wrist pain

magenta Member Posts: 1,604
edited 12. Feb 2012, 10:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi again,

I'm sure this will be familiar to some of you. My right wrist has been bothering me on and off for about a month. Now I'm getting searing pain in my wrist at the right side, where my wee finger is. It's happening nearly with every movement I make and it's sore when typing.

Anyone else get this?


Magenta x


  • tanith
    tanith Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have O/A in my wrists and yes get a searing pain where the nobbly bony bit is :lol: some days I have to wear a wrist splint and it does help .
    Our worst times are always our best lessons.
  • Mat48
    Mat48 Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have RA and get the same pain often on both wrists - it's called your ulnar joint and it connects with your little finger. With RA there is sometimes a deviation of the finger joints that makes the fingers (and hands) drift off to the side and the little finger can bend down towards this bone - it is called ulnar drift and is what is starting to happen to both my hands - especially the right hand one.

    The wrist pain often flares so badly I can't move my whole hand and comes on suddenly usually so i can be at the wrong end of a drive into town and have to ask people to turn the key in the ignition or put my seatbelt on for me! It usually leads up into my knuckles before quitting so they get really swollen but it's my wrist that hurts.

    I read yesterday, when searching for wrist supports, that pain in this ulnar joint is much more commonly associated with RA than with OA. Ask your GP about this perhaps? Mat x
    If you get lemons, make lemonade
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,809
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Perhaps, Eileen, a referral to the OT might be an idea???

    get some splints for the times you need them?


    Toni xxx
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I also have wrist pain and am hoping it will show something up when I have my full body bone scan in about 10 days time.


  • agslegs
    agslegs Member Posts: 28
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have wrist pain too :x It flips between my right and left wrist but it is currently affecting my right wrist quite badly. I think this is not helped by the fact I use a keyboard and mouse all day at work. I am going to get a wrist rest for use with the keyboard.

    I have RA and I have been so worried about the lack of function in my right wrist that I have managed to bring forward my appointment with my consultant to this Monday. I hope he might be able to give me a steroid injection or something to calm it down. Sadly my blood tests show that my CRP is under control at the mo so I am not sure if it is RA or something else which is causing the damage.

    Have you tried using a splint? I use them occassionaly as well as heat pads.
  • Mat48
    Mat48 Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My CRP was down to almost normal a week ago but my ESR was up to just over 40 so I don't think a rheumy would rely on these too much when deciding if your RA was being controlled effectively or not? I have researched splints a lot recently and am hoping to bet a caste made of mine in the hospital and then a splint for nighttime made that is quite rigid and fits my own wrist and hand specifically so it gets a proper rest at night.

    During the daytime there are more off the peg ones you can purchase although I haven't done that yet because my existing old, shabby ones are okay for driving etc but ideally I'd get some more fitted ones that completely avoid my knuckles for future use in daytime. You should see an OT or physio and maybe get a referral to a hand clinic if possible because, as with feet, ill fitting splints could do more harm than good. My grey arthritis gloves are currently my no1 favourite hand tools as they force my fingers back into place! Mat x
    If you get lemons, make lemonade
  • flossy47
    flossy47 Member Posts: 171
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've got one of those rigid night splints and it is b****y uncomfortable. It fits me but the position is so unnatural to me that I can't wear it for more than a few hours. OT have offered to make me another one but I don't see the point as it will probably be just as uncomfortable. Just my personal opinion.
    The daytime splints I have a great. They are made of neoprene and just support my wrist and thumb on both hands.
  • agslegs
    agslegs Member Posts: 28
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Mat48 wrote:
    My CRP was down to almost normal a week ago but my ESR was up to just over 40 so I don't think a rheumy would rely on these too much when deciding if your RA was being controlled effectively or not? I have researched splints a lot recently and am hoping to bet a caste made of mine in the hospital and then a splint for nighttime made that is quite rigid and fits my own wrist and hand specifically so it gets a proper rest at night.

    I think you are right. My ESR was not tested last time so I have no idea what the reading is but back in Jany my ESR was 47 whilst my CRP was down below 5. All very confusing but I can only go by the pain I feel in my wrists. Sadly my doctor only seems to go by what he sees written down so I am going to have to work pretty hard to convince him otherwise.

    I used to wear an off the peg wrist splint on my left hand which was good but then I found it encouraged my wrist to stay in a fixed position which meant I lost a lot of mobility in that wrist and this is the reason I am a bit reluctant to start wearing one on my right wrist on a regular basis.