advice please

julies Member Posts: 68
edited 11. Mar 2009, 17:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
For the past few months I have been getting a lot of pain in the soles of my feet, just at my heal where the instep ends. I have also been getting pain at the top and bottom of my kneecap and my wrists and hands.
I mentioned to my son where I was getting the pain and he said it is the same place he gets it. Obviously I can't have the same as him as he has enthesitis related JIA.
I don't want to go to my GP in case she thinks I am trying to mimic my sons symptoms.
The pain is stopping me from sleeping.
Any ideas anyone.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,159
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie!
    Haven't seen you posting for a while. Good to hear from you.
    Sorry you are having pain now too :(
    I too get pains in my hands and wrists, in my feet and knees, I think a lot of us do, so it IS quite possible.
    Just because your son has juvenile type doesn't mean you can't get one of our grown-up types does it? :( Not very fair though :(
    Obviously you know all the things to try in the short term with Sam, but if it carries on you need to get to the DRs and brave it :oops:
    Sleep is vital isn't it? and you need to get some.
    Take care Julie and let us know what you decide to do.
    Toni x
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie
    Sorry to hear about your pains. Why are we so worried about what doctors will think? They should be more approachable and then we wouldn't worry. All the best.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Don't worry about what the doctor will think. A lot of things run in families and arthritis is one of them, I think, some kinds anyway. It may not be arthritis, but its natural for you to think of that, as you've seen your son with the same symptoms. :) Take care of yourself, your son needs you!!! :D Love Sue
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One of the first questions I was asked when I first saw my Rheumy about my symptoms was, "Do any of your relatives suffer from RA as it tends to run in families?". So, I don't think the GP will be surprised if you request tests to be sure.

    The sooner you know, the sooner treatment, if needed, can start to get things under control. s040.gif

    Joseph 8)
  • cupcake
    cupcake Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sorry to hear you are feeling horrid. My 21yr old daughter was diagnosed with PA about 9 months before my diagnosis with RA (at53!) We have a complex family history of all sorts of autoimmune disease, so neither of our Rheumy consultants were surprised.

    I too thought I must be coming out in sympathy pains and felt a bit silly, but was glad I talked to my GP.

    It does mean we can share our aches and pains, laugh with each other and share experiences. My sister has had severe PA for some years so we are a mutual support group!

    You can be a real role model for your son, so please get on top of it all asap.

    good luck![/code]
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Julie, I'm sorry you are having trouble. I would see your GP, if anything I'm sure they would actually be more interested in your symptoms given your son's condition, it could be linked. I used to get pain underneath my feet and now I wonder if it was early warnings signs of my impending OA, I've left it too late, please don't leave it, go and get help, you can't put it off. Hope everything goes well, Alex x