable enough to get to sleep,but turning over im in pain so no answer there. i also tried the memory foam pillows but felt like i was sleeping with my neck on a i tend to prop my neck up with pillows to take the weight off my shoulders. once im comfy i drift off to sleep.
    im now thinking about putting another memory foam on top of the other,as i cant afford full mattress.
    worth a try if uv tried all the other mattresses,& a bit cheaper if its not suitable. good luck.debsx

    hi debs Thanks for replying to post, i bought the same from shopping channel it's not that thick maybe about 1 1/2 inches if it is that but i can still feel the buttons sticking into me i can even feel a crease in mattress protecter hurting me :shock: thats on top of the memory foam topper, i don't know if getting another topper would help me debs but if i can't get any tips on the best type of mattress for me i will go with your idea Thanks debs take care hope to talk to you again rose xx
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose
    Mattresses are something we get asked about often but they are so individual there is not one type of mattress that we could recommend. The memory foam mattresses and toppers don't suit everyone and it sounds as if something softer might suit you better. Before you buy a soft topper try sleeping on a duvet - put it between the mattress & the bottom sheet to keep it in place.
    I'm sure other forum users will reply with their own tips & ideas.
    Best wishes
  • rshamill
    rshamill Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose
    Mattresses are something we get asked about often but they are so individual there is not one type of mattress that we could recommend. The memory foam mattresses and toppers don't suit everyone and it sounds as if something softer might suit you better. Before you buy a soft topper try sleeping on a duvet - put it between the mattress & the bottom sheet to keep it in place.
    I'm sure other forum users will reply with their own tips & ideas.
    Best wishes

    Hi Val
    Thanks for your reply, I tried the duvet before i ever bought the memory foam topper the duvet didn't help but i thought the foam topper would be better i even bought a feather topper it was a total waste of money :( i thought the medical profession could have advised me on which kind to try out but no, i've had a memory foam mattress it was a different kind of foam on the bottom half then memory foam on top my hubby got a sore back from that mattress!and i was in so much pain i couldn't believe it, it was bought brand new from ebay so i couldn't return it it is in my daughter's house now, i'm really confused as when i went to the bed shops they were showing me to the more expensive beds i think they seen the desparation on my face i've got to the point where i'm afraid to go and buy another mattress incase it's the wrong one as well also it's caused so much argueing between me and the hubby i wouldn't mind if he was helping to pay for them
    :( i'll wait and see if anyone else can help me Thanks a lot Val xx
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose
    Sometimes changing the mattress is not the complete answer and it can be helpful to look at other ways of managing pain.
    Do you take painkillers at night? Have you been referred to a physiotherapist or to the pain clinic? These are things to talk to your GP about.
    There are distraction and relaxation techniques that people can learn as part of their pain management. Our booklet 'Coping with Pain' is a good place to start with this or perhaps think about going on our 'Challenging Pain' course (details on our website).
    If you want to chat to one of us, don't forget you can ring us on the freephone number.
    Best wishes
  • rshamill
    rshamill Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose
    Sometimes changing the mattress is not the complete answer and it can be helpful to look at other ways of managing pain.
    Do you take painkillers at night? Have you been referred to a physiotherapist or to the pain clinic? These are things to talk to your GP about.
    There are distraction and relaxation techniques that people can learn as part of their pain management. Our booklet 'Coping with Pain' is a good place to start with this or perhaps think about going on our 'Challenging Pain' course (details on our website).
    If you want to chat to one of us, don't forget you can ring us on the freephone number.
    Best wishes

    Hi Val
    yes physio sent me to Hdyro pool and i'm taking Tylex caps for pain other pain relief i can't take due to asthma and copd as for the pain clinic i went to that after i had gallbladder removed it was so painful i have learnt to manage the pain myself, but i know it would be a different kind of pain relief that i would get for oa, as for the bed as soon as i get into it i feel the discomfort/pain right of so to me i believe it is the wrong type of mattress it's even started to cause me pain in my ribs, i'm not looking for a brand name of a bed just one for ppl who suffer from oa, i've tried a very soft one , a firm one so i'm thinking a medium firm mattress but ppl in the shops say they would not reccommend an orthopedic mattress as it would cause me more pain being to firm so i'm left completely baffled as to which type i need :? i suffer from depression with added complications if you can understand what i'm saying val so don't really need to be in that place because of a mattress because the medical ppl can't/won't try and point me in some sort of direction to the right stupid mattress :x Thanks for your help val I really appreciate it take care xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose,

    I have a memory foam topper, which I love, but its and individual thing. Occupational therapy may help,but I know from work (Care Assistant) that they come up with some silly ideas! Their is a type of mattress cover called a triposs (not sure of the spelling) that can be bought from speclist disability shops, which is something like a sleeping bag but it has zips and things to provide positioning rolls. Not a good discription, sorry. We used them with very thin, frail people who felt discomfort easily. I'm not sure the NHS provide them, I worked for the Cheshire Homes then try typing the name into the internet they are their!! Ask OCC Therepist is a good idea. Sorry, not more helpful, Love Sue :)
  • rshamill
    rshamill Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    woodbon wrote:
    Hi Rose,

    I have a memory foam topper, which I love, but its and individual thing. Occupational therapy may help,but I know from work (Care Assistant) that they come up with some silly ideas! Their is a type of mattress cover called a triposs (not sure of the spelling) that can be bought from speclist disability shops, which is something like a sleeping bag but it has zips and things to provide positioning rolls. Not a good discription, sorry. We used them with very thin, frail people who felt discomfort easily. I'm not sure the NHS provide them, I worked for the Cheshire Homes then try typing the name into the internet they are their!! Ask OCC Therepist is a good idea. Sorry, not more helpful, Love Sue :)

    Hi Sue
    Thanks for replying to post, i will try and find out more about it again later, it brought up homes for sale in cheshire when i typed it in but Thanks sue for your help i will let you know if i find out anything about it take care sue xx
  • pudsybear1
    pudsybear1 Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    rshamill wrote:
    Hi i'm new to the Forum,
    I have Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis i was told i had osteoarthritis just before xmas so i now know i've been suffering from it for longer than that , can anyone Help me i'm in really bad pain and i know i'm sleeping on the wrong mattress this is the 6th mattress i've had but my GP or OT can't say what type of mattress i should have that i should try lying on them for about 15 mins before buying one :( last night was the worse night ever i was in sheer agony, i'm going to bed anywhere from 4 or 5 am because i know how painful it is going to be i'm ready to collaspe, i think i'm going nuts and also putting my family same way also i'm running out of money for nightmare mattresses all i want is someone to point me in the direction of the right mattress :cry:
    Thank You for any Help

    Hi Rshamill,
    I two have OA and found it difficult to find appropriate bed. I ended up at a disability shop (in the greater Manchester area) dont know where you live but there should be one near that sells beds. I got a bed with a memory foam 'type' mattress in that it was similar but not as expensive. Its an electric bed which raises the head and the lower part and I find that invaluable for getting comfortable. I could also buy it in instalments and they delivered it and set it up for me. I also use a featherbed topper that I bought off a tv shopping channel and that gives that extra bit of softness as the mattress itself is firm but moulds to your body. For me its the best solution after years of trying different mattresses. I think someone else mentioned about getting appropriate pain meds. I know Amitryptiline has been mentioned in other posts and it is good for helping you relax and getting to sleep. Hope this helps. Good luck Pudsbear1 x
  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rose

    I have a memory foam topped mattress, had it 5 month and not had a good nights sleep. Had a memory foam topper delivered today, 3 inch thick. I'll try it for a while and let you know if it makes a difference.

    Vonski x