pain in the neck

chinablue Member Posts: 48
edited 25. Jun 2009, 01:38 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi every one has any been put on tramadol? and do you know if you can still take extra painkillers with it?
I went back to my gp for the umteenth time know on anti depressant too, i feel bit funny about taking them like i have given in a bit but as well as suffering with RA i am going through the change and greving for mum too doc says with all thats going on at mo no wonder i am depressed.
I have been getting very bad neck ache and pain in the joints and muscels so gp said to take the tramadol but she said i am prety much maxed out on tabs.
on mexthtrotate, arthritec, folic acid, gabatine, anti depresants and know tramadol.
still getting a lot of pain through and am finding it hard to walk anywhere. My sister took me to sudbury for an outing i managed to walk 1/2 way up one street (very small place) then we had to stop and get a cup of coffee so i could rest and then back to car not much of an outing for her i felt such a fool and didn't like letting her down but she is so nice and said that it was fine and it was nice for her to get out of the house for a while.
its 3:3o am and not sleeping well either.
but on the other hand i know there are lots more people who are much worse than I am so should.nt moan realy.
I have got new rhemy now hope he is better than last one everyone says he is realy good will have to wait and see. but can't be worse than last one. and seeing different gp at surgery too.
anyway better go thankyou for listerning hope everyone well and not in too much pain luv to everyone and hugs chinablue :wink:


  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chinablue

    I can't help with the use of the tablets, but I am sure that someone who is on a similar set of painkillers will be able to advise you. As an RA flare-up can be triggered by stress, I am not surprised that you are really suffering. You have my sympathy; not much though, as I am saving most of it for myself.

    Talking to a local fellow sufferer yesterday, he said that he was in much more pain over the last few days and I have had a major flare-up as well. This may help explain the unearthly hour that I am typing this. I am definitely NOT a morning person and quite thankful for a decent spell checker at this hour.

    I do hope that things settle down for you and I am sure your sister understands. You both made the effort to get out together and perhaps a more successful visit to Sudbury for retail therapy will be soon.

    Joseph 8)
  • lesleygraham
    lesleygraham Member Posts: 91
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chinablue
    I too have been up since 4.30 due to the pain and stiffness of my RA. I have been taking tramadol for over 5 years. It is prescribed for moderate to severe pain and I have had no side effects. However, the pain has been so bad lately that my rhummy had prescribed oramorph (morphine, i only take it on a morning ), to take along with tramadol. As suggested by my gp,I usually take tramadol with paracetomol or co-codomol when the pain is bad and it really makes a difference.
    Obviously, you should check it out with gp first but I know I couldn't do without my painkillers.
    Take care
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chinablue
    Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it at the mo :(
    You know anti depressants are often used in RA and NOT a sign that you aren't coping. I am on amitrip as are lots of people and it just helps you relax a bit at night and get some essential resorative sleep.
    I hope your new meds kick in soon and you start to feel a bit better.
    Take care
    toni x