Starting Prenisolone, after no luck with mtx, leflu, & S

ifeelninety Member Posts: 57
edited 16. Apr 2009, 19:04 in Living with Arthritis archive
Was taken off Leflunomide last week due to blood levels dropping. Rheumy phoned today and told me to stay off it - White blood count had dropped to 3.2 - I last took it on the Sunday night - got bloods checked on Wed morning and white blood count back up to 4.2 - I didnt think it could have caused that much a difference so quick so wonder if it wasnt the leflun causing it to fall but something else. - Any ideas anyone?? :roll:

Anyway they want me to have a steroid jag at the Gps :lol: but also to start on Prenisolone 10mg daily too - I am a bit worried about this as last Rheumy said he wouldn't start me on that at my age (39),so concerned about the sideeffects and the puffy ness ( could do with losing weight as it is - and have already lost about a stone- just managed to get my rings back on after 3 years!)

Would be interested to hear anyones elses take on the steroid tablets.

Thanks all for reading :D


  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello and welcome
    I have been on and off prednisolone for the past couple of years along with methotrexate and enbrel I take 20mg a day, Get the coated ones if you can they are beter for the tummy and slow releasing. One of the guys on the forum has been on them for years if you do a search for prednisolone you will find past posts you can read up. Weight gain, round face, i havent had it but i do eat more, it seems to give me a hunger type feeling in the tummy. There are side effects you can google it and take a look. But remember not all people get the side effects. I was told by the Rheumy it was not a long term drug and no i dont know how long long term is but i have heared of people on it for years. You may also need to take calsium tablets talk to your GP or Rheumy about that. Take Care.
  • averyniceman
    averyniceman Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Here's an article which may be helpful:
  • plmb48
    plmb48 Member Posts: 125
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi i have been on pred for 20 odd years they have caused OP but the help they give me outweighs some of the problems we get try them if you get worried you can allways get off them i hope they work .DR did try to get me off them but i kicked my heels and said no way good luck pauline :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • bagpuss
    bagpuss Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I am 46 and was started on prednisolone about 5 years ago? (I know its been a long time). I finally came off them 3 weeks ago. When first started them it was great, having mobility and not feeling tired and having energy to spend time doing things with the children. When I started them I was a size 10, I am now a size 16, my face is very round and fat and I started feeling very large and ugly. They tried me on several other drugs but I had bad side effects. To overcome the side affects they would just boost my prednisolone up to 20 mg a day. It can be very difficult to come off them, but when I look back I am glad I got to enjoy that part of my life, so I have no regrets. It is a hard to decide what to do for the best. Just to let you know since I have been off them I have lost weight, so it is easy to lose that bloated look, so yes no regrets for me.

    Well I wish you all the best in whatever you decide

  • jimmy77
    jimmy77 Member Posts: 71
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Was taken off Leflunomide last week due to blood levels dropping. Rheumy phoned today and told me to stay off it - White blood count had dropped to 3.2 - I last took it on the Sunday night - got bloods checked on Wed morning and white blood count back up to 4.2 - I didnt think it could have caused that much a difference so quick so wonder if it wasnt the leflun causing it to fall but something else. - Any ideas anyone?? :roll:

    Anyway they want me to have a steroid jag at the Gps :lol: but also to start on Prenisolone 10mg daily too - I am a bit worried about this as last Rheumy said he wouldn't start me on that at my age (39),so concerned about the sideeffects and the puffy ness ( could do with losing weight as it is - and have already lost about a stone- just managed to get my rings back on after 3 years!)

    Would be interested to hear anyones elses take on the steroid tablets.

    Thanks all for reading :D


    I've been taking these tablets off and on for 10 plus years. I generally use the taper approach starting at high levels and then trying to get to zero over a few weeks. Long term use has serious problems as I am sure they have told you but it works great for me.

    Good luck.
  • ifeelninety
    ifeelninety Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for all your replies and reassurances.

    I spoke with my practise nurse yesterday and told her about concerns - she says 10mg is not a high dose and it is really just to help out till they figure out the next step.

    I am worried about taking them long term as feel as though I could do with losing weight just now before I even start taking them. Hopefully I will get an app thorugh to see rheumy soon ( actual app in 4 weeks) and I can discuss all with him. I am really just looking for guidance to him as to how long he is thinking if keeping me on them as I dont want it to be a long term thing. :roll: