
murpch Member Posts: 9
Hi my daughter-7 was recently diagnosed with JIA. On assessment at physio they have discovered she is hypermobile( her joints over extend-very flexible) Does anyone know about this-what dose it mean?


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    murpch wrote:
    Hi my daughter-7 was recently diagnosed with JIA. On assessment at physio they have discovered she is hypermobile( her joints over extend-very flexible) Does anyone know about this-what dose it mean?


    This can be a distressing time as a parent when terms are suddenly thrown at you without an explanation. Here is a link to Arthritis Research UK information on hypermobility: http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis_information/arthritis_types__symptoms/joint_hypermobility.aspx

    If you wish to speak to us about your daughters condition further please feel free to give us a call. We have a very good publication called Kids With Arthritis which we can send you. Just Private message us with you full name and address if you would like a copy.

    Best wishes

  • carola
    carola Member Posts: 786
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Obviously I am not a doctor however I was told I am joint hypermobility (as does my Mum).
    I Physio first told me this years ago (I am now 39yrs) and said it could give me problems in later life.
    I think this is due to joints overextending themselves.
    My Mum and I find it too funny that we are hypermobile as I have SLE and Arthritis which means that most days I hobble about like a 90year old!
    Being hypermobility meant I could do alot of party tricks before I got ARthritis like bend my thumb back to my arm etc.
    So, please don't panic but do ask Rheumy or GP about it to set your mind at rest.
    All the best, Carol