feeling a bit down this morning

mistywillow Member Posts: 711
edited 19. Apr 2009, 05:05 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all
Don't like to moan but its probably better doing it here than to my poor old family! Its just the first thing you wake up to every morning is excruciating pain after a not very good night's rest because of pain. Then you have the stuggle to get dressed and struggle to do the very same things that you struggled to get done yesterday and will need struggling with again tomorrow!!
You never get a break from ' the struggle routine' n045.gif
Holidays are nt an option because they present even more struggles :lol:
And now i am sitting here writing this instead of doing the mountain of stuff that i have to get done today. I'm very hypocritical because i am always advising people to pace themselves, but actually that sometimes makes things worse because instead of getting through the mountain, the workload just keeps building up and some days it just feels overwhelming. LIKE TODAY :( Feel a bit offloaded now i ve got that off my chest :!:
Hope you are all having a better start to your day than yours truly!
Love Gillx


  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    Sorry to hear that your day has not begun that well. Hopefully it can only get better. Sure something will crop up that will lift your spirits. Hope so. You are ahead of me big time though I am sitting here in my pj's - have done some stretchng exercises and had breakfast but that is all. I do not tend to say to peeps to pace themselves, it is much easier said than done. We all know we should do that but........and we never learn, do we? Unless it is enforced bedrest I overdo it one day, have a good time, and have to take things slower the next.

    I am not able to give you any great solutions, wish I could, but send you my sympathy. I am having an easy day as we are going out for a pub lunch with my son (it's his birthday today), partner and our grandchild of 8 months; my daughter is taking part in the Marie Curie Swimathon, so I am bursting with happiness this morning. Sorry! It is good to forget the chores every now and again, chores will still be there when I return - they always are. Perhaps prioritising is the answer.

    Chin up, it is fairly early in the day yet.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • greyheron
    greyheron Member Posts: 167
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    Glad you were able to 'offload' onto us and hope that it made you feel a bit better able to face your day.

    I feel so lucky that there was a solution to my pain problem - the knee replacement op I had five months ago. I still get some pain in it and my other knee complains sometimes but nothing like what you are obviously experiencing.

    So I don't have any practical solutions to offer, just my very good wishes accompanied by an electronic hug.

    Also, do try to take satisfaction from what you DO achieve - it's so easy for us to feel discouraged by what we haven't achieved. After years of hoarding, I am currently doing a major decluttering exercise and it is a lesson I have had to learn when tasks seem so overwhelming. Like Tesco say 'Every little helps'.

    Take care

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill,

    Sorry your having one of those days, they are not easy days are they? Take your time and you do have to pace your self and delegate as much as you can. And don't feel guilty as these days happen and you can't keep pushing yourself without something giving out.

    I also send you cyber ((()))'s and hope your day gets better for you. I also recommend a cuppa and a time out and forget the mountains of stuff. My lot will tell you it's better you go on a bit of a go slow than be laid up and no good what so ever.

    It's not easy but some days you just have to sit back and not see all the things you should be doing. It will wait, it always seems a lot more than it is if you dwell on it. I don't know the answer but I do know where your coming from. I know its not of much help but tomorrow is another day and you may find things a bit easier then.

    Take care, and be kind to your self,
    Cris xx
  • pluggathome
    pluggathome Member Posts: 171
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill, sorry your day has not started well.

    I've been feeling how you are today for a while.

    I have just made the world's worst runniest trifle for my grandads surpise 80th birthday this aftanoon and normally I would be going nuts and making a new one but the hands say no chance. The whisking was not so hot yesterday!

    So today, my mind says you did your best and on the basis grandad doesn't wear his teeth it will be perfect for him! :lol::lol:

    Sending you some cyber hugs.

  • dianne2110
    dianne2110 Member Posts: 32
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all
    Don't like to moan but its probably better doing it here than to my poor old family! Its just the first thing you wake up to every morning is excruciating pain after a not very good night's rest because of pain. Then you have the stuggle to get dressed and struggle to do the very same things that you struggled to get done yesterday and will need struggling with again tomorrow!!
    You never get a break from ' the struggle routine' n045.gif
    Holidays are nt an option because they present even more struggles :lol:
    And now i am sitting here writing this instead of doing the mountain of stuff that i have to get done today. I'm very hypocritical because i am always advising people to pace themselves, but actually that sometimes makes things worse because instead of getting through the mountain, the workload just keeps building up and some days it just feels overwhelming. LIKE TODAY :( Feel a bit offloaded now i ve got that off my chest :!:
    Hope you are all having a better start to your day than yours truly!
    Love Gillx

    Hi Gill,

    I feel just like you this morning, in fact I feel like you every morning, I think its very difficult for anyone who doesn't feel like this to understand.
    If It makes you feel any better your not alone.

    hope you feel a bit better soon

    love Dianne
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I feel the same just logged in to cheer self up sorry you not feeling good also but we are not alone joanne
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I feel the same just logged in to cheer self up sorry you not feeling good also but we are not alone joanne

    Hi Elna, Wendy Chris, Plug, Diane and Jo
    Thanks for your posts. It does help when can have a bit of a moan and people really know what it is feeling like, but by the same token i would much rather none of you had to experience it either!
    Plug you made me laugh about your gramps trifle!!
    Hope all your days improve, i have managed to get my reluctant body into 1st gear at least.
    take care
    love Gillx
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill,Sorry to hear you are feeling low.I know what it's like first thing in the morning,just getting out of bed is a struggle.Hands stiff and sore,knees won't bend and trying to get dressed takes ages. :( It usually takes a couple of hours before I get resonable useage of my hands.Yesterday I went out shopping,came back and couldn't turn the key in the lock of the front door.Had to go and get a neighbour to let me indoors.How embarassing that was! :oops: Hope the day gets better for you.Breane.x
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    breane wrote:
    Hi Gill,Sorry to hear you are feeling low.I know what it's like first thing in the morning,just getting out of bed is a struggle.Hands stiff and sore,knees won't bend and trying to get dressed takes ages. :( It usually takes a couple of hours before I get resonable useage of my hands.Yesterday I went out shopping,came back and couldn't turn the key in the lock of the front door.Had to go and get a neighbour to let me indoors.How embarassing that was! :oops: Hope the day gets better for you.Breane.x

    Hi Breane
    that must have been frustrating for you, thank goodness neighbour was in! Have you got something chunky round the head of your key to help you grip it or is it pure lack of strength?
  • ritnew
    ritnew Member Posts: 338
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Must be something in the air as I feel like that as well. Snapped my poor husbands head off for something quite trivial.
    What I've been doing this week is trying to do one extra thing each day, so far so good. Might sound daft to others who don't suffer with arthur but it has made me feel I've achieved something this week. My biggest achievement was tidying a little room we have that was filled with my husband junk, he'll probably refill it in the next couple of weeks but at least we can get in there now. Fingers crossed he's going to mow the grass then I'm going to do a bit of gardening.
    Hope your day gets better.

    Rita X
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again Gill,It was just lack of strength in my hands that I could not turn the key in my door,My hands were not too bad when I left home and I locked the door OK but on returning,try as I might,I just could not get the key to turn in the lock.The other embarressing thing that happen recently was I went out with my O/H for a pizza in the local cafe,ordered our meal but when it arrived I found I couldn't hold the knife to cut into it and my O/H had to cut it up into pieces for me. :oops: I felt like a small child having their meal cut up by its parent!!I noticed several other diners looking across at us so I don't think I'll be going in there again.! Breane.x
  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    breane wrote:
    Hi again Gill,It was just lack of strength in my hands that I could not turn the key in my door,My hands were not too bad when I left home and I locked the door OK but on returning,try as I might,I just could not get the key to turn in the lock.The other embarressing thing that happen recently was I went out with my O/H for a pizza in the local cafe,ordered our meal but when it arrived I found I couldn't hold the knife to cut into it and my O/H had to cut it up into pieces for me. :oops: I felt like a small child having their meal cut up by its parent!!I noticed several other diners looking across at us so I don't think I'll be going in there again.! Breane.x

    the same thing happend to me a few months ago, i went out with friends for dinner and orderd my meal when it came i couldnt cut the meat, my friend offered to cut it for me but i was so embarressed that i said i wasnt that hungery and just ate the stuff i didnt need to cut lucky it came with mash. since then i have had injections in my hand so have more movement now.
  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill,
    hope your day improved and hope tomorrow is a little more kind to you.
    best wishes page
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    So relieved to hear that your day began to slowly improve by late morning. Have you had the sun, we have had, chilly out of it, but cheering to see the brightness.

    Here's hoping tomorrow continues to be ok for you and all week.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    Sorry to hear that you were having a bad morning. Pain is very debilitating, isn't it? Even the smallest thing can seem like a mountain to climb. The trouble is that when you feel down, you get overwhelmed by everything piling up, and not having the energy to cope. Then it gets like a viscious circle.

    Sometimes I have felt like shouting,"Stop the world, I want to get off!"If I get to that point now, I award myself a "Nurturing myself day", when I delegate all the chores, or just forget them for a day. Then I do whatever I want to make myself feel better, whether it is spending a day in bed, watching day-time TV, or going out somewhere if I feel up to it. Awarding yourself a day off can work wonders for your morale,so I recommend it!

    I'm sorry to hear that a holiday is out of the question, because that can be very beneficial too. One good thing I discovered last year was that at Premier Travel Inns (not sure whether I am allowed to name them) you can book, and then cancel right up to the day without losing any money. They are a very good standard, and all over the country. This is ideal if you aren't sure how you will be, and are worried about losing money if you book in at a hotel, but then have to cancel at the last minute.

    Hope you are feeling a bit better now,

    Joan :D
  • josiec
    josiec Member Posts: 386
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Gill,
    Are you feeling any better? Sorry to hear you are having a bad day-we can all sympathise! Sorry can't offer any practical ideas but sending you cyber hugs! Take care, Josie X
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    josiec wrote:
    Hi Gill,
    Are you feeling any better? Sorry to hear you are having a bad day-we can all sympathise! Sorry can't offer any practical ideas but sending you cyber hugs! Take care, Josie X

    Hi All
    Thank you for your messages, they do give me a boost. I'm feeling much better now. The mornings are always the hardest when you feel like you should be at your best and rearing to go and get things done but your body objects big time! I know so many of you are in the same position and many of you are much worse than i am. It does nt help allowing those negative thoughts and pain is always much worse when you are feeling down. The sun was shining here in Herts today, the trees look beautiful in blossom and everything looks so green from the heavy rain we had yesterday, so its difficult to stay too miserable. Thank you once again though for your posts.
    Take care Love Gillx d045.gif
  • pluggathome
    pluggathome Member Posts: 171
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All
    Thank you for your messages, they do give me a boost. I'm feeling much better now. The mornings are always the hardest when you feel like you should be at your best and rearing to go and get things done but your body objects big time! I know so many of you are in the same position and many of you are much worse than i am. It does nt help allowing those negative thoughts and pain is always much worse when you are feeling down. The sun was shining here in Herts today, the trees look beautiful in blossom and everything looks so green from the heavy rain we had yesterday, so its difficult to stay too miserable. Thank you once again though for your posts.
    Take care Love Gillx d045.gif[/quote]

    Morning, Just thought I'd let you know that the trifle was duly drank and we had a great party. This afternoon is my dads surpise 60th tea party at my house. I know, an expensive week! Got the local farm shop to to the sarnies though and my bestest buddy is cake baker. Am looking forward to it.

    You are all welcome to a cyber peice of cake.
