Just wanted to say hello.

barberella Member Posts: 20
edited 13. Mar 2009, 16:44 in Living with Arthritis archive
Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I have been reading posts on here for a few weeks now and have only just managed to work out how to post.

My name is Jo and I am 38 nearly, I have 4 children. ages 7, 5, 5 and almost 2.
I have been having joint pain since October. Symmetrically in wrists, thumbs knees and feet. The balls of my feet are sooo sore, feel like I'm walking on hot stones, under my foot seem to swell, not sure if this is even possible. I do have swelling of knees but not major. My joints do get warm and itch.

It was really bad for about 10 weeks, I was so tired and would cry with exhaustion. Thankfully it has calmed down a little now, maybe to do with the Declafenic? or do these things have up's and down times?

I'm at a loss, as nothing showing in blood tests, only raised esr levels??

I'm off to first appointment in Wrightington, Wigan area on 9th March.

Just wondered if anyone else have had similar symptoms?


  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jo,I too have joint pain which moves around but it mostly in my hands and wrists.The pain can be quite severe and even doing the most ordinary tasks like getting dressed or combing my hair,becomes a chore.I was diagnosed with OA end of last year and have had several sets of blood tests done since but nothing else has shown up except my liver function test was slightly abnormal.The hand pain goes through several stages,pain and stiffness,soreness,feeling of hotness and then a tingly sensation.The back of the hand puffs up and the hand does look red at times.I do get the odd couple of days when the pain is less but I know it will always return.So far I have not had much help from my doctor and at the present time I am only taking 'over the counter' painkillers.This forum has been very helpful to me just knowing there are other people out there like me so I am sure the forum will be of help to you also.Take care,Breane.
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,395
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jo and welcome to the forum,

    Symmetrical joint pain does sound like rheumatoid arthritis along with the raised ESR levels too - sorry to say :( I'm an expert I've had it for 23 years :wink: ......... and yes, it does come and go, hence we always talk about good days and bad, sometimes it's good times and bad times :shock:

    There are lots of experts on here always willing to pass on their advise and experiences so please ask, there's usually someone with an answer - even if it's not the right one :roll: :wink: - only kidding :D

    Hope your first appointment goes well, it's always best to keep a symptom diary before you go and write down any questions you may have.

    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • barberella
    barberella Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    breane wrote:
    Hi Jo,I too have joint pain which moves around but it mostly in my hands and wrists.The pain can be quite severe and even doing the most ordinary tasks like getting dressed or combing my hair,becomes a chore.I was diagnosed with OA end of last year and have had several sets of blood tests done since but nothing else has shown up except my liver function test was slightly abnormal.The hand pain goes through several stages,pain and stiffness,soreness,feeling of hotness and then a tingly sensation.The back of the hand puffs up and the hand does look red at times.I do get the odd couple of days when the pain is less but I know it will always return.So far I have not had much help from my doctor and at the present time I am only taking 'over the counter' painkillers.This forum has been very helpful to me just knowing there are other people out there like me so I am sure the forum will be of help to you also.Take care,Breane.

    Thanks Breane,
    I know what you mean about the simplest of tasks, for me it's squeezing toothpaste out onto the toothbrush and fastening my bra. In fact, just walking without looking like a penguin lI
    I was taking tramadol at one point which really did help but I felt spaced out and sick. I just take co codamol and declafenic now.
    Will have to see what is said on the 9th.
    Thanks again Jo.
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm off to first appointment in Wrightington, Wigan area on 9th M
    Hi Jo i'm not much help just wanted to welcom you to the site. you must be really feeling it with 4 kids and the houshold to look after no wonder your tired. anyway you found a good site and lots of nice people to talk to. Take care and keep your chin up
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi im joanne it sounds like what ive been though i have RA i have two children aged 4 and 15 and i had seronegative arthris when son was six months old then after eight months it was diagnosed as RA im 38 also and i remeber the walking on tip toe and all the pain and fatigue but with the right meds thing got a little better i had to leave work as it took a long time to get things under control i am now re trainig at collage. this site is brilliant and i hope you find it as useful as me. i just wanted to welcome you to the site from joanne price
  • barberella
    barberella Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    :) Thank you all for your replies. I'm sure I will find this site very helpful and informative. It's great to speak to others with similar stories and know that you are not alone.
    Colin, what a coincidence about the 9th.
    Thanks again guys,I will let you know how I get on. Jo.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just to say hello, really.

    I have OA in my spine and carpel tunnel syndrome, also lots of probs with my hands and other places! I have had tests for RA, but so far negative :? I think that sometimes, RA does test negative at first, and I have my blood test repeated at regular intervals, 'just in case'. So, don't give up and also physio and occupational therapy can help. Its worth enquiring about. I have splints for my wrists on the bad days and they help a bit.

    You have a busy life by the sound of it! So I hope you find something to at least ease things for you. LoveSue
  • denzie
    denzie Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi and welcome.

    you have found a great site to try and help you understand what you are experiencing. I found this site only a few weeks ago whilst trying to get info on arthritis.

    When i read your post i thought oh gosh someone alse is having the same probs as me. Ive been having symetrical joint pain and swelling in my joints. My gp has sent me away with ibuprofen 3 times a day and said see how i get on in the next few months. I had negative RA factor but high ESR. At the moment my wrists, knuckles,elbows and knees are sore.I have swelling in my wrists and knuckles today. Im reluctant to go back as i only saw my gp nearly 2 weeks ago and feel if i go back so soon im being a pain (excuse the pun!) Its so frustrating. There is a history of RA on my mothers side (aunty and her son) which my gp is aware off.

    Hope all goes well for you and keep us updated.

    denzie :D
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    barberella wrote:
    Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I have been reading posts on here for a few weeks now and have only just managed to work out how to post.

    My name is Jo and I am 38 nearly, I have 4 children. ages 7, 5, 5 and almost 2.
    I have been having joint pain since October. Symmetrically in wrists, thumbs knees and feet. The balls of my feet are sooo sore, feel like I'm walking on hot stones, under my foot seem to swell, not sure if this is even possible. I do have swelling of knees but not major. My joints do get warm and itch.

    It was really bad for about 10 weeks, I was so tired and would cry with exhaustion. Thankfully it has calmed down a little now, maybe to do with the Declafenic? or do these things have up's and down times?

    I'm at a loss, as nothing showing in blood tests, only raised esr levels??

    I'm off to first appointment in Wrightington, Wigan area on 9th March.

    Just wondered if anyone else have had similar symptoms?

    Sorry to hear your story and totally understand everthing that you're experiencing. Hope you get answers on the 9th. Let us know how you get on-I'd be interested in your blood results.
    Magenta x
  • chalky
    chalky Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jo,

    38 eh, ahhh.... I remember it well :roll: ( I was 39 on thursday :shock: )

    Welcome from me too matey. I'm new to this fine forum as well.

    All the best for ya appointment.

    Give em hell.

    Chalks :wink:
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Waiting is horrible, I know, as Ihave to see a neurologist on the 12th. One of the bad things about arthur is he does keep you waiting!!! :? With your busy life, it must be hard managing and I think I'm lucky in a way, as its just me and the old man!!!

    Anyway, just to wish you well, Love Sue.
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am Nicola (40) and just been discharged from Wrightington yesterday following a left total hip replacement on Monday. It must be a very popular place!! :lol:
    I have OA , dysplastic hips (or should i say hip as I only have 1 ofmy own now!!) and back and neck pain. I have found this site a real lifeline for infromation and more importantly understanding support.
    I hope you are able to get the answers you need soon. Just a quick suggestion re your appointment at Wrightington-wear something warm! The corridors there are freezing! So if you have to go for xrays, or to a different department whilst there make sure you have a warm cardy or jacket with you!
  • vickijaneholliday
    vickijaneholliday Member Posts: 16
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Wow your first post could easily have been written by me!
    I had exactly the same symptoms, they started when I was 35 I am now 40.Not wanting to worry you but I wanted answers then, and I have only found this web site today, I wish I had found it five years ago!!I hope this helps.
    I have just been told I am sero-positive -I don't know what that means hence my joining this to get some answers.
    My pain went on for nearly three years then I had two years of remission and now it's back.I'm taking plaquenil and it seems to be working really well.I am staying possitive.
    wish you well
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Jo and welcome to the Forum. This site has really helped me come to terms with my condition. I'm Alex, 33 and married with two kids, a girl,3 and a boy 10 months. I was born with kidney reflux & went in for a cystoscopy at 12, I ended up with spinal Osteomyelitis and an epidural abscess. I thought I was in the clear until after I had my son became very ill. I had severe back and hip pain and sciatica that was off the scale. I got an MRI in October and found out in January I have very advanced OA of spine and sacral area, bulging discs and spinal stenosis. I sadly cannot have any surgery as my condition is too advanced. It was very hard to take, especially having always been very active and knowing it was caused by my illness in childhood really angered me. I have days where I'm so down, I sit thinking about silly things all the time but coming here and sharing with others really helps. I hope you find the site as supportive as I do. take care, Alex