seronegative inflammatory arthritis

salamander Member Posts: 1,906
Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I've been diagnosed with the above after a very actue attack of arthritis in the summer. Rheumy intitially thought it was viral but it is not settling down and he plans to put me on methotrexate in the new year. I have raised ALT levels (liver enzyme I think) but can't find anything on the net to explain this. My GP wants me to be checked out for hepatitis but other GP doesn't think that is the problem. Have you heard of this with people with arthritis? The blood tests done at the hospital were fine. I'm confused and anxious about this, as well as very stressed about the illness in general. Any insight hugely appreciated. Thanks.


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sally36 wrote:
    Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I've been diagnosed with the above after a very actue attack of arthritis in the summer. Rheumy intitially thought it was viral but it is not settling down and he plans to put me on methotrexate in the new year. I have raised ALT levels (liver enzyme I think) but can't find anything on the net to explain this. My GP wants me to be checked out for hepatitis but other GP doesn't think that is the problem. Have you heard of this with people with arthritis? The blood tests done at the hospital were fine. I'm confused and anxious about this, as well as very stressed about the illness in general. Any insight hugely appreciated. Thanks.

    Dear Sally36

    It can be a worrying time when you are waiting for a diagnosis and due to the nature of your query I have sent you a private reply.

    Best Wishes
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sally36 wrote:
    Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I've been diagnosed with the above after a very actue attack of arthritis in the summer. Rheumy intitially thought it was viral but it is not settling down and he plans to put me on methotrexate in the new year. I have raised ALT levels (liver enzyme I think) but can't find anything on the net to explain this. My GP wants me to be checked out for hepatitis but other GP doesn't think that is the problem. Have you heard of this with people with arthritis? The blood tests done at the hospital were fine. I'm confused and anxious about this, as well as very stressed about the illness in general. Any insight hugely appreciated. Thanks.

    Hello Sally,

    I have also just been diagnosed (few weeks ago) with seronegative inflammatory arthritis. Interestingly enough, before my diagnosis, my blood tests were showing elevated ALT levels, I don't know if it's connected to arthritis or not. If it would put your mind at rest, then maybe it is worth getting tested for hepatitis. It was never mentioned to me, I was just told to get regular blood tests to keep an eye on things.
    Just out of curiosity, were any of your inflammatory markers high? I have high ESR and a positive CRP but my RF is negative.
    I understand your anxiery and confusion, I'm going through the same and I'd like to offer a friendly ear if ever you need anything. Feel free to send me a message anytime. This board is a wonderful place, so supportive. I'm sure there are far more experienced people here who can help you.

    Take care,
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sophie, thanks for your post. I was really interested to hear that you have had similar results. I did have an elevated ESR and CRP when I first got symptoms in the summer. I've been on steroids ever since and they have certainly bought my results down. I am RF negative too, though I understand that can change. I had my hepatitis bloods done this morning but am convinced they will be negative. I will talk to my consultant when I next see him about the ALT levels but think they will keep an eye, much like you. Would you mind me asking what meds you are on to control your symptoms? I am due to take methotrexate in the new year but am a little reluctant because of the liver results. I will obviously discuss with everyone concerned. Thanks for your support, likewise hope I can be as supportive to you. Sally
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Sally and Sophie,

    You may find that if you want to invite more people with arthritis to share their experiences, then a posting on the Living With Arthritis may get more responses. Obviously if share experiences of treatments do be aware that people's experiences are individual and won't necessarily predict any one elses'.

    The other treatment which is often mentioned first of all with sero negative arthritis is the anti-malerial, hydroxycholoquinne. I think it has a reputation for being a milder treatment than methotrexate (mtx) You could always ask the rheumy nurse about the other drugs.

    Taking omega 3 fish body oil (3x1000mg per day) is well evaluated in complimentary medicines information.

    Hope that helps
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The other treatment which is often mentioned first of all with sero negative arthritis is the anti-malerial, hydroxycholoquinne. I think it has a reputation for being a milder treatment than methotrexate (mtx) You could always ask the rheumy nurse about the other drugs.

    This is what I'm being started on, I just need to have a baseline eye test first.
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sally36 wrote:
    Hi Sophie, thanks for your post. I was really interested to hear that you have had similar results. I did have an elevated ESR and CRP when I first got symptoms in the summer. I've been on steroids ever since and they have certainly bought my results down. I am RF negative too, though I understand that can change. I had my hepatitis bloods done this morning but am convinced they will be negative. I will talk to my consultant when I next see him about the ALT levels but think they will keep an eye, much like you. Would you mind me asking what meds you are on to control your symptoms? I am due to take methotrexate in the new year but am a little reluctant because of the liver results. I will obviously discuss with everyone concerned. Thanks for your support, likewise hope I can be as supportive to you. Sally

    I was told that my arthritis is probably in the early stages and that I may have a positive RF at some point too. Good luck with the results from your heptatitis bloods, I hope they come back negative too. Right now, I'm on celebrex and co-codamol and (as I said above) I'm due to start hydroxychloroquine but I need a baseline eye test first.
    The good thing about sero-negative arthritis is that it tends to be milder than sero-postive, which is good news.
    Take care.
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    princess01 wrote:
    sally36 wrote:
    Hi Sophie, thanks for your post. I was really interested to hear that you have had similar results. I did have an elevated ESR and CRP when I first got symptoms in the summer. I've been on steroids ever since and they have certainly bought my results down. I am RF negative too, though I understand that can change. I had my hepatitis bloods done this morning but am convinced they will be negative. I will talk to my consultant when I next see him about the ALT levels but think they will keep an eye, much like you. Would you mind me asking what meds you are on to control your symptoms? I am due to take methotrexate in the new year but am a little reluctant because of the liver results. I will obviously discuss with everyone concerned. Thanks for your support, likewise hope I can be as supportive to you. Sally

    I was told that my arthritis is probably in the early stages and that I may have a positive RF at some point too. Good luck with the results from your heptatitis bloods, I hope they come back negative too. Right now, I'm on celebrex and co-codamol and (as I said above) I'm due to start hydroxychloroquine but I need a baseline eye test first.
    The good thing about sero-negative arthritis is that it tends to be milder than sero-postive, which is good news.
    Take care.

    thanks both guy and princess. I will post on other forum. Guy, I can't tolerate omega 3 fish oil, it make me sick. Anything else that helps? thxs
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Sally,

    You might well find coming to a self-management group helpful as much of this kind of discussion takes place and it's a very supportive atmosphere. Best general reading would be 'Diet and Arthritis' by Dr Gail Darlington.

    also see:
    for research on complimentary supplements
    but other than omega 3 a mediterranian diet would the best supportive lifestyle change (low meat, high veg and fruit, low dairy fat, high fish)

    all the best
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Sally,

    You might well find coming to a self-management group helpful as much of this kind of discussion takes place and it's a very supportive atmosphere. Best general reading would be 'Diet and Arthritis' by Dr Gail Darlington.

    also see:
    for research on complimentary supplements
    but other than omega 3 a mediterranian diet would the best supportive lifestyle change (low meat, high veg and fruit, low dairy fat, high fish)

    all the best

    thanks Guy. I don't know anything about self-management groups. What are they? Where are they? etc. I'll get the book - anything that helps. My diet is vegetarian and mediterranian so at least I am doing that right but am sure there is more I can do. I have an allotment so grow all my own veg (though it has taken a bit of a back seat with all this illness!) thanks again for your support.
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sally
    Our Self Management Groups & Training Courses are run through our regional offices. If you go to the website home page and click on the area of the UK you live in on the map, details will come up.
    Best wishes
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sally
    Our Self Management Groups & Training Courses are run through our regional offices. If you go to the website home page and click on the area of the UK you live in on the map, details will come up.
    Best wishes

    thanks Val, will check it out.
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sally
    Our Self Management Groups & Training Courses are run through our regional offices. If you go to the website home page and click on the area of the UK you live in on the map, details will come up.
    Best wishes

    Hi Val, just thought I would let you know there is one very close to me, so thanks for that.