how to cope with the pain without tablets

cariadwelsh Member Posts: 9
edited 7. Mar 2009, 07:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello there ,
I have just been told that I have arthritis in my knee which in a silly way was a relief as first I was told that it was a hamstring injury, I fell about laughing at this as the only exercise I do is breathing in and out each day. then they tried tendons, now at last I have a name for my pain osteoarthritis of the knee. the news when deliverd to me was very negative and I thought that the only way was down but being a fighting lass I am determined to cope and hopefully ease the pain inother ways than drugs so can anyone suggest anything I have bought a tens machine dont rate it much though and am doing the stretching exercise told to me on my one visit to the phshio. I am joining a programme called the expert patients programme which aims to help people with long term pain to handle their lives so will let anyone know if they are interested. I wasn't offered an ex-ray is this the norm? I will stop rabbiting on now so bye for now.
kind regards, cariadwelsh


  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Welcome to the site. I have OA in my spine and hands, hips etc :!: Have you discussed anti-inflammatories with you doc? They help the inflammation which causes the pain and so ease the pain. I understand not wanting drugs, the longer you manage without, the more use they will be if you ever need them. The only thing is, sometimes painkillers can help you to keep mobile and do exercises properly, and so have less pain and no need for painkillers. Sounds like you are a determined person, but if you do have to take painkillers, don't feel bad about it.

    Have you tried glucosamine? Its supposed to be a natural anti-inflammatory. I use it, not sure it works but giving it a try. I find putting a heated pad on (microwaveable) helps me, but a lot of people prefer ice packs. Peas wrapped in a towel from the fridge will do. :lol:
    Yours Sue
  • pussycat
    pussycat Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    cariadwelsh I think it is good that you have a determined outlook and I agree with woodbon that if you do occassionally need pain relief it is nothing to feel guilty about.

    I think knowing when to be active and when to rest is also really important in pain managment. It took me a while to realise that on a good day resting now and again is still important.

    I went on a pain managment course and it was quite useful and they did have some really good tip's on how to think about how you are going to do something.
    As an example I found that just something as simple as rearranging the contents of my kitchen cupboards enabled me to have less bending , stretching , when cooking and prevented unessescary pain. I found the Breathing techniques useful.

    Good Luck with the course
  • nickynysmon08
    nickynysmon08 Bots Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i have osteo of both knees and both hips, - so far---
    I did post recently asking about pain relief and what drugs to try. after some suggestions i have gone back to taking tramadol which for some reason I am able to tolerate now.!!

    I also take diclofenic, and paracetamol and glucosomate. the last I am not convinced of its effectiveness, but it is worth taking. you must develop your own regime of managing this condition, the doctors will do so much for you, but in the end you must learn to manage your own body. I would try tramadol also co codomol, but use them when it is bad. don't take them out of habit.
    exercise is often all that is needed especially when the joints are just stiff, a nice walk between two and four miles I find useful, though my hips have been bad recently.

    hope this helps,

  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello fellow welsh lass!
    I have arhtritis in my pelvis and lower back (poss knees and digits - not confirmed yet).
    I also ate taking medication but have a stash of diclofenac handy shoul the need arise. I find a hot water bottle helpful.

    Also, I have been recommended Rosehip from my local health shop.
    I havent tried it yet as it is quite expensive but my gran also swears by it.
  • alicea
    alicea Member Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello there ,
    I have just been told that I have arthritis in my knee which in a silly way was a relief as first I was told that it was a hamstring injury, I fell about laughing at this as the only exercise I do is breathing in and out each day. then they tried tendons, now at last I have a name for my pain osteoarthritis of the knee. the news when deliverd to me was very negative and I thought that the only way was down but being a fighting lass I am determined to cope and hopefully ease the pain inother ways than drugs so can anyone suggest anything I have bought a tens machine dont rate it much though and am doing the stretching exercise told to me on my one visit to the phshio. I am joining a programme called the expert patients programme which aims to help people with long term pain to handle their lives so will let anyone know if they are interested. I wasn't offered an ex-ray is this the norm? I will stop rabbiting on now so bye for now.
    kind regards, cariadwelsh[/quote

    Hi cariadwelsh,

    I tried the tens but it did'nt help.As for x=rays yes I was given an x-ray when i went to see about my hip and knees, but perhaps i had left it a lot longer before i went to see them I could'nt walk and was having to use a wheelchair to get about, i had a replacement within a couple of months of seeing him .
    You are right the longer you can go without painkiller the better but as the other posts say dont beat yourself up if you have to take them, some days are harder than others.I have OA in my other hip and knee and most of my other joints so i will read your posts with interest, We all need extra ways of fighting the pain so good luck and keep fighting all the best Alicea
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 5. Mar 2009, 20:30
    Hello there ,
    I have just been told that I have arthritis in my knee which in a silly way was a relief as first I was told that it was a hamstring injury, I fell about laughing at this as the only exercise I do is breathing in and out each day. then they tried tendons, now at last I have a name for my pain osteoarthritis of the knee. the news when deliverd to me was very negative and I thought that the only way was down but being a fighting lass I am determined to cope and hopefully ease the pain inother ways than drugs so can anyone suggest anything I have bought a tens machine dont rate it much though and am doing the stretching exercise told to me on my one visit to the phshio. I am joining a programme called the expert patients programme which aims to help people with long term pain to handle their lives so will let anyone know if they are interested. I wasn't offered an ex-ray is this the norm? I will stop rabbiting on now so bye for now.
    kind regards, cariadwelsh

    You are not alone in disliking taking drugs because we all know that they have side-effects, and I find this a worry if you are taking them long-term.However, if your pain is intolerable, you are grateful for the relief drugs can give.I have OA in my knee and had arthroscopy last Dec. I was told that the arthritis is worse than they thought and that I need a knee replacement. However, I have asked for time to think it over.I was taking Diclofenac, which was effective, but after over a year, my consultant told me to stop. Now I am relying on Paracetamol if I need it.

    In the meantime, I am having physio and acupuncture(on the NHS) It doesn't suit some people, as you have found with the Tens, but in my case, I have felt some benefit. It could be psychological, but what does that matter if it helps?

    I have also enquired about the experts patients programme, but they are still setting it up in my area, so I must wait. I have also got some information about a course called"Living with a long-term condition", which I hope to go on . It is being run by the Primary Care Trust in Derbyshire, but perhaps there is a similar course elsewhere.

    Re the X-ray. My physio told me that they are trying to do X-rays only when really necessary because of the high levels of radiation.

    There is a new supplement called Osteo BiFlex, which is high strength glucosomine, plus other things. I have been taking it for a month now , plus rosehip extract, and I think they have done some good.Can't do any harm,so worth a try.
    Joan :)
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bailey27 wrote:
    Hello fellow welsh lass!
    I have arhtritis in my pelvis and lower back (poss knees and digits - not confirmed yet).
    I also ate taking medication but have a stash of diclofenac handy shoul the need arise. I find a hot water bottle helpful.

    Also, I have been recommended Rosehip from my local health shop.
    I havent tried it yet as it is quite expensive but my gran also swears by it.

    Hi Bailey
    Rosehip extract is available at Tesco (their own-brand) at a cheaper price than Boots etc. I take that and a supplement called Osteo BiFlex, which is high strength glucosomine and other things. I've been taking these for about 6 weeks now and have felt the benefit of them.Osteo BiFlex is available from Boots and is quite expensive, but I think it is good.
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi cariadwelsh

    I am surprised you were not offered an xray. Wear and tear shows up well on an xray. You seem to have been diagnosed eventually but it took time.

    A friend of mine suddenly developed a painful, swollen knee, gp was sitting there ready with all the arthritis pamphlets. She went to another doc as the pain was so bad, had an xray and it was a ligament problem with no signs of arthritis at all. She was, as you can imagine over the moon :D:D:D Her knee is nearly back to normal now.

    Over the years I have taken all the alternative medicines for OA and always kept active, but as it is wear and tear, it does not improve as the years go by. The next stage was prescription meds added on and in the end, an op was the only alternative to carry on any kind of life that I enjoyed.

    If/when my knee joint starts playing up in 10 - 15 years or so, I shall have to think again, if I am still here - that is an unknown. :D

    I wish you well.

    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • cariadwelsh
    cariadwelsh Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you for all your interesting info I will take it all on board. I went along to the expert patients meeting today and found it o.k. just! I thought it was quite negative asking us how much anger or depression we have. I was the only on out of the group that didn't put their hand up to respond to this question, I am not depressed or angry. It just is what it is and I have to find a way of dealing with it moaning and feeling sorry formyself wont help. I am in pain most of the time and was given dicofenac when the doc told me it was hamstring problem I feel that I have been shunted by the medical people and intend going back to my g.p. to see if he can offer me anything to help. On the leaflet given to me by the physio there were some exercises so I will try them.Also ironically I have lost 4st7lbs in the last year I didn't have an ache before, sods law eh! Once again thanks for replying and excuse my spelling it is more likley to be bad typing. (oh I told a lie) :D :roll: :roll:
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Did you try to lose waite? If not, I'd mention it to your GP, as it could be related. Maybe though, you just have strong will power!!!