Coping in the mornings

Wirefoxjan Member Posts: 2

My OA has become really bad in my left knee, I am seeing GP and awaiting x ray results (I have OA in various joints and have learned to live with it). Mornings are a nightmare, I get really depressed with the pain, trying to get myself moving, but cope better later in the day. I work fulltime. Any suggestions about how to cope with my bad mornings?




  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi wirefoxjan,
    My sympathy lies with you mornings are just the worst. Do you take any anti inflamatory or other meds? unfortunately struggling with movement, being in pain and trying to work is so down right awfull at times.
    I also find that later in the day im more mobile and in less pain. I do find that when i can get a hot shower this sometimes helps me first thing.
    I am sure someone will be able to give you more help on here perhaps someone who has knee probs.
    All the best :smile:
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi mornings not great as you know, if up in night pottering it easyer think we seaze up over night. can you manage bit of walk before work i know when working it hard to feel like it, but getting moving does sometimes help.
    but we all different and have to work out what best for each of us and that differs from day to day rest when you can the pain so exhausting good luck val
  • traluvie
    traluvie Member Posts: 2,579
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I tend to get up earlier in the morning take my meds and have a hot bath, put on my deep heat and get myself moving a bit.. this gives me chance to kind of get myself together before walking out the door.. lol..
    I hope you can find a way to make your mornings easier.. have you tried the heat patches for knees.. you ca get them from b***s or pound shop they may help you in the morning to feel a bit better.. it might be a case of trial and error but hopefully soon you will be able to find something that suits you..
    Let us know how your getting on..
    Take care
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,877
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wirefoxjan wrote:
    Hi YA

    My OA has become really bad in my left knee, I am seeing GP and awaiting x ray results (I have OA in various joints and have learned to live with it). Mornings are a nightmare, I get really depressed with the pain, trying to get myself moving, but cope better later in the day. I work fulltime. Any suggestions about how to cope with my bad mornings?



    Hi Wirefoxjan

    I'm sure you'll get even more tips than you have already but here are few very basic practical things you could try.
    !. As soon as you wake up try taking a couple of paracetamol which you can keep by the bedside with a glass of water, so it doesn't involve getting up.
    2. As you are lying there waiting for them to kick in, try doing some muscle tensing and relaxing starting from feet and working all the way up the body. This does not involve moving any joints it just warms up the muscles and exercises them so that when you do get up they are ready to support the joints.
    3. then you can sit on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor, and try to do some knee straightening and bending. Start with as many repetitions as feel comfortable eg. 3-5. Each leg. and increase by one each week.

    Hopefully doing these regularly will increase mobility first thing as time goes on. you can also add some arm stretches to the ceiling and out to the sides and any other joints that affect you as well. You might want to have a look at our exercise booklet on the website: or if you would like a copy email or PM us your Full name, age and postal address and we'll send you an information pack.

    Hope that helps, best wishes
