pension schemes

bevman Member Posts: 107
hi this is the first time i have posted any thing so here husband was diagnosed with RA in 2007 it has been very aggressive and spent three weeks in hospital due to his blood count droping because of the RA he is on the usual stuff methatrixate,salazapirin,predesolone and TNF embrel.He has been off work now for over twelve month and he was approache by his employer to apply for incapacity retirment it was turned down due to the OH in work. now we are just about to appeal and he has agreed that he is unfit for work but another treatment may help him in twelve month,s time so the HR has said that the appeal will most prob be turned down again the HR manager has said "off the record" that he think,s it is because of his age he has been turned down because he is only 53.Wonder if anybody else has had problems like this and any advice oh and he also has kidney problems so is limited on what med he can have.


  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Does his work offer a career break scheme? Some employers offer them up to 5 years, you remained employed but obviously don't get paid or make contributions. If they did something like that might be ideal if he thinks he may get better. I'd certainly appeal it though. Has he been assessed to see if there is any alternative work he can do? Under the DDA an employer must show they have tried to do this. I would take advice from CAB or similar to find out exactly your rights. Good luck x
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Bevman
    Have you completed and returned your appeal forms. You should go along to CAB and have a chat with them they really are very helpfull and will guide you through the forms. They will also give you any help and information you may need on other financial matters arising from hubbys illness its well worth a visit. Take Care
  • bevman
    bevman Member Posts: 107
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    colinone wrote:
    Hi Bevman
    Have you completed and returned your appeal forms. You should go along to CAB and have a chat with them they really are very helpfull and will guide you through the forms. They will also give you any help and information you may need on other financial matters arising from hubbys illness its well worth a visit. Take Care
    hi colinone thank's for the advice we have decided to try and get some help of the CAB on the pension matter and fight the decision we are really fed up with the hole thing as if RA isnt bad enough.
  • bevman
    bevman Member Posts: 107
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Does his work offer a career break scheme? Some employers offer them up to 5 years, you remained employed but obviously don't get paid or make contributions. If they did something like that might be ideal if he thinks he may get better. I'd certainly appeal it though. Has he been assessed to see if there is any alternative work he can do? Under the DDA an employer must show they have tried to do this. I would take advice from CAB or similar to find out exactly your rights. Good luck x
    Thank's he had been assessed he did try to go back to work but had a real bad flare up we are going to see somebody in the CAB i think thank's for advice bevman (well his wife)