Wrong info!

cebeem Bots Posts: 472
edited 20. Sep 2010, 17:15 in Living with Arthritis archive
I attended an OT appt today for night splints ...lovely girl , great advice, yet to try the splints and their worth..but hopeful!

OT read the letter from the surgeon and relayed to me the wrong diagnosis..(which leads me to think do they know something I don't?)

I also have a date (14th FEB) for surgery mutually agreed and added to the surgeons diary as I watched.
The OT said the letter says the end of this year.
As I have been taken off the list due to admin errors in the past my concerns are now rising!!!

Just can't get the staff these days!



  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 18. Sep 2010, 13:32
    Hi CB, do you have a copy of the letter from the consultant? I think you need to check this out - would it be worth seeing your GP - he should also have a copy of the letter and should be able to check out the details - both diagnosis and date of op. You don't think there has been some admin confusion again during the typing of the letter etc

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I agree with speedy.,.....the only other thing I can think of his...ring his secretary and check it out as well {consultants secretary}

  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi CB :D

    I totally agree with speedy and hileena :!:

    you must check out the facts... or drive yourself 'nuts' thinking about it.! :? :wink:

    Ask the doc for a copy of the ortho's report so's you can see in black and white what the diagnosis is... and phone the consultant's secretary to check on the agreed date for the op.

    I had a similar experience years ago when the 'Rapid Report' that rheummy completes and gives to me to give to the doc had a strange additional cryptic diagnosis....worried the life out of me as I looked it up on the net and it was a diagnosis of early cirrhosis of the liver:roll:

    I spoke to me doc... who said it was rubbish and phoned rheummy and got it all sorted out. ... mistakes do happen!

    Let us know what you decide to do?


    Iris xx
  • lavenderlady
    lavenderlady Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I had my op already booked for 27th, of this month but last week it was cancelled I hate that when it happens, you get your hope up then its gone still not heard with a new date yet will ring this week to check it out, its a year next month i had my hysterectomy and that was cancelled as well, hope you get it sorted mistakes do happen good luck :)
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi CB,

    I agree with the others you have to get this one sorted properly with both the diagnosis and the op date. I think you might be able to do it over the phone where the op is concerned but the diagnosis letter you really need a copy of. I hope you can get it sorted properly. Cris xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You need to don a deerstalker hat and equip yourself with a large magnifying glass. There is a deal of sloppy admin around nowadays, so many times we have to do others' work for them, but at least you will get it all properly sorted. I wish you well, Sherlock. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,512
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dreamdaisy wrote:
    You need to don a deerstalker hat and equip yourself with a large magnifying glass. There is a deal of sloppy admin around nowadays, so many times we have to do others' work for them, but at least you will get it all properly sorted. I wish you well, Sherlock. DD

    Coulnd't have said it better myself CB!!!

    investigate ASAP!


    Toni xx
  • joanneredshaw
    joanneredshaw Member Posts: 62
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    cebeem wrote:
    I attended an OT appt today for night splints ...lovely girl , great advice, yet to try the splints and their worth..but hopeful!

    OT read the letter from the surgeon and relayed to me the wrong diagnosis..(which leads me to think do they know something I don't?)

    I also have a date (14th FEB) for surgery mutually agreed and added to the surgeons diary as I watched.
    The OT said the letter says the end of this year.
    As I have been taken off the list due to admin errors in the past my concerns are now rising!!!

    Just can't get the staff these days!


    Hi CB

    I have worn night splints for 3 years now,I do wear them at night and alternate from left to right.
    But more importantly I wear them in the day to rest my hands and wrists. They are the only support that really helps me. My wrists and hands swell so much and they get really painful.
    The only draw back is that once you wake up in the morning, you are so stiff because you haven't moved all night. I have to put my hands in warm water to get them going.
    Also, I hope you get sorted with your operation and your diagnosis confirmed.

    Good luck!

    Love Jo :D
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have splints that I wear for periods of about an hour or so during the evening, if my hands have been bad. They do help, mainly because wearing them means I can't try and do some of the things that cause pain! I suppose thats the reason you have them!!! :oops: If I wear them too much, I find my hands feel weaker when I take them off.

    As for the different information the physio has, I would certainly try and sort it out. If you don't go and your information is correct you could miss the op, that would be awful. No, if you're seeing your gP this week I'd certainly talk about it. He could get his secretary to follow it up. If not, you could phone the consultants secretary and explain the worry. I've done that and they were very helpful and sorted things out. Good luck, I hope things get sorted for you,
    Love Suex
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you all for the great feed back.....I will get onto it on Monday!
    Couldnt manage the whole night with the splints I usually sleep with my hands up by my face so I couldnt find a good position.

    Sue thats good advice about wearing them at bad times to stop over using them..I will certainly be doing that.

    DD you made me laugh I do have a mental picture of you...but now with the Sherlock outfit!!!!!!... :D


    Will update on Monday if I solve the mystery!

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    :shock: I fear I am more like his landlady. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I'm glad you feel you can sort out this information. Their must be an error in the paperwork. Try not to let it worry you too much, as these things do happen. The important thing is to get it sorted out. :wink: If you phone the consultants secretary, she should be helpful. She will probably have to phone you back, as she will need to check with the consultant and if dates seem to have changed, I'd ask them to comfirm it in writing, so that you have a record of what you have to do. I'm sure it'll turn out to be a minor error dates. Anyway, good wishes and look forward to hearing what happens!!! (I'm nosey!) :lol: Love Suexx
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi all
    Although I have worked in health for many years, my experience as a patient has always highlighted mistakes which because of the knowledge I have ...I have always confidently queried.
    I am talking potentially serious and damaging mistakes.
    Had I been old and frail with little knowledge of medical conditions I dont think I would be here to tell the tale.....so at the moment friends I am not worrying too much!
    I was in the room as the ortho consultant started to speak into the recorder for the typist.....I am assuming (although one should never assume) the typist has been going at such a pace she has automatically typed what she expected was coming next! But where the wrong date came from :!: :!: :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: I dont know.

    Thanks all! *CB*
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi CB

    will be watching your post to see if you resolve the op date and diagnosis issues.... maybe tomorrow?

    at least with your background you'll maybe be able to cut through some of the bureaucracy.

    love n (((hugs)))

    Iris xxxx
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello everyone,
    I have spoken to my GP and his letter does not mention the change of diagnosis and bloods back that up too! It has the dates I was expecting on it!

    That a relief!

    Can only put it down to the typist having a bad day when she typed the OT letter.

    Cant get used to the splints at night but found them useful after lots of work yesterday.

    Thanks everyone your concern and replies were much appreciated.
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Blimey Ceebem, is your GP going to copy the letter to the OT? The OT did have the right file didn't they?!

    Glad diagnosis and dates are as they should be,

    Whatever next?!

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi CB!

    glad to hear that you got the right information!

    maybe the OT was looking at the wrong case notes?

    stick with the night splints CB... take a bit of getting used to, but they do help. :wink:

    Iris xx
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi speedy and Iris
    I hadn't thought the notes at OT might have been wrong!!!! that didn't occur to me! Would be worth checking...apart from calling my name correctly I don't recall her checking DOB,address or anything.... yet she did think she was making splints for both hands, whereas the request was just for 1

    I know the secretary to the department....I will ring and ask if they have my correct details.

    The thick plottens!

    Happy with todays outcome though!
    Thanks for the replies!
    *CB* :shock: