neighbours bonfire stinking my house out

oneday Member Posts: 1,434
edited 2. Jan 2010, 15:29 in Community Chit-chat archive
What can I do??
My inconsiderate neighbour, who loves having bonfires,has a billowing black smoked bonfire going right now 23.15 pm. I went round to ask to put it out and he wont despite my families health issues, is there anyone i can ring??
what a selfish so and so..........................................i thought perhaps he does it cos he is thick and ignorant but obviiously he is just a selfish individual.

Its blowing in my direction and my house stinks.

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  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hope the fire is out by now.Wait till the wind is blowing in their direction, and then light an enormous bonfire, preferably in the summer when all theit windows are open.

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oneday wrote:
    What can I do??
    My inconsiderate neighbour, who loves having bonfires,has a billowing black smoked bonfire going right now 23.15 pm. I went round to ask to put it out and he wont despite my families health issues, is there anyone i can ring??
    what a selfish so and so..........................................i thought perhaps he does it cos he is thick and ignorant but obviiously he is just a selfish individual.

    Its blowing in my direction and my house stinks.

    Hi Oneday

    If it is thick black smoke can do something. Where we are there is a no bonfires allowed after a certain time. Is it the local council?

    Put your hosepipe on it, put it out.

    Trish xx
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Like Trisher has said, we are only allowed bonfires at certain times.
    Perhaps you could suggest he gets a brazier or something a bit safer.
    All you can do is keep windows closed. It's a nuisance and maybe get some information from your local council. It would be a pity to start the New Year with all this conflict. Try and see what the alternatives are. Sometimes, the councils do not help with their refuge tips. Perhaps it is the only way your neighbour is able to get rid of his rubbish. If you are able to have bonfires, suggest you find out when the wind will be blowing in his direction...................
    just as some of the others have suggested.................
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Find out where your Environmental Health team is located - may be at the council offices, possibly elsewhere, and tell them what is going on. Your local council offices will know.

  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all and happy new year!
    well, the guy, apt word as in guy fawkes loves bonfires. He does it all the time. I rang the council before and they can send a letter, i said hang fire a bit.......but i am going to ring them now.
    I just could not believe his attitude, i thought perhaps hes ignorant, but i told him my house stinks, my child has asthma and he did nothing. If he would have said something like it will be out in an hour i wouldnt be as mad as i am now. Infact after i was aware of it starting at 10pm and went round an hour later, it is still smoking now over 14 hours later, i despise him, bit strong but how callous when i have told him about my son.
    I had to sleep with my head under the covers last night, i had one of those air purifier things on the go and it still stank. I went for a stroll this morning in the crisp air a few hundred yds away!
    He also leaves his security light on which shines in all our upstairs, hubbie just put a blackout blind up.
    Its as though he is an alien and hasnt a clue on how to behave in a house - infact he looked pretty vacant when i went round last night. My husband didint go as he has already decided the bloke is an idiot (used another word though)...but i was giving him the benefit of the doubt, i just thought he was stupid and once i said the effect it was having he would soon put it out, but no.
    And my son woke in the earier hours saying he felt ill and i had to give him his inhaler - as he takes a preventer and its controlled he doesnt need his blue one much but he did last night.

    The council provide bins for all types of refuse and garden waste, he has no excusee. If he has nothing to burn he even chops up old tables etc and burns them!
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I hope you did decide to ring the council and get a complaint in writing. :x This was so inconsiderate, especially as you had made the neighbour aware of your son's health issues. As you say he could have compromised in some way and extinguished the fire earlier, or at least taken note of wind direction before he lit the thing. He clearly isn't listening so do keep a note of any future problems if he doesn't pack it in sharpish. Sorry you had such a nightmare evening.
    Take care
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No one is at the council until Monday so will ring then and ask for person i spoke t o last time as they were v nice and helpful and would send a letter.
    i have been reading up on this and you can have a fire but if its regular and a nuisance like his with black smoke which he does anytime, day, night,leaves it burning overnight then that is a nuisance. When i last rang the council i thought i didnt want any animositiy but its not a one off, hes done it years and as its affected our health i am not putting up with it.
    I just hope he isnt a vindictive person and retalliates nastily, he is certainly inconsiderate, stupid and vacant - dont know how he has a job etc. He hasnt any sense........does loads of idiotic things, who knows how he was brought up!!!
  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't know about other councils, but in Derbyshire it's not actually illegal or anything to light bonfires at certain times of the day. It's anti-social, yes, but not against any rules.

    The local council is your best bet - environmental health cover it (we get queries like this all the time at work at the fire station) but you should write down dates and times of when this anti-social b***ard does it.

    If your council is anything like Derbyshire's though, you'll have to persevere. Good luck

  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ninakang wrote:
    I don't know about other councils, but in Derbyshire it's not actually illegal or anything to light bonfires at certain times of the day. It's anti-social, yes, but not against any rules.

    The local council is your best bet - environmental health cover it (we get queries like this all the time at work at the fire station) but you should write down dates and times of when this anti-social b***ard does it.

    If your council is anything like Derbyshire's though, you'll have to persevere. Good luck


    I did look up the local fire station telephonenumber and tried calling but thought best not let it ring too long as they have emergencies, i off course didnt ring 999.
    I am hoping i get to speak to same person as last time who was quite willing, well offered to send a letter. I will persisit if get no where, I am a determined person once i decide something!
    I have kept details since October. He doesnt put it out, just leaves it for hours, hes a kn*b! I just cant accept that once i explained the effects he wasnt surprised,understanding or considerate, just the mentality of its a fire,his fire and its going to burn! He must be in his 30s, but one of these types that talks v loud in his garden and acts like a teenager.
    the wood he was burning has been left out for months and was wet. arrrrrrrrrrrrh...........

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