New hip clonking in joint and causing bit of pain-help!

helbel13 Member Posts: 7
edited 25. Apr 2009, 11:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello to anyone who reads this.I'm a 38yr old lady
I had a THR on right hip just over 8wks ago.Due to the displasia i've had since birth getting worse.
I have been following all the rules.
However even from two weeks after the op:my new joint moved on it's own in the socket a little bit when lying flat and sliding my leg up a bit.
I was told not to worry as hip still settling down.
I went for 1st check up on Tue:by then the new hip moving in joint as lifted leg off stair with it straight to go onto next step.
Also clonks and feel it move a bit just standing by sink washing up or wiping down work tops.
She said not to worry things still healing and settling down.
And i didn't have to follow the rules anymore.
So wed:i started to bend down a bit to use trowel in garden.
The new hip clonked a lot more!making the ball area rather tender.
It also clonks when i try to touch my toes.
I can walk about with it ok-with one crutch and a bit by myself,do all the post op exercises still ok.And go up&down stair alright in normal manner-although a bit slow.As physio said it ok. As still got concerns have now got appoint:with my consultant 19thMay.It also doesn't help that i can't put much weight on left hip that is being replaced in about 18wks time due to it having OA from lots of surgery in childhood.
Has anyone else had this problem a few weeks after THR i would really like some help and advice.


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, Sorry I can't help you over your hip except to say they have looked at it I hope? I just wanted to say Hi and welcome to the site. Take care, Cris :D
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have't had surgery on my hip, so I'm not the best person to answer this, but it seems to me that 8 weeks isn't long for a major joint replacement. It sounds as if you are doing great, washing up and in the garden :) . However, I can understand it must be a bit worrying if its making funny noises :!: I assume you'll see a doctor soon at the hospital or maybe talk to your GP if you'r worried. At least you know the physio is fine with it, but if you are concerned see your GP ASAP. :) Forgive me, I smiled when I read your post, it put a funny picture in my mind, with you in the garden :!: :) I've got a wierd sense of humour, it comes from being a care assistant for years! Hope all is well, Sue ps someone with experience of this op will give you a better answer soon, their are quite afew here.
  • collettem
    collettem Member Posts: 94
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Just wanted to say I hope you get things sorted. I am 35 and eight weeks post op on tues also due to dysplasia, and have not had any major problems yet, just the frustration of the healing process, and I suppose pain around the hip area. I would keep on with the consultant to get an answer or solution. Have they done an x ray of it.

  • helbel13
    helbel13 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    collettem wrote:

    Just wanted to say I hope you get things sorted. I am 35 and eight weeks post op on tues also due to dysplasia, and have not had any major problems yet, just the frustration of the healing process, and I suppose pain around the hip area. I would keep on with the consultant to get an answer or solution. Have they done an x ray of it.

    Thanks for the reply :) glad your doing fare ok with similar situations as me.Hope you keep recovering more each day.
    I was told i may get to have x-ray if consultion thinks i need one when see him on 19th May.But i've done exercises this eve&have walk few times around garden but gone back to using 2 crutches for that.Fine untill left hip got too sore.Are you still doing certain exercises?And are you able to bend down to pick things up now without any probs?If it's ok to ask
  • harleyd14
    harleyd14 Member Posts: 259
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi there, i had a hip resurface 9 wks ago and i went to the drs twice because of my clunking hip AFTER the op...this is what i was told by the 2nd dr, who explained alot more to me than the 1st one.... "after having such a major op as a hip replacement, all the pushing and pulling actually misalines your skeletal structure, plus the fact that hammering, drilling and dislocation takes place throughout the procedure and it takes anything up to 6 months for the body and bone structure to go back to normal, also the clicking could also be down to the tendons reattaching to the hip joint and they snap every so often" this i thought was very informative and did put my mind at rest although i really dont think you should be bending down and touching your toes just yet, i still need help getting up from weeding-had to make sure i put the "D" in that word or it could have meant a whole different story!!!!
    i hope this helps, ask any other questions if you want, we are always willing to help out eachother on here, take care, Sally.x
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,900
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had my THR 9 weeks ago on Monday re OA and hip dysplasia. I had uncemented ceramic on ceramic one fitted. Mine `slides` clunks a bit and squeaks at times. I was told this can happen with this type of hip.
    I have been able to pick things from the floor if I keep my operated leg out behind me , but I try not to if i can. I haven`t tried touching my toes, as joint sore due to bursitis. I have been advised to keep using crutches until I am seen on 19th may. I don`t use them indoors though.
    It made the biggest clunk when the Reg examined it on Tuesday! But didn`t hurt. He didn`t seem concerned though.
  • helbel13
    helbel13 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had my THR 9 weeks ago on Monday re OA and hip dysplasia. I had uncemented ceramic on ceramic one fitted. Mine `slides` clunks a bit and squeaks at times. I was told this can happen with this type of hip.
    I have been able to pick things from the floor if I keep my operated leg out behind me , but I try not to if i can. I haven`t tried touching my toes, as joint sore due to bursitis. I have been advised to keep using crutches until I am seen on 19th may. I don`t use them indoors though.
    It made the biggest clunk when the Reg examined it on Tuesday! But didn`t hurt. He didn`t seem concerned though.
    Thankyou so much to you and the person before you for your replys and support.i am giong to put my op:leg behind me if i have to bend down untill i see my consult:again.i was a bit surprised i didn't see him at the last appoin:only physio lady.Iv'e had to ring a few departments at the Hosp:and make this appoint:myself!I'll have to look up bursitis as no idea wot it is.But hope it not too serious.Well at least i've managed the 1st wk on my own since the op:ok :) So @least spared the washing up tonight.I'm going back to 2 crutches.But like you non a bit in house.Got a wk in Convelesant house by sea next month so looking foreward to that before see consult:again.
    I hope your clonking wear off after a bit.take care.Helen :mrgreen:
  • helbel13
    helbel13 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    harleyd14 wrote:
    hi there, i had a hip resurface 9 wks ago and i went to the drs twice because of my clunking hip AFTER the op...this is what i was told by the 2nd dr, who explained alot more to me than the 1st one.... "after having such a major op as a hip replacement, all the pushing and pulling actually misalines your skeletal structure, plus the fact that hammering, drilling and dislocation takes place throughout the procedure and it takes anything up to 6 months for the body and bone structure to go back to normal, also the clicking could also be down to the tendons reattaching to the hip joint and they snap every so often" this i thought was very informative and did put my mind at rest although i really dont think you should be bending down and touching your toes just yet, i still need help getting up from weeding-had to make sure i put the "D" in that word or it could have meant a whole different story!!!!
    i hope this helps, ask any other questions if you want, we are always willing to help out eachother on here, take care, Sally.x
    Thankyou Sally,THis has helped put my mind at rest a bit although of course i will still keep my appoin:with consultant.It's just being able to put my hands flat on the floor pre op:and can now barely touch toes with tip of fingers v.frustrating!But noe i know it's common to not do that at this stage i will try and be more patient with myself.I'm relieved for you that the big clonk didn't come to anything.I hope you continue to recover well.You take care too,Helenx
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi, i to had a hip resurfacing about 5 yrs ago and it still does the clicky thing now and again, sometimes it feels like it's going to pop out of the socket but it never does!! it can be abit 'sticky' to sometimes, kind of doesn't want to move then it clicks and it's fine!
    i have a check up with surgeon oncea yr and an x ray to and it has always been fine.
    sometimes i wonder if i only notice it all because i know it's been operated on? as i guess'normal' joints click and stuff sometimes!!
    i also think mines been a bit more clicky and clunky because i have developed RA. the op was done because i had OA in it after a accident many rears ago, i dislocated it and damaged the joint.
    any way i don't know if any of that i any help, but i thought i'd tell you about my experience!
  • border
    border Member Posts: 94
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    suzster wrote:
    hi, i to had a hip resurfacing about 5 yrs ago and it still does the clicky thing now and again, sometimes it feels like it's going to pop out of the socket but it never does!! it can be abit 'sticky' to sometimes, kind of doesn't want to move then it clicks and it's fine!
    i have a check up with surgeon oncea yr and an x ray to and it has always been fine.
    sometimes i wonder if i only notice it all because i know it's been operated on? as i guess'normal' joints click and stuff sometimes!!
    i also think mines been a bit more clicky and clunky because i have developed RA. the op was done because i had OA in it after a accident many rears ago, i dislocated it and damaged the joint.
    any way i don't know if any of that i any help, but i thought i'd tell you about my experience!

    I had THR 11 weeks ago and it is comforting to know that it takes about 6th months to get back to normal. Am waiting for THR on other hip. I was warned though not to bend beyond my knees and keep a 90 degree angle. Still on one crutcuh around the house when able but certainly on two when out and about. Today hip rep.feels sore so am taking it easy. Best of luck when seeing consultant but do not be surprised at Xray - it's part of the course.