complement 3 and 4 deficiency

skinnylizzie Member Posts: 37
edited 25. Mar 2011, 09:21 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone has come across or had deficient serum Complement 4 levels and if so what do they mean?

I have got low C4 at 9 where the baseline is 14 and my C3 is a lot lower than it was at 8.3 where the baseline is 7. I had them done 12 months ago and they are MUCH lower now, so there is something going on.

I know that they have something to do with Immuno complexes and auto-immune stuff, but this flippin' consultant that I saw who swears blind it's 'just fibrolmyalgia' is still pushing me that it is fibromyalgia (I don't think he's bothered to look at my latest bloods!) I know it isn't! now he told my GP he wants to put me on some other drug that they use to treat Diabetic neuropathy, I may be diabetic but I certainly don't have neuropathy or nerve pain in my muscles for that matter!
I am photosensitive and have rashes, but he didn't even listen to me!
Thankfully my GP is lovely and she said it might be worth a go until I see the Prof, but I'm going to stick with the pregabalin at the moment.

Joint pain is unbearable at the moment, as is the exhaustion. It's the type of exhaustion where you could sleep for 100 years (and hopefully have a handsome prince to come and wake me up :wink: ) and still not feel like you've been to sleep. Sleeping for many hours a day now, and when I go out, I can only do one thing per day such as go to town and then I'm wiped out for the rest of the day. I know there are other folks who suffer the same.

I've just spoken to my GP and she admitted that she didn't really know about Complements, but I know that they can have something to do with Lupus.
Does anyone know about this? btw I have an appointment to see Prof Davies on 27th Sept! praying for a cancellation!

Sorry for moaning, I'm just SO desperate for them to actually listen to me and believe me that I know my own body, and actually tell me what is going on in my body.

Thanks :smile:


  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, it does sound like lupus to me, but obviously I am not a doc.

    I will send a PM of somehwere to get more info. Not sure if I am allowed to post the link or not.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Lizzie

    Poor old you.

    I hope you get to see the right consultant very soon....l know you are waiting again at the mo.

    If it's pregablin you are trying a lot of us are on it on here for pain any kind of chronic pain. Yes it can be used for neuropathy - at least you are showing willing.

    In the meantime the best thing you can do is to rest as much as possible and listen to your body - eat as healthily as you can.


    toni xx