Orthopaedic consultant appointment

marie48 Member Posts: 189
edited 16. Mar 2009, 05:58 in Living with Arthritis archive
My GP told me she was going to refer me to an orthopaedic consultant in January as she thinks I have got a block nerve. I received a letter from another trust telling me I am being referred to the physio department first and if my condition does not get better I will be referred back to them, it seems it is a community team. My GP also referred me to the Physio department, I did not take much notice of the first letter. I am just wondering now since I have not heard anything whether after all I am not going to be seen by an orthopaedic surgeon but instead by a physio, better waiting since Jan. To update I suffer from arthritis in neck, diagnosed in Dec 08.

Whilst waiting to be seen, my symptoms have been going worse, with tingling sensation all over left arm, tension headache and pressure on right temple etc., I wonder can they decline to see thinking I am not bad enough? I will be going to see my GP in two weeks time, that's the earliest time I can book an appoitment if it is urgent I can see any doctor but prefers to see her. Can I ask her to refer me to a specialist? I will also query the referral letter. My trust has an 18 weeks time scale.

Take care.



  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Marie,
    Sorry your not so good just now. Here they get round the 18 week thing by sending you a letter after a couple of months telling you you will get an appointment inside 18 weeks of the letter in certain departments. It could be she has sent the referral and there is just a huge demand and it takes time to get in the system.

    Have you had x rays? I think when you go back to your doctor you should chase up the pending appointments but they also have to use the system and in the meantime maybe she could give you a little more help than your getting. If you can just talk to her about your concerns. If you feel its urgent go back quicker.
    Take care
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,901
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    When I was referred initially it was through the choose and book system and my first port of call was the Musclo-skeletal team. I had a telephone consultation with them who also had my gp`s referral letter and said my condition and symptoms were beyond their remit. I was then told my referral was being forwarded to the orthopaedic team. I think this musculo skeletal team is used as a triage system and people are then either seen by this team, physio, or referred on to the orthopaedics. I suppose it is a way of ensuring waiting times are addressed and people see the right teams.
  • marie48
    marie48 Member Posts: 189
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    When I was referred initially it was through the choose and book system and my first port of call was the Musclo-skeletal team. I had a telephone consultation with them who also had my gp`s referral letter and said my condition and symptoms were beyond their remit. I was then told my referral was being forwarded to the orthopaedic team. I think this musculo skeletal team is used as a triage system and people are then either seen by this team, physio, or referred on to the orthopaedics. I suppose it is a way of ensuring waiting times are addressed and people see the right teams.

    Thanks, it does seem it is the musclo skeletal team who wrote to me and think I should see the Physio first. Things are clearer now, was not aware of the triage system. I did think my GP was very quick on her referral to an orthopaedic surgeon before trying physio first. At least, now I know as I have been waiting to hear from the orthopaedic surgeon. I have to chase the physio appointment although I am not in terrible pain or need prescribed medication. I do not feel comfortable as I am getting new symptoms. I used to work for this trust and could jump the queue for physio but cannot do it now since I have retired.
  • marie48
    marie48 Member Posts: 189
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks skezeir, I had an x-ray of my left shoulder and neck. It was the shoulder who was painful but the x-rays shows it is the neck. It is something I can live with at the moment but I know this is not right. No support from the family, I was told to stop doing any research as I agree knowing too much is not very good if you have an overactive mind like mine, you know what I mean, lol. Funny enough it was my back who was giving me grief, I have got chronic backache for the last 10 yrs, no diagnosis, mechanical backpain I was told being an ex nurse. Then my knees started, the dr did say I have got some arthritis there, then the big thumb, fingers and bit by bit the other joint join in. I find the neck is the worse bit to cope with as it is something new I have to cope with. My back has not been diagnosed with arthrtis, I am sure I have got it, gp refused to have a scan and said it is not going to serve any purpose as it will show wear and tear.

    Since I am functional and can still do the housework and cooking etc, hubby says you are all right and you are more perky than me. I do not know whether I am making a fuss as mine is not as bad as some members here. Sorry for being such a whimp, my heart goes to those who suffering now esp the young ones. I am not saying we oldies deserve to suffer but getting old one has to accept the odd aches and pains. Take care all of you. Marie
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Marie,
    Your not being a wimp, I think we all let it get to us from time to time and the constant pain is tiring. Like you I get no real support from family or friends and thats where this site comes so important. These people are kind, they know where your coming from (even if in my case I go a bit loopy!) and they never fail to help you through a bad patch.

    I have a bit of OA in most of my joints, some very advanced and some just starting but the worst and most draining has been my neck. That one just doesn't shut up....... Till recently when it has been helped quite a bit by the injections. I was a real wimp for them, we all do it at times I promise you.

    If its possible you should see if you can get them to define what is the mechanical back ache? They could help you with pain relief, some people find paracetamol good. Sometimes Physio helps but you do need to know why it hurts and I think you should really be a wimp and tell your doctor you really do need a bit of help. For me the hardest thing was getting a diagnosis but if they had bothered to x ray my neck 10 years ago I would have been nicer to it and it wouldn't necessarily be the mess it is now! See if you can just get a bit of help from the doctor when you see her. Good luck and hold your corner and come here for help and support as it makes so much difference to have a bit of support. Take care, Cris :)
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Marie, I was in a similar situation. They referred me for physio and to see the Ortho consultant. My appointment took 7 weeks to come through but my hysio one came through after 2. At my physio appointment, the therapist said on seeing my symptoms they wouldn't touch me until I'd been seen by the Consultant. After seeing the Consultant I was referred to the Pain Clinic, that was about 8 weeks ago and I've been told I'll hear from them 6 weeks before my appointment date. Seems a long long time away. Any physio they think I'll need will be purely determined by the Pain clinic.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I have oa in my spine and neck as well as a lot of other places!!!
    I have had a the physio I was referred to wouldn't do anything for me, until I'd seen a rheumotologis. He referred me for blood tests and MRI scan. The scan should a bone spur touching a nerve in my neck, it is not in a good place to operate, and at the moment I can live with it as long as I don't over do things.

    I think I would be very worried if it hadn't been for the MRI scan. I had to see a neurologist about something elses, and he also thought the MRI showed the reasons for the symptoms. MRI shows much more detail than an x ray. I'd try asking again, if you can. Yours Sue
  • marie48
    marie48 Member Posts: 189
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    woodbon wrote:
    Hi, I have oa in my spine and neck as well as a lot of other places!!!
    I have had a the physio I was referred to wouldn't do anything for me, until I'd seen a rheumotologis. He referred me for blood tests and MRI scan. The scan should a bone spur touching a nerve in my neck, it is not in a good place to operate, and at the moment I can live with it as long as I don't over do things.

    I think I would be very worried if it hadn't been for the MRI scan. I had to see a neurologist about something elses, and he also thought the MRI showed the reasons for the symptoms. MRI shows much more detail than an x ray. I'd try asking again, if you can. Yours Sue

    Thanks Sue, I guess I need to be seen by the physio first before I am referred for an MRI scan. Been referred mid Jan and still on waiting list. Will ask GP and see what she says but I know it will be no. I have been plagued with chronic back pain for the last ten years and was refused MRI scan because of the cost. Only got to pain management clinic through occupational health at work and had acupuncture etc., nothing has been helpful with my back and it is something I have to put up with it, the ache is there all the time but manageable, I am glad I retired three years ago. Could not retire on ill health due to bad back, thanks fully I could retire at 55 yrs for working in the NHS. Up till now, I do not know what's the cause of my back pain.

    My surgery is not very good, my husband asked for a bone scan as he has a history of osteoporosis in the family. He was told it is unusual for man to get osteoporosis, in the end, she wrote the the consultant and they agreed to do it and guess wha his bone density is low and he needs to take some tablets. I have asked for a test but was declined as I did not meet the criteria. My sister-in-law could get any tests she wants from her GP.

    If you would have told me I will suffer from arthritis later on, I would not believe, I thought my back was bad but it is nothing compared to my shoulder pain.

    Take care.

  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    When I first started having problems with my back my GP referred me to the hospital to an orthopaedic as he guessed it may have beena disc problem. I wasn't seen by a consultant but a spinal physio under the consultant who referred me to have the MRI scan. They didnt follow up the scan until I went back to my GP whi told me arthritis had shown up on the scan. I am still waiting to see a rheumy at the moment.
    From some of the stories I have read on here I have found that my treatment / time elapsed before they took the scan has been quite quick. During the consultation she checkd my range of movement and siggested the MRI.
    I think a lot of hospitals are taking this route now, where there are more senior physios who have the authority to request scans.
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    On Wednesday 8th April we are going to try and set a new record for most people being online at the same time on this site. I think the time is set for 6pm if you can join us please let BADGER know. If you cant locate him have a look on CHIT CHAT FORUM under are we going to break the record. We need your help to do this so please join us.
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again Marie, I really am sorry you are having problems getting the treatment you deserve.

    Why not do what I did, get an xray first. My Dr suggested it as I have a history of spinal disease, I just went up the same day, they said I'd hear back in 2-3 weeks but my phone was ringing when we got home from the Hospital! A problem showed and I got an MRI the next day, I couldn't believe it when I found out my Auntie had been waiting for one for months. Granted I do know now I have serious issues but still I shouldn't be getting sent there and then when there are loads of people out there waiting. An xray is much cheaper and if they find something you'll get your MRI within days. Worth a shot, good luck, Alex