weight loss and morphine, should i worry?

suzster Member Posts: 1,328
edited 9. Apr 2009, 11:10 in Living with Arthritis archive
this may sound daft, but i've been slowly lowering my morphine dose over the last few months, i've gone from 40mg twice a day to 20mg twice a day and my weight seems to be dropping.
the obvious lack of constipation could be the reason but i'm just concerned!!!
i've just managed to get into a pair of jeans a size smaller than i usually wear, these jeans i couldn't get past my thighs a few weeks ago!
ok, it's good as i do need to lose a bit but do you think it could be to do with the morphine?
nothing else has changed, well i've stopped doing my mtx injections due to severe sickness, but that wouldn't effect my weight so quickly i'm sure.
does anyone know? otherwise i'll need to spea to my gp but she'll think i'm mad for moaning i expect!!!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Suz
    Hope you are doing ok.
    I don't really know a link between the morphine and weight loss, but I do know lots of things CAN cause weight loss such as that sickness and the effects are only showing now?
    Pain causes me to loose weight
    If it were me I think I would give rheumy nurses a ring and bypass GP!!!!!
    Take care Suz
    Toni x
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i'm waiting for rheumy nurse to speak to rheumy as they need to decide what we are going to do next. i've had to stop the mtx, i should of done the injection on monday so you can imagine i'm starting to hurt now. but because it';s the easter holidays my rheumy is on holiday so i't going to be a while before they decide the next move!!!
    it's tempting to just up my morphine again but i can't as it took so long to lower it!
    anyway, i'm thinking that 2 yrs of constipation was bound to effect my weight (sorry) so i guess now thats gone maybe thats whats causing the weightloss?
    i could never understand why i was dieting yet never losing weight, so looking at it that way it makes sense!
    i've been thinking about it all morning, i'll wait for rheumy nurse to call me next week and see what she says, theres no point in trying ring her now as she's on holiday to, great!!!!
    thanks for replying though.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    They are always on their hols when you need them eh?!
    Wonder if it WAS the constipation. I suppose if it was then it will settle after a while.
    In the meantime I hope you are coping ok with the pain?
    Look after yourself Sue
    Toni x
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    up until this morning the pain wasn't to bad, i thought i'd be fine, but this morning i am so stiff and achey. always the way, easter hols, no gp or rheumy about!
    oh well, i will take it easy next week as my eldest (10yr old) is away for the week so i won't have to go to the park every day! so i'll be able to rest abit more,
    thanks again!
  • weerosie
    weerosie Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    suzster wrote:
    up until this morning the pain wasn't to bad, i thought i'd be fine, but this morning i am so stiff and achey. always the way, easter hols, no gp or rheumy about!
    oh well, i will take it easy next week as my eldest (10yr old) is away for the week so i won't have to go to the park every day! so i'll be able to rest abit more,
    thanks again!

    Hi Suzster...I'm sorry the pain is starting to creep back in. Have no other meds you could take for the breakthrough pain? Perhaps something not as strong as the morphine or mtx? I hope you find relief and get to enjoy the easter hols. x
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i take sulphasalazine and naproxen already but the rheumy has to see me before she will decide what to do.
    i guess i could take paracetamol as well if needed.
    it's not forever i guess and hopefully i'll get to see my rheumy in a week or so. the rheumy nurse is going to speak to her next wednesday because thats when the next clinic is, so nothing can be done before then any way. it's so frustrating.
    my rheumy nurse has been very supportive and has rung me several times to make sure i'm ok, so thats something.
    i'll see how i am in a few days, if need be i'll have to see my gp on tuesday, if she's in!!
    why do these things always happen during holidays?
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,900
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Suzster
    I have reduced and now stopped my morphine over the past month. I have the runs ( sorry if tmi) for 2 weeks and lost weight, about half a stone. My appetite was poor. But improving now.
    I`m taking codeine and paracetamol for pain now.
    Good luck
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thank you nearly, so whats happening with me is normal, thank goodness!
    my gp didn't warn me, i wish she had.
    yes my tummy has been awful, it's gone from hardly ever going to going loads, tmi but it's nice to know it's ok!
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,900
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI Suzster
    When I first started to reduce my morphine , my stomache ache etc were awful and I felt flu ey. Some days I resorted to taking oromorph to reduce symptoms, but in the end I stuck it out and now my guts are recovering! Now that I am on codeine again I am finding things going the other way (constipated!!), but pain relief is not bad. ( I am also on paracetamol regularly and diclo as needed.)
    I am glad to be off the morphine now though.
    I wouldn`t mind a bit more weight loss either :wink: