Advice needed!

penfactor Member Posts: 366
Hello! This is my first day here. I have OA in my right knee & hip & over the last year my hip has become so stiff & painful I have been signed off from work for 2 months :( I had an injection last June which was great for 5months but now my hip is so much worse than before :( I am having another injection next week but realise this too will be only temporary. I work in retail but in a standing & running around position all day. I also have to climb 2 sets of stairs & there is no lift. :(
My company doctor said that I should have provision to sit during the day but my manager has not provided this & I feel my job will be impossible to continue now
Over the last month I have to use a stick to get distances & as I work in beauty hall, I feel my manager will not like me using this at work. Help! What should I do?


  • tanith
    tanith Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You're manager should be complying with whatever the Company doctor has advised . I would have another word with him and say maybe he could make an app for you to see HR to discuss your working position and wether they are prepared to make certain allowances for you.. you don't say how old you are or how long you have worked for them.. Is a Hip-Replacement or resurface a possiblity in the not too distant future?
    Most company's will have a policy to deal with your dilemma..
    Our worst times are always our best lessons.
  • penfactor
    penfactor Member Posts: 366
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    tanith wrote:
    You're manager should be complying with whatever the Company doctor has advised . I would have another word with him and say maybe he could make an app for you to see HR to discuss your working position and wether they are prepared to make certain allowances for you.. you don't say how old you are or how long you have worked for them.. Is a Hip-Replacement or resurface a possiblity in the not too distant future?
    Most company's will have a policy to deal with your dilemma..[Thank you so much for taking the time to answer :) . I have worked for the company for 9years and am 50 next week. The consultant at the hospital has told me I am far too young for the re-surfacing operation and I don't know if this is just because I have only had one injection so far. My GP has encouraged me to persist in requesting this as I cannot afford to live without work. The company doctor is HR & said he has e-mailed my manager twice with his recommendations but she is not actioning them. Everyone at work seems to think I will just be able to have injections every couple of months & be Ok but I have been waiting since january for this one. I am so depressed & feel just like giving up. In customer service there is no sympathy for people with disability - customers do not want someone less able than themselves to do everything. I am so sorry I sound so hopeless but I have absolutely no-one else to talk to about all this :( /quote]
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am so sorry you are down about this, the OA is enough without the additional stress. I think as Tanith has said you must keep pushing and don't let them grind you down. I can't give you any advice as I'm self employed and have been since I was medically discharged a long time ago.

    I think I'm right in saying there are laws to protect you but they probably don't cover attitudes in terms of what is said to you by co workers or customers come to that. I wish I knew what to say bar rant on the site when ever you need and even if we ain't got the answers we will just be there for you. Take care, Cris
  • hedgehog
    hedgehog Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, sorry to hear about your work problems because of OA. Are you a member of a Trade Union? If so, make contact with your steward to act on your behalf. Make contact with your local Employment Office and seek help from the Access to Work Advisor. Your Company is not complying with the Disability Discrimination Act, I know it sounds like powerful stuff, but even though you are unwell, you still have rights.
    I hope that you get this sorted out. As others have said, coping with arthur is enough for any of us. Good Luck.
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hedgehog wrote:
    Hi, sorry to hear about your work problems because of OA. Are you a member of a Trade Union? If so, make contact with your steward to act on your behalf. Make contact with your local Employment Office and seek help from the Access to Work Advisor. Your Company is not complying with the Disability Discrimination Act, I know it sounds like powerful stuff, but even though you are unwell, you still have rights.
    I hope that you get this sorted out. As others have said, coping with arthur is enough for any of us. Good Luck.

    Hello Penfactor
    Sorry to hear your not so good and having work problems. You know half the battle is fought from within your head and weather or not you intend to do something about the situation and take some positive action. lots of employers just let things ride for one reason or another, they have targets and deadlines to meet. I would be inclined to follow Hedgehogs advice and contact the access to work people at you employment office or go along to the CAB and have a chat with them. I know its hard taking that first step but you have nothing to lose. Take care and keep your chin up
  • scorpiojackie
    scorpiojackie Member Posts: 38
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Penfactor,

    You have already been given some good advice from the previous answers. I would just like to add that you are not to young to have hip surgery.

    I had my hip resurfaced last June, at the age of 46. :shock:

    Keep pushing your GP for further treatment as it is obviously affecting your quality of life. Keep going back to him until you get some action.

    All the best
    Jackie :)
  • tanith
    tanith Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I would ask your doctor to refer you back to the consultant who is fobbing you off... I had physio on my hip which did help in the short-term but when I made it clear to my consultant how much impact my hip was having on my every day life and how it was becoming almost impossible to carry on in my job the attitude changed and I had my op within 4 months... I am not saying you are ready for an op yet but please make it clear how much this is affecting you...
    Our worst times are always our best lessons.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. All this stress can't be doing you any good. I'm not sure exactly what your rights are, but it would be a good idea to find out. If you'r in a Union, they would know, or the CAB. Even if you don't decide to do anything in the end, because its to stressful, knowing your rights mogjt make you feel better. :wink:
    If its a large store you work for, would their be any prospect of asking to be moved to a different secton, with less physical work? Just a thought. I hope you can sort it all out. LoveSue
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,868
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have in the past found the ACAS website and helpline useful. Is it worth giving them a try?
    Take care and good luck
    Toni x
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    On Wednesday 8th April we are going to try and set a new record for most people being online at the same time on this site. I think the time is set for 6pm if you can join us please let BADGER know. If you cant locate him have a look on CHIT CHAT FORUM under are we going to break the record. We need your help to do this so please join us.
  • lindas
    lindas Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi i had simmilar problems at work when i first told my employer about oa he asked if there was anything he could do to help my situation we both had suggestions and said he would carry them out that was 2006 3 years later nothing changed i do a very physical job commercial laundry i think as a result of the job i was doing thats what started my oa at the beggining of 2009 i was told my joint had deteriated to the point of having no joint in my left hip left and im only 42 i would seek advice from acas