Advice or opinions needed

eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
edited 8. Mar 2009, 09:31 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi folks

Some of you may know from my posts that I had spinal Osteomyelitis & an abscess as a child which caused my secondary OA. I saw a consultant last year who said my stature was like a "circus freak" and when he referred me on he called me a "short fat person" in his letter. Well i complained & got an apology letter today. However, my issue is this - The guy, or odious man I prefer, kept saying at the time "this wasn't caused by MRSA you know" which riled us as I'd only mentioned that the night before after hearing my diagnosis when I was in a state of shock. The Dr I'd seen in A&E had obviously had words. Now when I made my complaint all I said was he called me fat and a circus freak, nothing else. So I get my apology today and there is a full page saying I didn't have full Ostemyelitis only discitis. News to us after 21 years. Here's a paragraph for you to see

"The bacteriology report from the biopsy you had in the past identified the organism as Staphylococcus Aureus & was sensitive to antibiotics but not Penicillin, therefore it was decided a disc had ruptured causing Osteomyelitis & not MRSA as you thought"

Quote from Net Doctor "What is MRSA? Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a strain which is resistant to methicillin and drugs of the Penicillin variety"

Tell me if I'm wrong here but I went into the Hospital and came out with this. Reading that it seems they didn't have a scooby what they were writing and have just basically admitted negligence in a letter.

Sorry it's long but this illness has had major repercussions on the whole of my life, mentally and physically. I wanted your opinions on what you would do about this, I've considered accessing my notes & seeking legal advice. Any support or help welcome.



  • jaspercat
    jaspercat Member Posts: 1,238
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex, personally speaking I would seek some legal advice, it seems to me that they have admitted liability, so hopefully it won't be too difficult for you to get some redress, an apology now dosen't seem worth the paper it is written on, to me at least, good luck hope everything goes well for you love Jaspercatxx
  • hazelm
    hazelm Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex, firstly what a horrible man, who does he think he is calling you names,I would have wiped the floor with him. :mrgreen: Secondly, sounds like you have a very good case and I'd seek advise from a solicitor, also you do have a right to see your notes, but get professional help first so you have a back up.
    hugs Hazelxx
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex
    I remember reading your post on the subject some time ago after your visit with thar awfull man and how it had upset you. I hardley know what to say to you but it would do no harm to seek some legal advice. Take care and keep your chin up
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex
    What a shocking story :!: :!: I think someone who makes such comments should be struck off. It seems to me that they are trying to blind you with science in the hopes that you will keep quiet. I would follow it up if you think you have a case. It is time-consuming, but worth it in the end.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,774
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI Elex
    This does sound to me as a toal amateur to be very very suspiciously similar!!!!!
    Either way you have been treated apallingly and I amm totally shocked!!!That person should be struck off for being such a bigotted and offensive pig (sorry piggies!)
    I hope you rae ok
    Toni x
  • denpen
    denpen Member Posts: 389
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex
    You go and get yourself some advice and get this guy struck off. These people think that they can talk to us any way they choose and they are normally right they do and they get away with it because we let them. When I fell down stairs a few weeks ago it was on a saturday I only went to A&E on the sunday the doctor asked me if I had been drinking when I fell and what did I do after I fell did I go home, I told him I was at home and cooking tea when I fell and No I Hadnt Been Drinking I was and still am disgusted that because it was a saturday he assumed that I had been drinking.
    They have notices up in the hospitals telling us that the staff there will not be abused...hello what about their abuse to us....
    Its time we started to stick up for ourselves and not be trodden on by these so called doctors.
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alex
    I am sorry that this saga is continuing for you. It is bad enough that the doctor in question described you in such an unacceptable and rude way. But now he thinks he can bamboozle you with medical terminology and think you will just accept what he says and stop pursuing the truth. Well, don`t let him get away with it! I know that mistakes are made and unfortunately infections can happen. But this infection has had such a catastrophic effect on your health both physically and emotionally , and has had a knock on effect on your life, your family..etc.. I think that you have nothing to lose by seeking legal advice on this matter, and you can only benefit from finding out the truth about what happened to you. If this then means you are entitled to financial compensation, good ; you will be able to use it to improve your quality of life, especially with your young family. Have you been in touch with PALS at your hospital?, they can advise on complaints etc..
    Take care
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks everyone for your replies, especially Nicola as I was hoping you would respond given your experience. I know a great deal about the subject as have researched it thoroughly but wanted others opinions to see if they agreed with me and you do. My friend works in the Hospital records so I'm going to speak to her and find the best way forward, I obviously want to see my records without alerting them to the fact. I know they lost??? my MRI taken at the time, very convenient methinks but will be looking for a report of it. I have a great memory and remember vividly the nurses doing the rounds when they came on shift and saying "this is Alexandra, she has Osteomyelitis of the spine etc etc" no mention of discitis. When I showed family the letter before I could say anything they all said the exact same thing "what does this have to do with your complain?" and "sounds like they have something to hide". More than anything I want it on my records and for them to stop lying. I mentioned to another poster you seem to lose your fighting spirit when you get OA but I can tell you this letter has given me a reason to keep fighting. I'd love it if I found out it was MRSA then could say to them the reason I investigated was because of THAT letter. How stupid will they feel then? I'll keep you posted, thanks again everyone, it really means alot.