what is Seronegative Inflammatory Poyartritis?

Shirl210 Member Posts: 3
I had a blood test a couple of years ago and the doc said i has inflammation in my blood then had another blood test last year that i still had it and it was Seronegative Inflammatory Poyartritis what is this?

Last year I've was told I have Osteoarthritis in my left foot when I found a swelling and pain on the top of my foot, now ones coming in my right foot as well.

I've had back pain in my lower back for 20 odd years and this year I had a xray which showed up that I have 4 or 5 badly warn discs in my lower back and 4 in my neck. Now sometimes its hard to keep my head up and can't stand still in one place before my back wants to give way! Doc says nothing can be done for this so no ops! is this arthritis too?

Now I'm having trouble with my hands when eating sometimes I can't let go of my knife or fork my fingers which seem to lock on to either one when I'm cutting up my food, it like a spasm. it also happens if I use my hands a lot, My doc say its just the arthritis doing this?

I'm finding it very hard to walk these days and just been issued with a wheelchair.

If you can give me any info on the above?

Many thanks

