sleep problems

suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
edited 23. Feb 2009, 14:21 in Living with Arthritis archive
since going on sulfalzine i hardly sleep and if i do sleep its only for a few hours also i wake up hot any one else had this ? and have you any tips for getting a good nights sleep. i am going to see my rhoumatolagist for my year check and will mention all the problems i have had thankyou from joanne price


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,089
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi joanne
    I HATE not sleeping!!! It's the worst thing isn't it?!
    Do mentiojn it to the rheumy as he gave me amitriptyline which really helps.
    I have no solution to the overheating problem - I get it too. I do keep a wet flannel by the bed and cool my head, hands and feet with it. Worth a try :?:
    Good luck
    Toni x
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i am unable io sleep yet again 220 am i hope he gives me some of that this is riddiculas from joanne ooh for some sleep :|:|:|
  • noeltone
    noeltone Member Posts: 878
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi joanne re. not sleeping ive taken stuff to help sleep for years like amitryptiline but atm i am taking less and sometimes nothing and am a bit better my GP always says sleep on your back re. neck spine arthuritits better for not gettong so many optical headaches easier said then done I trust youve had bed, mattress pillows looked :?: :?:
  • bubbsie
    bubbsie Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joanne,

    I am also on sulpha and did have a period of not sleeping too good and do wake up with the sweats but only on my face :shock: , I found that the later I have my evening meal and take my meds the better I sleep so I tend to eat around 7-8 at night I know its not a good time to eat but I find I sleep better. How long have you been on sulpha? I have been on it for 6 months and have had a lovely response to it a few minor side effects but the out come effects on my joints have been wonderful I can actually walk it really has dampened the effects of my RA/PA .

    Take Care Bubbsie
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI i have been on sulphalzine for 4wks now and i had side effects when i went on two tablets but those have cleared and i have bad nights and sweating. I went to see reumatolagist today and she had not heard of any sleep probs happening with these tablets until she looked them up in her book and yes insomnia is a side effect. I asked about the drug mentioned antro thingy and she said she may consider it but wanted me to try taking solpadol last thing before sleep as codine apparently helps sleep so i will give it a go and she has written on notes about the other drug if this does not work. and the sweeting she thinks i had me hormones checked last year. the result was 27 and when you start towards menaporse it is above 20 and she thinks tho it may be a few years i am er to commencing the menopause years im 38 and although young it not un heard of so i have to just get on with that and keep a flannel cool close by as suggested on site from joanne
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    noeltone wrote:
    Hi joanne re. not sleeping ive taken stuff to help sleep for years like amitryptiline but atm i am taking less and sometimes nothing and am a bit better my GP always says sleep on your back re. neck spine arthuritits better for not gettong so many optical headaches easier said then done I trust youve had bed, mattress pillows looked :?: :?:

    read the bottom and i cannot sleep on me back and i have new bed and pillows im going to try calamine tea also see if that helps joanne