Pain in the neck!!

mops Member Posts: 17
Been diagnosed with Arthritis in C5 and C6 Vertabrae. Have had Neck and back of my head pain, plus pins 'n' needles in my arms. Been in pain for 6 weeks and I am depressed. My doctor prescribed Codeine and Paracetmol, they help a little but first thing in the morning I am not good at all, it takes me untill afternoon to get moving. Can any one help? :cry:


  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi mops I’ve got really painful cervical spondulosis of my neck it’s so bad some days like really heavy whiplash had it for years but it’s more active these days, I know how you feel though it grinds me down when it’s really active, Anyway I was prescribed Nortriptyline for my neck way back and I must say it works well, oddly though it doesn’t seem to do much for my kneecap OA?, it’s worth asking about it though as it’s not a opiate based pain killer so isn’t addictive as it’s really an antidepressant that’s been found to work on pain. It's worth asking you never know it might work for you, good luck.

  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I also have cervical spondylosis and it is very painful. A good pillow is a must. I try to do range of movement exercises to keep my neck moving, check with your doc first!! I use a hot water bottle a lot especially when pain is bad. I have painkillers, muscle relaxants and amitryptyline to help me sleep.

    You will get more responses if you post in the living with arthritis section.
  • mops
    mops Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for your advice re Nortripyline. Will ask my doc about it as I dont want to become

    addicted to my painkillers. Will also repost - I also have a dodgy knee but it doesnt bother me as much as the neck pain.
  • Emily
    Emily Member Posts: 124
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have also Arthritis in C5 and C6 Vertebrae the pain goes down to my shoulder and arm and sometimes pain goes up the side of my face. I also have osteoporosis in my spine I am attending physio and give exercises to do. I found Phorpain Gel that was prescribe by my GP very good to rub in the area that I have pain as I found killing tables make me feel sick sometimes. :?:
  • LolaCrayola
    LolaCrayola Member Posts: 152
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been in constant pain for one year and diagnosed two months. I was on codeine, it is not great for nerve pain. I take amytriptiline 20mg at night. I have cervical spondylosis like you. I was referred to a specialist and now am waiting on the invite to the pain clinic. The drug I take at night blocks nerve root pain. I take paracetamol through the day. My pain is settling but am about 10 weeks in. Off sick as my job is not feasible. You are not alone. Try and keep moving, I am as stiff as a board now. I've also been having physio for a year.
  • dibdab
    dibdab Member Posts: 1,498
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My OT supplied a soft collar to support my neck when it's really painful-it's kind of restricting but helps me to cope with less medication. It might be worth asking for an OT referral-they can suggest all kinds of things to help at work and in daily living.
  • mops
    mops Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all for your advice. Will see my doc next week re the meds you have advised. Does anyone have ''sensation'' ( its not pain, just a funny feeling at the back of my head towards my ear) and it is driving me mad!
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am wondering if any of you have had an MRI or only xrays as a result of your neck pain and pins and needles sensations and other sensations that go with spinal/neck problems.

    I had an MRI and it was found that two vertebrae were touching my spinal cord hence all the sensations in arms, hands and legs, left side more so. I had an op and am 4 weeks post op now.

    Have you been offered injections via xray direction? I had this done for my shoulder and neck pain and it went for a number of years but with the latest set of sensations my shoulder is very painful again when in certain positions.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • LolaCrayola
    LolaCrayola Member Posts: 152
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had burning, numbness, hot spots and pins and needles. Was not offered an mri. Doctor admitted that x rays do not show how much something hurts. I only for an x ray after I requested it. It is the nerve pain that does me in. Worse today because the specialist was moving me around a lot. I only keep sane because I sleep at night.

    I was told it was unsuitable for an injection or surgery.
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi im new on here ive got cv and have been seeing a chiropractor for a while now ,im off to the hospital next week so wait and see what will happen not much i expect ,meanwhile its the tablets that keep me going !
  • RichT
    RichT Bots Posts: 35
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been suffering pins and needles in my upper spine,neck and back of my head too but only since my THR, it starts between my shoulder blades and creeps up my neck to the top of my head eventually going numb :cry: Quiet frightening really.. the surgeon seemed to think it was trapped nerves so sent me for an MRI back in march, problem was I am unable to lay flat enough to use the MRI (I don't fit in the tunnel) due to the curvature in my spine but it wasn't from the lack of them trying to get me in :lol::lol: :shock: I am now waiting for an appointment for an open scanner which is extremely slow in coming though :wink:
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi all well been to the hospital on the 10th and was there over a hour lots of questions and poking about but at least im going to get a MRI they booked it straight away and its on the 29th of this month so im happy just have to wait and see what the results will say and hopefully get something sorted out though i do worry they will say they cant do anything or its not severe enough lets wait and see !
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all hows everyone just a quick update been back to the docs to update him on my appointment he was very pleased i got a MRI so quick so was i ,my pins and needles seem to be getting worse and i have started to get them in my feet also my sleep is bad at the mo so looking around to try and find different things to try and my blood test came back that im low in vitB12 which can effect sensation which i didnt know so got a few things to look into . :)
  • inochi
    inochi Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi heather65

    I suffer with neck pain too - I have degenerative discs, bone spurs and a bulging disc and I also get the numbness, pins & needles and "sensation" you described. What I am concerned about for you is that they really get on and ensure you are treated for your B12 deficiency. In my opinion that is very important for you. I hope that they can find out whether or not you have pernicious anaemia (my grandmother had this and they forgot over the years that she had it) - I just thought I would mention it so you can keep on top of asking how they are going to treat it. Lots of luck with all your treatments and I hope you get much relief from your pain. :D
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi inochi thanks for your thread as for my b12 ive been given lots of paperwork to read on diet but i eat most of the things anyway ,ive got to go back in three months for another blood test to see if its gone up mine was 155 and its meant to be 180 so i dont know if thats low or not im also taking a b12 pill to see if that will help i dont want to have injections .
    Im of for my MRI scan on tuesday afternoon on my neck so hopefully get some answers ive got the follow up appointment the next week on friday im just hopeing they can do something :)
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all not been a good week apart from having my MRI,been in a lot of pain with my neck its like a permenate ache and burning and my meds dont seem to help ,the pins and needles in hands and feet have been bad to ,
    Thank god its a long weekend so i can have a rest working nights can be very hard especially when you dont sleep well ,so it looks like a few glasses of wine might be on the cards
    Hope you all have a great weekend x :)
  • Heather65
    Heather65 Member Posts: 262
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well i have my appointment on friday to get my MRI results it will be interesting to see what they show ,hope im not going to be left in limbo with nothing being done :?
  • christinac47
    christinac47 Member Posts: 102
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Hi mops I’ve got really painful cervical spondulosis of my neck it’s so bad some days like really heavy whiplash had it for years but it’s more active these days, I know how you feel though it grinds me down when it’s really active, Anyway I was prescribed Nortriptyline for my neck way back and I must say it works well, oddly though it doesn’t seem to do much for my kneecap OA?, it’s worth asking about it though as it’s not a opiate based pain killer so isn’t addictive as it’s really an antidepressant that’s been found to work on pain. It's worth asking you never know it might work for you, good luck.


    hi mops just be carefull i was on Nortriptyline and had very bad side affect from this tablet.bare in mind everyone is diffrent i started bleeding form my back end with it so just be carefull what you try as this is a proplem with most strong tablets the doc forget to tell you the side affects get the docter to go through the side affects that way you can stop if it happens to you just be carefull .goodluck i hope you get the right ones thats go for you.