Reactive Arthritis (Mycoplasma)

sillyswede Member Posts: 47
Hi Helpline Team,

I've been diagnosed with ReA, that started appearing after a bout of pneumonia early this year. Symptoms first started in my knees, but within a few months had spread to my ankles/heels/feet, and is now also affecting hips, back, wrists and fingers, and the pains I'm having are just getting worse and worse.

I went to see my GP, who referred me to rheumatologist. He confirmed the GP's suspicions of this being Reactive Arthritis and suggested a course of Celecoxib, hoping that will help my symptoms to clear.

I have no signs of inflammation (swelling, redness etc) apart from the odd occasion (ankles and big toes), and all inflammatory markers are negative (CRP, ESR and Rheumatoid factor).

The rheumatologist I saw suspects the bacteria that caused my problems are Mycoplasma and that it will eventually clear on it's own.
After some research online I found information stating that Mycoplasma, being a very versatile and adaptable bacteria, can cause severe nerve and joint damage.

Is this true? Could this be doing damage to my joints even though I don't have any obvious signs of inflammation? I only worry because my pains are getting worse, and are changing (more, sharp pains in the front and side of knees, aswell as in my feet and ankles).

Thanks for listening.


  • Rainbow77
    Rainbow77 Member Posts: 275
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi silly swede

    I would make an appt with your GP to discuss what you have found out and see if it applies to you.

    How is the new medication going?

    Fayann xxx
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sillyswede wrote:
    Hi Helpline Team,

    I've been diagnosed with ReA, that started appearing after a bout of pneumonia early this year. Symptoms first started in my knees, but within a few months had spread to my ankles/heels/feet, and is now also affecting hips, back, wrists and fingers, and the pains I'm having are just getting worse and worse.

    I went to see my GP, who referred me to rheumatologist. He confirmed the GP's suspicions of this being Reactive Arthritis and suggested a course of Celecoxib, hoping that will help my symptoms to clear.

    I have no signs of inflammation (swelling, redness etc) apart from the odd occasion (ankles and big toes), and all inflammatory markers are negative (CRP, ESR and Rheumatoid factor).

    The rheumatologist I saw suspects the bacteria that caused my problems are Mycoplasma and that it will eventually clear on it's own.
    After some research online I found information stating that Mycoplasma, being a very versatile and adaptable bacteria, can cause severe nerve and joint damage.

    Is this true? Could this be doing damage to my joints even though I don't have any obvious signs of inflammation? I only worry because my pains are getting worse, and are changing (more, sharp pains in the front and side of knees, aswell as in my feet and ankles).

    Thanks for listening.

    Dear Sillyswede

    Thank you for your posting. It sounds as if what you have read about this is causing you to worry and, as suggested by Fayann, it is best to speak to your GP or rheumatologist about your concerns as we are not medically trained. If you follow the link this will lead you to information about reactive arthritis and describes the treatments for both the original infection and for treatment for the joint pain and swelling. You can access this by following the link I hope this information is helpful.

    Best wishes
  • Born2ride
    Born2ride Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey, I am also in the middle of being tested for this as well. A year ago I suffered pneumonia and took about 8 weeks to get better. About 2 weeks after I was cleared, I was at work out side with the children. When my left arm started to go numb as if its going to sleep. I couldn't move or grasp anything with my hand.

    The the numbness went from my arm down my left side to my toes, up into my face and inside my mouth. I could barely walk or even move. But the time I was being rushed to hospital, it started into my right side of face. Doc's did all types of tests for 24 hrs and found other then my white blood cells a little high, nothing was wrong!

    A month afterwards is when the pain started in my left knee, I was checked for clots and things. Then moved up into my left hip and thats where it's been for the last 6 months. I am now on meds everyday in order to go about my daily business, but stiil in a load of pain.

    Had about 10 different x'ray positions and radioactive dye done at the hospital yesterday and will go back to the specialist at the end of this month!