confused emp report!!!!!

mash65 Bots Posts: 834
edited 24. Feb 2009, 06:49 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi,as some of u know iv been battling with dla for months tribunal was adjorned for emp report as they hadn't got enough information on my care needs.
my second claim i was awarded lrc,no mobility so im appealing this also..
my emp starts diagnosis o/a _ polyarthritis(i have o/a not poly this is inflammatory arthr) :shock:
i can self care on everything ticked all the boxes. ( i now receive lrc )
i have suffered with joint & muscle pain since july 08 ( this is wrong march 08)
didnt write down all my medication missed out cocodomol & ibuprofen.
i walked briskly to door( i was holding onto furniture & wall to steady myself)
mobility yes i do have restrictions outdoors( there we agree on 1 thing)speed of walking 50 metres,stop for pain 30 secs,
likely distance before onset of severe discomfort 200 metres.( told him i was in pain sitting,thats before i try to get up & walk)
no joint deformaty or swelling (he didnt examine me)& no muscle wasting ( have had physio for that& continuing exercises)
at the end of report he puts prognosis good,i would benefit from physio & retraining. a further assessment would be useful in 18months. :shock:
any thoughts any1? does this look like its going against my tribunal.
i dont understand why a further assessment is needed in 18 months if im not to be awarded anything.
sorry this is a bit long winded im a bit worried im gonna get ripped to shreads at the hearing cause of this report.


  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Debs

    This sounds awful for you, you don't need more stress. I think they throw everything at you to put you off trying again. Only suggestion I can come up with is talk to CAB or if you have a DIAL close to you try them. Get as much info as possible from your GP and consultant that will back you up when you try again. It's such a pain but just don't give in.

    Good luck with it and try not to let it get you down, I know that's hard.

    Vonski x
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm with Vonski on this talk to the CAB i think if anyone who is making a claim for anything like this you go to the CAB first they are a great help and in some cases can appoint a person to go to the tribunal with you.
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Debs,
    Sorry to hear about this. I think though, at your tribunal, once you start telling the correct information about diagnosis etc.. that the dr got wrong on report-this surely will highlight to the folk at the tribunal that 'something's' not right with report. I also agree with CAB advice. Hope it works out well for you,
    Magenta x
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi,thanks for all ur replies. the trouble with cab here is i cant get an appointment for 4-6 wks & its too late the appeal is in 2wks.
    im gonna try dial again tomorrow & see what they say,see if i can get an appointment with them for nx wk. it least then i'll know if iv got a chance with this appeal.
    thank again. debsx
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    If you cant get CAB or DiAL Welfare Rights advisor until such a date then can you ask for another appeal date if its not to long to wait cos you can tell them you want to be represented and then you will be ready and suported in your appeal try to find the strenght to keep going and the cheek telling you about physio anyway best of luck e]
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,105
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi debs
    This is awful!
    Chrisov is right you can get it put off if you can't get reperesentation until a later date. I agree too that they will see the errors as soon as you start to put them right. This then puts into question the validity of the whole report.
    You have all our backing and do let us know what happens
    Take care
    Toni x
  • helenf61
    helenf61 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mash65 wrote:
    hi,thanks for all ur replies. the trouble with cab here is i cant get an appointment for 4-6 wks & its too late the appeal is in 2wks.
    im gonna try dial again tomorrow & see what they say,see if i can get an appointment with them for nx wk. it least then i'll know if iv got a chance with this appeal.
    thank again. debsx
    Hi Deb,i have been suffering advanced oa for over 3yrs now,have some help from hospital etc,have just since October 2008 been giving wheel chair for when i need it to go out,i had been awarded lrc,since my circumstances have changed, i'm now appealing. I had same as you with appeal,through my gp i got in touch with cab who got in touch with welfare rights and the dla and they told dla there would be a delay due to appointments and getting me a welfare officer to represent me,so that went ok on the time of the appeal date. Now my welfare officer is superceeding,and it's now 1month over the dla decision,as my gp has delayed information to them,aaargh. Dont give up as i know what it is like, it's hard when you going through a battle with any illness,last thing you want is added stress,as i find it flares my oa up more,and its sad we have to fight to get what we feel is needed to help us with an illness affecting our lives everyday. Best of luck,hope you get things sorted out. helen