"I'm not Berry Happy Mama"

ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
edited 9. Sep 2010, 15:39 in Community Chit-chat archive
As Joan and anyone else who's met her will tell you and from other posts on here, my youngest, Jassie (nearly 7), is a very beautiful, bright, independent but willful little girl. She is "berry cross" with me at the moment because she has not had any new shoes.

It all started off with school shoe buying over the summer. She has a pair which I bought her in June which still fit her and which aren't very scuffed and still look very nice. However, because her older sisters both got new school shoes, she feels left out. In fact, she has tried the following:

- Appealing to her Dada (which normally works as he's a pushover, but I had prewarned him and TOLD him to say no)
- Stuffed her shoes with toilet paper and pretended they were too tight
- Worn them in the garden to try to wear them out a bit
- Explained to me very earnestly why she should have another pair - her reasons being 3-fold: Everyone has these kind of shoes in my class; these are boys' shoes, I'm sure; you can never have enough shoes (can't THINK where she picked up the last one from :oops: )

Even though I've been very amused by it all (and quite impressed too, I have to say) I have stood my ground and she went off to school today in her "old" shoes - rotten mother, aren't I?

The worst of it is, we were in Matalan at the weekend and found some fabulous slippers that look like ugg boots with woolly lining. We all got a pair apart from Jassie - her older sisters are in adult sizes! I've been trying to find a pair in her size all week, honestly. So that's not helped either. So she's been stomping about the place a bit saying "I'm not berry happy, Mama" quite lot.

Aside from all, the term has started fine. Ellen went off to secondary school on Monday, on the bus, absolutely fine, while I just about managed to hold it together! As for her Dada, he went to work early just to avoid it all!



  • annebr
    annebr Member Posts: 730
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    What can I say, I agree with Jassie - You can never have too many shoes.

    When I was young my Mum always made me wear sensible shoes I never ever got the trendy ones that everyone else had. I thank her for it now as my feet are one area I don't have problems with. But I have had to compensate for the trauma of my childhood shoes in adult life by having as many pairs as possible. I must have approx 100 pairs includng Manolo's, Jimmy Choo's and wear them despite the pain in my hips.

    I hope you are wearing the ugg's as slippers & not as boots as they don't give you any support & can cause problems?

    I bet you give in by the weekend!

  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nina, where could Jassie have possibly got this obsession with shoes from, I wonder :?: :D:D

    As a younger child, I have sympathy with Jassie. I remember when my older sister was being kitted out for secondary school, and she was bought lots of lovely new things. She had a beautiful set of coloured pencils, which I was really jealous about ( that was before the invention of felt-tip pens :!: :shock: ) I did everything I could think of to persuade my Mum to buy a set for me, but she refused. Funny how that disappointment has stayed in my memory even to this day. My sister can't even remember the pencils, but I can still see them all shiny-new in their case.

    I'm glad to hear that Ellen has settled into her new school so well.
  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My mum was exactly the same - she never let me have those plastic beanie sandals, hated them and anything with a heel on. I too thank her for it now! I'm wearing the ugg "boots" as slippers, definitely!

    I think if she knew what childline was, that would be her next port of call! She really isn't very happy with me, still, even though I've promised to keep looking for slippers (she has two pairs of those as well!)

    I know what you mean about younger kids and not getting new things, but Jassie does get quite a lot because by the time something has got through Ellen and Simie, it's too worn out for her?? It's Simie who ends up wearing the most hand-me-downs :lol:

    He nearly cracked, but I was sat watching him and so he didn't cave in! I bet he will before I do! What is it with Dad's and little girls? I've still got my Dad wrapped around my little finger too!

    I know, she's very resourceful, I have to give her that - and very funny too! I can't shop online! I spend enough in person - if I do it sitting on my sofa then I don't get tired and shop for hours and hours :D We're going into town at the weekend and I'll buy her some then, even though, like I said, she has TWO pairs of slippers - a Hello Kitty pair and a Me to You bears pair!

    Well, the school year has started again - did everyone else's kids do OK?

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Nina
    What a brilliant start to my day, this really made me laugh, my granddaughters have tried quite a few of theses, but I must say the one with the tissue in the shoes is new to me....I had.better not let them read this. :)
    Hope you find the slippers...bless
    Love Barbara xx
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i loved this , kids are great,

    my 2 girls went off ok but i did have to laff at my oldest one, she has dyed her hair a red tone,(beats the orange bleach gone wrong job before that hahaha) anyway the head and deputy head pulled her over yesterday and said she would have to change it back to normal, her reply......... well sir its like this, head turned orange instead of blond, went redder than this to compensate now a nice red and i look normal, could dye it again and risk it going green but i think you would hate that more so i think it might be a good idea if you cut your losses and count your blessings it red, sir! but it shouldnt matter as my brain is inside my head and not on top so i can still learn cant i sir? aparently there faces were a picture and they both walked off shaking there heads. hahahahaha the secratary from school called me and told me, she was laughing at her, so im now waiting for a letter or daughter to be returned home

    bu**er she is hahahaha

    other one had great day no probs.
  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Coco, Barbara,

    That's why I post on this forum - people UNDERSTAND and I feel like I'm not the only one with kids this mad! Your daughter, Coco, sounds just like my middle girl, she'd argue too!

    Oh well, nearly the weekend, nearly time to buy those slippers for Jassie to add to her collection!!
