co-codamol - quizzed on my use by pharmacist

Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
edited 14. Sep 2009, 17:38 in Living with Arthritis archive

just posted this on another co-codamol thread by mistake .... wondered if anyone had any similar experiences to mine.
Took my repeat prescr. in last week, and as I have been taking more co-codamol than for a while, needed to ask for both strengths on the same prescription.

When I went to pick it up I got really grilled by the pharmacist about the co-codamol and they were thinking of calling my GP to check it, but couldn't because it was a saturday!

I am prescribed both the 8/500 which I take when I need to during the day, and 30/500 which I only usually use at night, or on very very bad days. Some days I don't take any co-co at all, just paracetamol.

I NEVER take more than 8 in total of either paracetamol and/or co-codamol in a day altogether, often less than that.

When I looked at the boxes, I realise that one of them says 'take 2 4 times daily when needed' whilst the other says 'take 2 4 times daily'

do you think this is the problem?

just wondered if I should mention it to my GP, even though I have been taking both lots for over a year now - may not have got both strengths at the same time before - can't remember!!!

he seemed more worried by the paracetamol I was taiking not the codeine, and I am not sure he was convinced that I knew what I was doing - but I thought I did - but wondering now!!

off to take some more now!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonky
    I reckon you're right it's coz you are supposed to be on one lot REGULARLY and the other 'as and when' and if you were not that bright (Which of course you are!) you might take both and give yourself kidney damage!!!
    I would get GP to change the wording at your next meds reveiw but not worry till then.
    Suppose at least the pharmacist cared that you don't harm yourself and I agree it would be the paracetamol not the codeine he was worried about!!
    Hope you are ok
    Toni x
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi,i was quizzed on domperidone(antisickness)as i was prescibed both sorts(same name)but 1 is an emergency suppository.
    they were concerned in case iwas gonna used them both at the same time.(1 goes up 1 goes down)but my gp had already told me i can do this to stop the sickness.he said if 1 dont work then try the suppository. :shock: the others just come up anyway.

    i think the chemists just have to play safe as the supermarkets can only sell 2 packs of paracetomol & ibuprofen at a time also.
    luv debsx
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My usual Pharmacist wasn't in one day. My son gets Calpol when required for his teething as did my daughter.

    One day when my daughter was 2, she refused to give it to me disbelieveing my daughter was teething, she quizzed me in the chemist in front of lots of customers and even made my daughter open her mouth, very embarrassing. I became angry and told her I disliked her insinuating I use it to drug my child and would be putting in a written complaint about her. She was talking to me like I needed to get job, when I brought her up on this she just sniffed. I couldn't help myself, I said "And I have a job by the way, I only work 4 days and I get paid alot more than a bloody pharmacist" before storming out.

    When I told my normal chemist the next day, he went absolutely t*ts up, he was horrified as sees me all the time and knows my daughter was teething late and that I had told him I never got a single tooth myself until 18 months old. He said "SHE won't be back" before going into his office to use the phone :lol: And she's never been seen again! :lol:

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, It is horrible when they do that, but I do think they have a responsibility to make sure the medications are correctly used and spot any mistakes the doctor may make. Paracetamol is the one they really worry about because it dosn't take much of an overdose to be dangerous, and once taken is hard to do anything about as it will attack the liver. There was a big fuse a few years back when they sold big packs of 100 at the chemists and people used them to commit suicide! I think, maybe, for the chemists sake as well as yous I'd ask the doc to change the computer, when I worked with the elderly our medication course instructor told us not to give anything with confusing instructions on, but of course you know the correct meaning with those sort of things and its OK. I got quizzed by a chemist over some Zantac indegestion tablets when they asked if I had had them before, I said yes I have them on prescription but I've run out. Not supposed to sell them if your being prescribed them they said but I had run out away from home, I got them! Love Sue
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonky,

    It may well be that it is cus you got the 2 strengths together. They do this and then call it a review...... Its probably something they have to ask about so don't let it worry you too much but next time your in with your gp you could ask about it as well? Paracetamol can easily be o/d'ed on by mistake and I think they were just checking out that you knew when and what to take. Luv, slurps and ((( )))'s to you and our little friend Cris x
  • jaspercat
    jaspercat Member Posts: 1,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonky, I used to work in a pharmacy and know that some pharmacists are a bit over officious, especially if they do not work at that particular branch or something. If your gp is happy to prescribe them there shouldn't be a problem, paracetomol needs checking on.

    Hope you are keeping well love Jaspercatxx
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thansk everyone,

    I can't complain about him asking ...... it wasn't that as much as me wondering why it had come up this time.

    To be honest I dont always check all the wording on the labels - found that my folic acid says every day rather than every day except the MTX day. I know how that happened ... for a month I needed more as wasn't taking the MTX, and I thought she'd changed it temporarily.

    I wouldn't have thier job for the world ... so many differnt things to check! will have a word with the GP and get it sorted.

    hugs to all (and slurps to slipperboy and Cris's other employers!)