Eco rant.

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 15. Dec 2009, 18:48 in Community Chit-chat archive
I just wish once just once the climate change lobby would stop saying “save the planet” and say start to say reduce human population numbers, why this?, well we wont “kill the planet” that’s a typical arrogant human egotistical attitude we aren’t that important but we always think we are, the planet will do much better without us, what the Earth desperately needs however is a significant number of people wandering around on this oasis, today this planet is an eco system that has a serious infestation, poor old mother Earth has simply had enough of us it’s time to let the insects have a bash at the top slot, the dinosaurs had it for 165 million years and they still got evicted so we shouldn’t be that hard to get out the door.
Although it’s a wise idea to change the way we live to avoid an environmental change we are still cutting down trees, fishing the seas dry and generally give anything around us that can be turned into a quick profit a hard time, we also like to go around throwing rubbish and chemicals about like confetti we still haven’t learnt just because it’s gone doesn’t mean you wont get it back later.
We as a species are already living in a time of increasing reduction in large numbers of animal species and the extinction of many others, but this time it’s not driven by external or internal forces i.e. asteroids or volcanic activity as it has in the past but it’s being done by our own hands, it’s crazy that if something is rare say like the black rhino the more that get killed the less are about so the more money can be made by killing them.
The one driving factor here is greed, it’s a trait and no other species seems to use in the way we do, for a creature that can reason explore and create and communicate we are pretty dumb, we are also hell bent on ransacking this planet and all for a few bucks more regardless of the damage done to others be they human or otherwise. The global summit will do very little but that’s normal for committees, so as the Maldives and other low lying atolls and small islands sink beneath the waves and while the last teak tree is ripped out of mother Earth lungs our leaders sit back sip a crisp white wine in club class rejoicing in the knowledge that they can look forward to another summit in a few years time in some nice 5 star tourist destination.
I thought that maybe the film silent running could well happen one day but we aren’t even going to get that far which is a shame as I liked the robots Huey Duey and Louie, we pillage and destroy it’s what we humans do and it’s the rope we will hang ourselves with in the end, hoisted by our own petard one might say, sort of fitting for a species that’s incredibly clever but also completely stupid at the same time.


  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'll grab me coat then rehab,oh it is well above sea level I hope?.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    I am of the opinion that it is too late for rants and also too late for action... we are doomed!!!!! The Copenhagen Conference will generate a lot of hot air, and no real decisions will be agreed upon

    But on an optimistic note the Cane and Able wil remain open until the bitter end

    Is the bunker ready?

    As one who has tried hard to 'do her bit' I find recently that a lot of people have become very blase about the whole thing. It seems to have gone into overkill, which does put a lot of people off.

  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    at the end of the day,ironic few words!!....its money money......they cant see whats infront of them like you they ignore that and think green taxes and making life more difficult will work.
    they should just look at simple nature.................they are all nutters....could go on forever..........feeding vegetarian cows diseased animals, farm feeding fish load of rubbish.........all for money..its of their own making but unfortunatley we are along for the ride.........and the protesters, they seem totally clueless too.
    i expect we are going to get some green person whos been taken in by it all following...................
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oneday wrote:
    at the end of the day,ironic few words!!....its money money......they cant see whats infront of them like you they ignore that and think green taxes and making life more difficult will work.
    they should just look at simple nature.................they are all nutters....could go on forever..........feeding vegetarian cows diseased animals, farm feeding fish load of rubbish.........all for money..its of their own making but unfortunatley we are along for the ride.........and the protesters, they seem totally clueless too.
    i expect we are going to get some green person whos been taken in by it all following...................

    O know where your coming from nothing will change except the weather, once the Methane that's in the deep oceans thaws then it's game over for the human monkey and hello insects!.
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    oneday wrote:
    at the end of the day,ironic few words!!....its money money......they cant see whats infront of them like you they ignore that and think green taxes and making life more difficult will work.
    they should just look at simple nature.................they are all nutters....could go on forever..........feeding vegetarian cows diseased animals, farm feeding fish load of rubbish.........all for money..its of their own making but unfortunatley we are along for the ride.........and the protesters, they seem totally clueless too.
    i expect we are going to get some green person whos been taken in by it all following...................

    O know where your coming from nothing will change except the weather, once the Methane that's in the deep oceans thaws then it's game over for the human monkey and hello insects!.

    yack! unless they get eaten on those stupid reality jungle programmes unless we have an alternative version of the bugs having us for dinner...
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mell

    All very interesting, and worrying too. I do wonder what life will be like for our grandchildren in the years to come.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    delboy wrote:
    If it all goes boobs up you won't have to worry about library books. :lol:
    I have decided not to bother with ecological disasters this year.
    But isn't it odd that the Christmas card people and retailers have not used the end of the world as a marketing ploy?

    I would have expected something alon the lines of,

    The End of the world is nigh, there is nothing you can do about it so Spend Spend Spend!!! You can't take it with you!.......Asda permanently low prices forever
    Does that advert bug you - Asda you know "that many more lower prices" can't get me head round it...
    Toni x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    must admit how many admisions were put in the atmosphere geting them all together perhaps they should have all stayed home and used vidio conference . it makes me laugh all these people who go on about saving the world who will quite happily fly miles to have there say they do not all preach what they say . how many jobs do u have to be able to drive for now even looking after oaps they do not make sure one person does one area they spread them all over. we all need to re think how we live . and no i do not own a car .but do fly some where warm if can affored it once a year . we both walk to work and recycle what we can ,try to make full use of oven when on but this for our bills more than thinking of green house warming did the seas not used to be much higher who r we to say which level is the right one all beyond me .think will join rehab 4 a drink
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    delboy wrote:
    If it all goes boobs up you won't have to worry about library books. :lol:
    I have decided not to bother with ecological disasters this year.
    But isn't it odd that the Christmas card people and retailers have not used the end of the world as a marketing ploy?

    I would have expected something alon the lines of,

    The End of the world is nigh, there is nothing you can do about it so Spend Spend Spend!!! You can't take it with you!.......Asda permanently low prices forever

    It would be quite useful to know the date of my demise so that I could make sure I had spent all the cash in good time.

    As it is, I always feel that I must have money in the bank for security, but how lovely to be able to throw caution to the wind :!:

  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    That's the hardest part of financial planning, how to die a penny in debt.

    The good news is we all are to the tune of £16,000 for every man woman and child due to some clever borrowing by the eyebrow monster oh sorry Mr Darling.
    God if we all did as the government we would all be homless in under a month!.
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well said valval.

    end of is it all those blokes who used to go round shouting its the end of the world with billboards have all disapperared.......unless the world was neigh for used to make me feel apprehensive as a child,perhaps someone just got fed up of them or a gang of hoodies sorted them!!
  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Totally agree with the posts on here. And enjoying the banter obviously :-)

    What no one seems to notice is the "up and coming" countries like India who once used to be 3rd world but are now giving way to thriving industries - these are the countries who are building power stations and producing increasing amounts of waste with no policies whatsoever (at least we have legislation in the UK) to deal with it all. Everything is all being done willy nilly in these places.

    But we're all too busy being PC and too afraid to criticise other countries even though they don't exactly sing our praises.

  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wow what a rant
    perhaps you have a point about the humans what about a cull where shall we start ?
    Love a good rant
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The simplest solution is a condom, less people = less pollution.

    Yes but are they biodegradable :?: The condoms, not the people

    Anyway, human fertility is in decline, so maybe that will solve that problem.
