New feeling

magenta Member Posts: 1,604
edited 6. Mar 2009, 18:19 in Living with Arthritis archive
Again, cutting long story short! Shoulders hurting, both sides. Have been bothering me for a while but this pain is new. When I touch the tops of shoulders, it feels like I should have a massive bruise there-but there isn't any? Also, have pain all around my shoulder blades-does this sound familiar to anyone?
Magenta x


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,
    I'm sorry there are more pains for you now and I so wish they'd do something to help you.

    I get that kind of pain but only on my collar bones and sternum. Even my t-shirt hurts it. It exercises it's visiting rights as and when it want but it doesn't last long, normally 3-4 days. I have oa in both ends of my spine, and they say poss ra though the blood test was negative. I don't know why it happens.I bug my bones a far bit but it doesn't seem to be connected, it does often correspond with a low grade fever though. If its like mine it wont last too long.

    I hope your pain will back off soon. take care, Cris
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta

    I'm in the same boat as you. I've also just started getting pain in my right shoulder, quite bad at times, and a bit in my left one too. I am having physio for my hip at the moment so mentioned it ,but she didn't seem to want to do much. I think they like to deal with one thing at a time. I take paracetamol if it gets bad and that seems to work for a while, but then it returns, so I'm worried. I'm already coping with OA in my knee and might have a knee replacement. Also got a long term problem with my ankle and hip.

    The pain in my shoulder makes it difficult to lift things. Even the kettle to make a cup of tea is painful. I will have to see the doctor yet again, I think.

  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Guys
    Skezier sure is right about those visiting rights. Its beginning to look to me as though we all have different types of arthrits like PA RA OA and the rest but they must all be simular because many of us experiance the same things. I have RA and PA
    at first i thought my type of pain was unique to me with the RA and PA but its not. Anyone suffer with kneck and throat by the way.
    My shoulders are really bad but most of the time, collar bones bad and swell up, sternum can be sore along with ribs and breast bones. but most chest pain comes and goes like skezies for 4 or 5 days. problem is chest pain can be quite scary. I also suffer muscle pain and like the bones can swap about.
  • denpen
    denpen Member Posts: 389
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta
    I have had sore shoulder for ages now sleeping on it is very painful but when I first mentioned it to doc. I couldnt lift my arm up he examined me and pressed onto top of shoulder and said it was tendonitis he gave me some anti imflamatory tablets, that type of pain has gone but my shoulder joint is still very sore I presume its OA I have mentioned it to the gp and the consultant but thery didnt bother. It does seem that they will only treat one problem at a time, so it looks like its a long process when all your joints are going.
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,I too have been getting on and off pain in the shoulder although it has been mostly in the top of the arm.For months now my arms have felt painful when touched,like you say,a feeling that you have a bruise there.Today I have it in my left arm and shoulder but it can be in both sides. My OA pain does move around,it's mostly in the hands and wrists but I've also had it in my right calf,tops of the legs and of course,the arms and shoulders.I never know where it's going to strike next!!! Best wishes,Breane.
  • melbland
    melbland Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    colinone wrote:
    Hi Guys
    Skezier sure is right about those visiting rights. Its beginning to look to me as though we all have different types of arthrits like PA RA OA and the rest but they must all be simular because many of us experiance the same things. I have RA and PA
    at first i thought my type of pain was unique to me with the RA and PA but its not. Anyone suffer with kneck and throat by the way.
    My shoulders are really bad but most of the time, collar bones bad and swell up, sternum can be sore along with ribs and breast bones. but most chest pain comes and goes like skezies for 4 or 5 days. problem is chest pain can be quite scary. I also suffer muscle pain and like the bones can swap about.


    I have incredible pain in my shoulders. I have had this for a long time now and is much more severe than any other pain I have (well, apart from back and the chest pain described by colin). I have problems all around that area - from shoulder, neck, sturnum, ribs,collar bones etc etc. It is there everyday with such intensity and unfortunately I cannot get away from it, no matter what I take or what I do.

    Colin - I do have problems with neck and throat. My throat is always "tight" and I find it hard to swallow. Even when I do, it hurts. It's not a "cold/flu sore throat", it is a different pain. It feels like my joints do - i.e. lack of movement and space in my throat which creates problems swallowing and talking etc.

    Top that off with jaw pain and I am really snookered.

    I, for one, have had enough. I am REALLY struggling to cope with my pain. However, as with many sero-negatives, I have been told it's "all in my mind" :roll:

    May I pass sympathetic cyber hugs over to you

    Me xl
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,
    I get shoulder pain too and it makes my arms feel weak. Its worse on the left side, which also has ulner nerve problems at the elbow. Sometimes it gets really, bad and hurts in my left shoulder blade as well. I just assumed it was oa again, and my gp thinks the same. No real answers. Reummy has suggested it could be Myasthenia Gravis, which also goes with the ghousting type of double vision I sometimes have. What next???????????
    Anyway, enough of my woes it sounds painful for you, something else to contend with. Hope the pain eases. Sue
  • alicea
    alicea Member Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I am new to the site and have found it very interesting, I have OA and have had a THR and a TKR in the last couple of years. I find it strange to read that people with RA and OA seem to have a lot of the same problems, my shoulders are really painful at the moment and my neck. It seems to just go from one joint to next, I find it hard to pick things up the pain stays with you even when you dont use it, pain killers dont make it go away just make you be able to live with it ,dont you think.
    I have had the same thing with the doctor he just says that it is all to do with the OA and to be expected, try to exercise was the only thing he could say I wish I could .

    Well that is it no more feeling sorry for myself. I hope you feel better soon perhaps the summer will help us all it is good to feel we are'nt alone and share are pains . .......Alicea
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,

    I've had the same feeling but in my knees where I've pulled up my trousers to examine the bruise and been amazed there hasn't been one there :shock: I thought it was to do with fluid and inflammation on my knee joints - I don't get it at the moment and I presumed that was because my swellings have gone although like Schwarzenegger zey will be back :shock: :roll: :wink:

    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta
    Poor you! :shock:
    My shoulders hurt most of the time too, but not so I can't lift my arms - the main problem is at night because I can't sleep on my back - OUCH!!
    Like Linda I too feel like bruised knees at the sideish and it's still there now I feel it if (no when) I shave my legs :wink:
    Hope something gets sorted for you Magenta, but at least you must be reassured you are NOT alone!
    Take care
    Love Toni x
  • averyniceman
    averyniceman Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I always read Magenta's posts because like me she's undiagnosed, and I haven't got anything constructive to say to help.

    But the whole story has made me feel angry. Why on earth can't those doctors give you some more powerful pain relief fast?

    They have the drugs, stronger than what you are being prescribed right now.

    Obviously you make the decision about trading off pain and side effects of medication.

    But I think that (unless I'm missing something) they shouln't be letting you suffer like this. Where's the medical ethics in that?

    I'll probably regret posting this, and someone will probably point out the error of my ways. But that's the way I feel --I'll hit submit and be damned.
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi,magenta.sorry ur going through all this pain.
    i have the constant pain in my shoulders,my left being worse than my right.but still both painful especially at night trying to get comfy.
    my physio said the pain & limited movement in my shoulders was caused by inflammation,& that was as far as that went.& its still there even with taking ibuprofen.
    the rib,stern & collar bone pain is also caused by inflammation.(mine was named as costochrondritis)by my rhymy.its always there too but when it gets really painful i get stabbing pains in the whole chest area,back & front,sore bust,& a feeling of severe pressure(pushing down sensation)from the top of my shoulders.
    as for my neck that is so painful all the time(i only have 70% movement left in neck)& thats permanent.
    hope u get sorted soon,i know how frustrated u must feel.chin up.
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks everyone :) My next rhuemy appointment is in 3wks time. I'm determined to get them to listen to me and do something. I want an MRI scan of my whole body and a referral to pain clinic and I want to get nerve tests done-not much eh? My elbows are now the same-I too get pain even from the clothes I've got on :shock:
    My jaw is now killing me again-that's another thing-I want them to do something with that too :lol:
    Magenta x
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I always read Magenta's posts because like me she's undiagnosed, and I haven't got anything constructive to say to help.

    But the whole story has made me feel angry. Why on earth can't those doctors give you some more powerful pain relief fast?

    They have the drugs, stronger than what you are being prescribed right now.

    Obviously you make the decision about trading off pain and side effects of medication.

    But I think that (unless I'm missing something) they shouln't be letting you suffer like this. Where's the medical ethics in that?

    I'll probably regret posting this, and someone will probably point out the error of my ways. But that's the way I feel --I'll hit submit and be damned.

    Thanks averyniceman-you are indeed 'a very nice man' :) I wish you were my rhuemy-you would give me lovely strong drugs!
    Someone replied to another post about sero-neg people and that the rhuemys treat them the same as RA sufferers :?: I've yet to have that happen to me. I've been crying hysterically about pain I'm in and what else can be done etc.. but they just say I'm depressed :? They were going to put me on sulphasalazine but hesitated when bloods came back normal :x They were concerned about my liver-what about all the paracetamol and co-dydramol I'm taking? Anyway, thanks for the support,
    Magenta x
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,

    what you described sounded very familiar to me. For ages I have had intermittent problems with my shoulders like you describe. I would think it was inflammation (which sometimes it was at first) but then the joint would appear to heal up but the pain would still be there in the 'lumpy' bits you mention.

    When I was having physio on my neck last yeaer, they found that a lot of my problem wasn't the shoulder joints but the muscles surrounding them. They gave me a few sessions of neck & shoulder massage (in the physio dept) which began to loosen them up & then I do what I can (when I remember to ask hubby to help out :roll: ) using oil with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil, which is apparently very good for muscle relaxing. Best to check first that this is ok but it might help?

    best of luck!
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:
    Hi Magenta,

    what you described sounded very familiar to me. For ages I have had intermittent problems with my shoulders like you describe. I would think it was inflammation (which sometimes it was at first) but then the joint would appear to heal up but the pain would still be there in the 'lumpy' bits you mention.

    When I was having physio on my neck last yeaer, they found that a lot of my problem wasn't the shoulder joints but the muscles surrounding them. They gave me a few sessions of neck & shoulder massage (in the physio dept) which began to loosen them up & then I do what I can (when I remember to ask hubby to help out :roll: ) using oil with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil, which is apparently very good for muscle relaxing. Best to check first that this is ok but it might help?

    best of luck!

    Thanks, I'll give it a go :wink:
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    yes me to! my shoulders have bever hurt before but it seems like when we had that cold snowy weather they started hurting and now on and off i get pain in them.
    when they hurt it's seems to just start all of a sudden, no warning just full on pain.
    i find it worse sometimes at night, can't get my pillow comfy.
    sorry i can't help but i'm with you on this one!!!
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nice to know I'm not on my own but sorry you're in the same kinda pain :wink:
    Magenta x
  • joseyanna
    joseyanna Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    magenta wrote:
    Again, cutting long story short! Shoulders hurting, both sides. Have been bothering me for a while but this pain is new. When I touch the tops of shoulders, it feels like I should have a massive bruise there-but there isn't any? Also, have pain all around my shoulder blades-does this sound familiar to anyone?
    Magenta x
    Hi Magenta,
    I have pain in both my shoulders, and collar bone. Also it goes up the back of my neck and head which I am sure gives me headaches, where it hurts to move my head and causes my right eye to twitch. My neck feels like there is alot of strain and it hurts to put it on my pillow at night. The pain travels down my arms and I can feel it in my wrists and fingers. Do you get any headaches? I have just been diagnosed with inflamatory joint disorder and have just started taking hydrochloroquine (I think that's how you spell it). I suppose it does feel like bruising on my shoulders. Take care Jo
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    joseyanna wrote:
    magenta wrote:
    Again, cutting long story short! Shoulders hurting, both sides. Have been bothering me for a while but this pain is new. When I touch the tops of shoulders, it feels like I should have a massive bruise there-but there isn't any? Also, have pain all around my shoulder blades-does this sound familiar to anyone?
    Magenta x
    Hi Magenta,
    I have pain in both my shoulders, and collar bone. Also it goes up the back of my neck and head which I am sure gives me headaches, where it hurts to move my head and causes my right eye to twitch. My neck feels like there is alot of strain and it hurts to put it on my pillow at night. The pain travels down my arms and I can feel it in my wrists and fingers. Do you get any headaches? I have just been diagnosed with inflamatory joint disorder and have just started taking hydrochloroquine (I think that's how you spell it). I suppose it does feel like bruising on my shoulders. Take care Jo
    Hi Jo,
    I don't get alot of headaches , just pain every where else :lol: The pain in shoulders is now like a dull ache. I've got OA in jaw so it's hard to know where pain is coming from. Glad you've been started on something that should help you. Thanks for replying :wink:
    Magenta x