Pain Clinic appointment date at last!

smillajasperson Member Posts: 37
edited 3. Aug 2009, 17:55 in Living with Arthritis archive
Having waited 8 months and asking to be refered by my Dr 4 times and not getting anywhere due to the stupidity of his secretary my appointment date from the Pain Clinic came through this morning - its 4th September! :) Not long to wait now! However I'm over the latest flare-up of OA so certainly don't need the steroid injections in my lower back I was being refered for.
I'm still not completely sure what Pain Clinics do - if I don't need the treatment I'm being refered for at this time (and having read quite a lot about the injections they're not something I particularly want to try anyway - even with my pain at its worst!) what else will they do with me at this appointment? Will they discuss how my pain affects me, what medication I've tried so far and make suggestions other than steroids etc? My Dr has also suggested I need an MRI as she wonders whether I have problems with the discs in my back as well as the OA - will this Pain Clinic be able to refer me on for one of those?
Do you think it would be helpful if I made notes I can refer to at my appointment on how my OA affects me - or will I just be seen as a bit of a fraud as I'm no longer in flare-up so am fairly active again!
Smillajasperson x

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  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am pleased you have a date at last! I would definitely take notes with you to the appt as they need to know how you are when you are flaring. Don't feel a fraud they will be used to people with arthritis and flares. I hope the appt goes well.

    Take care

  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    The pain clinic does much more than injections, they can give advise on your meds, ask your Dr. to refer you to various consultants, talk about exercise and how your arthur affects your daily life. They will talk through lots of things with you.

    Good luck.

    Vonski x
  • topcatt
    topcatt Member Posts: 63
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So how do you get referred to the pain clinic or does that happen once you have seen the rheumy specialist? Do all your referrals follow on from that first appt.??
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, The pain clinic I attended for the first time last week, the doctor certainly could refer you for MRI. I'd had one before, on my neck and he looked at that and the xrays from my lower spine. He decided not to wait for an MRI of the lower spine, as the xrays where good and he wanted me to see a specialist spinal physio asap to start therapy. He certainly wanted to know how I felt about things and I had to tell him the whole story of how the pain started. He even helped me remeber aspects of start of things that I had forgotten and didn't think part of my condtion. I was very impressed. I have a follow-up appointment with the nurse practioner at the clinic in November, hopefully afer the start of physio. He also explained a lot of things about the way pain effects the things you do, which makes the condition worse, and so the pain gets worse. Sorry, I'm going on, but thats because I just wanted to let you know my experience. Love Sue
  • smillajasperson
    smillajasperson Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    topcatt wrote:
    So how do you get referred to the pain clinic or does that happen once you have seen the rheumy specialist? Do all your referrals follow on from that first appt.??

    Hi. I have never seen a rhuemy or anyone other than 3 different doctors at my practice and the 3rd sent me for an xray of my back and knees after the others disastrous attempts to find a medication that I could tolerate. However once he had the results of those xrays he lost all interest in me! I returned to the most helpful of the other 2 doctors - who had at least tried to help with the pain and she is the one who gave me my proper xray results and refered me to the pain clinic with a view to me having steroid injections and an MRI - not quite sure why she just didn't refer me directly to our local hospital where MRIs are carried out! I believe she has also requested physio for me but haven't heard anything about this yet - she did warn me there was quite a waiting list. Thats all I know I'm afraid.
    Smillajasperson x
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Smilla

    Great that you have an appointment. Even though you feel quite well now and able to be active, you must remember that unfortunately you could well have another flare, be it soon, not for a long time and even better, never again! I am sure you only need to recall how awful you felt, with the last flare up, to not think that this visit may be a waste of time. Be prepared, is my motto!!

    When you go, most definitely have details written down or in your head about how your worst days are. That is what they are interested in. The medics you see at the pain clinic will be well aware that arthritis can wax and wane. You can ask as many different types of questions as you wish. Either they will refer you for an mri or ask your gp to do this, more than likely referral will be via the pain clinic. If you are interested in going down the physio route, you can mention this to them (as you have heard nothing) and acupuncture.

    Best wishes,
    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The pain clinic I go to is able to refer you for all sorts of specialist treatment and tests. Its interested in you and helping you cope with the pain. Not just physio or steriod injections but looking at the whole thing. The main purpose is to help cope with the pain though. I may not be explaining this very well, sorry.

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The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!