On Route For Early Retierment

petmad Member Posts: 252
Well the decision has finally been made. Following discussion with Rheumy, who informs me she has never seen anyone at my age , 54, who has OA so severely, other than hereditory cases. In that case i am glad I have no children to pass it onto.

She and my GP will fully support my application for early retieral and my physio advises this is the best thing for me.

I thought I would be sad, upset etc as i am a workaholic, was never off despite having OA since 1980. However, I feel that a great weight has been taken off me, I was so worried about how I was going to cope as my life/abilities are very limited and I was getting into a panic about everything.

I sent a letter, recorded delivery to the Principal Officer yesterday, it crossed in the post with his for the third stage interview which could lead to dissmisal. I emailed him with copy of my letter and he sent a very nice supportive email in return and will process the application to occy health.

So here I am waiting to go through the slow process. I hope all goes well and I get my pension as this will allow me to concentrate on maintaining my mobility and to have a reasonably good life. Linda


  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    light at the end off the tunnel.
    you must feel a bit releived to know now that your not returning to work & can now concentrate on whats important YOU.
    before i finished by job i wasnt allowed to turn my mobile off as i had to tell people how to do my run.i was a collector for a leisure company.After 24 wks i got so fed up i had to ring in twice a wk to say the same thing,dont know whats wrong,got to go physio,hospital etc.
    i was so releived when gp said no way can you return to work,the company then picked up the car & phone & i was left in peace.
    then i got dx & told to finish i was 40yrs old. :oops:
    but now i try to keep busy with the house & garden.
    its hard finishing especially a job you enjoy.but life goes on & we manage,only just & were happy. good luck & i hope it all gets sorted with no more problems,you dont need anymore stress.debsx
  • tanith
    tanith Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Can feel your relief in your post, I think I was in shock for about a month when this happened to me..I think I also went into panic mode as to how would I cope with one third the amount of monthly income.. but I adjusted and manage well on my limited and fixed income.. I hope it all goes through quickly and you can concentrate on yourself for a change...
    Our worst times are always our best lessons.
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Your right Debs it is hard to let go a job you have enjoyed. I was in Mental Health and can honestly say I had a wonderful job. However from now on my job has to be about maintaining my mobility...so swimming pool etc here I come.

    Tanith I know what you mean about the financial situation, however for over a year I have had just a little over £80 per week, so if I can survive on that I think anything will seem better. Linda
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    good luck linda. debsx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sometimes it is the only option and when the decision is made you can relax a bit. I have a meeting at work about the same thing this Wednesday, I'm taking a union rep with my for support. Good Luck
    Love Sue :)
  • bex4cats
    bex4cats Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    petmad wrote:
    Well the decision has finally been made. Following discussion with Rheumy, who informs me she has never seen anyone at my age , 54, who has OA so severely, other than hereditory cases. In that case i am glad I have no children to pass it onto.

    She and my GP will fully support my application for early retieral and my physio advises this is the best thing for me.

    I thought I would be sad, upset etc as i am a workaholic, was never off despite having OA since 1980. However, I feel that a great weight has been taken off me, I was so worried about how I was going to cope as my life/abilities are very limited and I was getting into a panic about everything.

    I sent a letter, recorded delivery to the Principal Officer yesterday, it crossed in the post with his for the third stage interview which could lead to dissmisal. I emailed him with copy of my letter and he sent a very nice supportive email in return and will process the application to occy health.

    So here I am waiting to go through the slow process. I hope all goes well and I get my pension as this will allow me to concentrate on maintaining my mobility and to have a reasonably good life. Linda
    hi you are not alone in early retirement . i was also retired sick at 54 three years ago now! my R A startedabout 4 years ago suddenly and dramatically all over. I loved my job as support nurse. there is no history of family connection and I thought i would never get through the pain and immobility on reflection it was the right choice as even now I never know what each day will bring . as you say you have to concentrate on getting as good a life as possible . hope the application goes well :P
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I was in a similar situation some years ago. My rheumy shook his head everytime I said that I was still working. But he also understood that it was my decision.

    As I could not manage over several years, it was a big decision to finally give up working. Stopping, with the wonder of hindsight, was the best thing that I did. a070.gif

    Now, I take things as they come, just take one day at a time.

    I hope that it works for you. :D

    Joseph 8)
  • petmad
    petmad Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Sue.

    bex4cats, as youI loved my job as a Mental Health Officer, however the time has come to admit I am unable to continue, so will have to adjust to these circumstances.

    Joseph, thank you, I also hope it works out for me :D , but know I feel overwhelming relief that the decision has been taken. I can just hope that the occy helath Dr feels the same as I have been told how reluctant the council is to give early retirement. Linda