Gotta laugh or else?

magenta Member Posts: 1,604
edited 12. Mar 2009, 14:47 in Living with Arthritis archive
Used to think I had a new problem every week-now it seems to be every day.
My left elbow has been sore, like it's bruised. There is a massive swelling in my arm - it's like a squishy egg-size lump, under my skin at the elbow but at the front of my arm. Don't know if I've made it worse by prodding at it (as you do :? ) but it's really painful. Even my hubby was amazed at the size of it. Anyone else have/get this?


  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    On Magenta, no I have not had this and no I don't think I want to have it thank you :wink:
    Hope it settles down...stop prodding and hope you get to sleep with it. Linda
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Magenta I have Ra and Pa and suffer with the lumps although they are not very painfull unless i knock them. I have one on each elbow a half dozn on my fingers and a couple on my heel thogh not as big as yours. My rheumy says its all part of the arthritis but not everyone gets them. I used to get different aches and pains all the time but now i just ache all the time lol. hope your feeling better soon
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Magenta
    You must feel like Arthur is having a laugh at your expense at the moment!! I hope that you don`t find anything new today. Hey, at least we can`t ever say life is boring with arthur around. He likes to keep us guessing!
    Sending you gentle hugs, trying not to knock the lumps!
  • marie48
    marie48 Member Posts: 189
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I do find something new nearly everyday to complain about but I am afraid hubby does not take any notice and said I am getting to be an hypochondriac. I am glad I am not the only one as I have started to think whether it is me who is looking for something to moan about.
  • tjenny54321
    tjenny54321 Member Posts: 64
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think some people are assuming from what you are describing although you say its on the front, do you mean in the fold when you bend your elbow or on the joint. Could it be abcess or cyst? Is it where you get blood tests done? Just a thought
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,108
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI Magenta
    Poor you!
    Squishy lump eh? Stop poking!!(only joking) I hope this is on the 'list' for the rheumy?
    Look after yourself
    Toni xx
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think some people are assuming from what you are describing although you say its on the front, do you mean in the fold when you bend your elbow or on the joint. Could it be abcess or cyst? Is it where you get blood tests done? Just a thought

    Hiya, I've now got it in both elbows. It's hard to explain. I've already got a nodule on the back of my elbow. These are actually harder lumps-more like swelling- than how I described them last night. They're now painful and 'burning' all the time. When I straighten my arm, you see them on the forearm like it's swelling from the top of my bone (the one going from my elbow to wrist :? ) Not had bloods done recently. Whatever it is, it's weird.
    Yes Toni, it is on my 'list' but I know unless they're still there when I go to my appointment, it'll be another-'well, there's no swelling there now' :shock:
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just to say I hope the lumps arn't too painful, but they sound nasty. :( Take a picture of them, in case they go before the rheumy appointment. Or rather, get your hubby to take the photo! :wink: Take care, Love Sue