woohoo i feel goooood

lare73 Member Posts: 154
edited 14. Oct 2010, 17:55 in Young people's community
hi all,

well what a productive day!
i went to wakefield and met with the regional manager regarding becoming an official fundraiser for AC, young persons group.
It went really well, they liked my ideas, and fully support me in being part of the team. :D

My first project is a christmas fair, and next year have bigger and better plans.
Hopefully it will bring in much needed funds for the younger sufferers.
The workshop is full steam ahead.
i am so happy, i cannot fix my son but i can raise money and awareness which will offer funds to aid the emotional journey these young people and their families endure.
I will be a pain in the bum in the future, asking for help, opinions and ideas, so be warned :lol:
I am even excited as i will get a fundraiser ID badge, how sad am i? :lol:

Thomas is fully supportive of me which is good, and thinks its 'cool' that his mum is 'helping all kids'.
he's not been too bad this week, tired and weak but carrying on , his hair still coming out but no bald patches yet thank goodness.

Its my baby, Olivers first birthday on wednesday so i am going to attempt to bake a cake this evening, wish me luck!! :shock:

hope your all having a happy monday
clare x

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  • radders
    radders Member Posts: 42
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Clare, that's so good, you sound so positive and upbeat - so pleased for you. (Had a big grin whilst reading your post)

    Hope the cake comes out well - I never had the confidence to bake a birthday cake when my kids were very little - now they cry not to let me :lol:

    Am sure that you will deal with it all fine, but don't forget to look after yourself - just caring for your family alone makes so many demands on us as Mums - never mind coping with all of the other stuff Arthritis brings up.

    Will always be willing to offer support and help if possible (even if it is from 150'ish miles away)

    Best wishes Kath
  • andylambs
    andylambs Member Posts: 71
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hurray! I just love the subject on this thread. Lovely to see you so positive Clare :-) I'm full of admiration.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good for you lare, I wish you every success. It may take a fair bit of your time and energy but without people like you things would never get done! I wish you well with it - oh, on the hair thing, I think the hair just thins, I haven't yet seen anyone with bald patches, and I have been hanging around the rheumatology department for nine years now! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • lare73
    lare73 Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thank you :D

    dd, very comforting to hear he wont loose it all, i think its looks worse as he has thick hair.

    thank you everyone for the encouragement, it just confirms i am doing the right thing.

    Small steps and all that, £45 was raised at a jewellery party where the hostess donated her commission, AND WHERE OFF ......

    have a happy tuesday xx
  • anniesmum
    anniesmum Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Clare - happy birthday to little Oliver and hope the cake was yummy. big well done on the charity front - keep me posted as I am obviously close by and will do what I can.

    hope thomas ok - how are those new joints that were painful....?

    take care Lucy
  • lare73
    lare73 Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi lucy,

    thanks for the message.
    tom is doing ok, the knee that was injected is playing him up and hands get weak by the end of the school day, he's had a low grade fever today, so had paracetomol and dihydracodeine for the pain. hot bath seemed to soothe him.
    he is upset at loosing hair, but i assured him it is thinning out and will come back, he's blessed with very thick hair so nothing noticeable.

    hows annie??? did the injections do the trick??
    hope you are all ok, tell annie we say hi and look after yourself
    clare xx
  • Rainbow77
    Rainbow77 Member Posts: 275
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Clare

    Well done with your fund raising journey. It is great to raise money for such a wonderful charity, but more importantly to make people aware is also really important. The school is a great place for that as it you educate the students at that age, they have that for life, don't they.

    Will are all behind you here and look forward to hearing all about it.

    Take care

    Fayann xxx
  • lare73
    lare73 Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ok, hi and i have positive news :D:D

    i have applied to a local business that my sister-in-law recommended and have secured a donation of £1000!!!!!!!!

    i am truly thankful for the generosity.

    :D i am awaiting the check, and cant way to pay it into the young person and families account :):)

    thats £1045 so far, also emailed lots of people about the AC christmas cards, and got a great response. funds go to AC.
    If anyone knows people who buy their christmas cards from charities why not give them the link on here and get them to support the charity.
    clare x
  • Rainbow77
    Rainbow77 Member Posts: 275
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    WOW clare

    That is fantastic news - well done. That will really help you to plan for an event.

    This is just an idea for your fete/stall. You can buy a pack of boys and girl temporary tattoos for 9.99. (Less than 10p each) Then you can sell them on a stall and charge 30-50p for 1. Then all profits go to AC. I have just done it for a children's club that I run. What is great is that it takes no preparation, no lugging things, and the kids love them and you make money quick. I got some teenagers to put them on the children. If you would like to know where to get good tattoos from - private message me. I would be willing to buy you a packet for your event to start you off if you would like.

    Take care and thanks for all your hard work!!!

    Fayann xxx
  • lare73
    lare73 Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    fayann, thank you!

    your idea is great, im in :D

    i will send you message,

    all ideas very welcome :)

    clare x
  • littlemummy2
    littlemummy2 Member Posts: 91
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well done, glad it's been a great success for you. Keep up the good work love.

    Michelle x :D
  • Rainbow77
    Rainbow77 Member Posts: 275
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi clare

    I have pm you the details

    Happy tatoo-ing!! (not good english I know!!)

  • illihor
    illihor Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    wow sounds like things are really taking off well done :D I was thinking do you know anyone locally that makes cards. Would they be willing to make some christmas cards to go on sale for you where part of the proceeds would go to AC and part to the one that made (as I doubt there are many out there that would give freely like that I know down here there isn't sadly) I make cards but not on that scale and right now don't have time to make family ones haha hoping to once the baby starts school but I'm years away from that yet.

    You must ahve a great way with words to get £1000 already well done you fantastic :D

    Michelle xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lare, that is phenomenal! Well done to you, what an outcome. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • anniesmum
    anniesmum Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Go girl - great news Clare. How do I get the Arthrits Care Christmas cards - apolgies if obvious question?

    PS - hope the new sofa has arrived and fits and has gone down well with all those biys in your house.
  • lare73
    lare73 Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hey lucy, lovely to hear from you, the sofa has gone down a storm, very relaxed household! :o

    the christmas cards are on the home page of arthritis care, click the link to order, i copied and paste teh link to everyone in my email address book hehehe,

    will catch up soon, xx

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Hi, Welcome!

The community is a safe space for people living with and connected to arthritis to ask questions and share experiences. Get started by registering here and posting your first comment or question!