No further forward

lorraines Member Posts: 77
edited 7. Mar 2012, 06:11 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi All, Feeling very frustrated I consulted CAB as I am having problems with my employer I have been on the sick for 21/2 months after wrist fusion I want to return to wrok they have refused to let me have a structered return to work or adapt any equipment anyway the CAB said they couldn't do that and said it was Discrimanation and gave me 2 numbers for solicitors to contact, which I did explained the problem and was told someone would ring me back, they didn't so I rang again and again explained the problem and was told again someone would ring me again they haven't.
So now my sicknote runs out in a weeks time so I am going to have to return to work ,I really can't afford to be off any longer. all I wanted to know what my rights are legallybut no one has the decency to ring me back I wasn't looking for a free consultation I am quite prepared to have an appointment.
Sorry for the lengthy rant just wanted to get it off my chest. :x


  • hedgehog
    hedgehog Member Posts: 9
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Lorraine, Sorry to hear that you,re having problems at work. This is a violation of the Disability Descrimination Act,(now the equality act. If you,re in a Trades Union, involve you shop steward for help. Post this again on the working matters forum, as i,m sure there are better brains than mine who will quickly advise you. Every success in sorting this out, regards, Stan.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Lorriane...

    just a quickie - have you tried ringing acas????

    If you don't fancy that then it has to be back to CAn who need to know the people they are recommending are not resposive :( They may have a plan B

    Love and luck

    Toni xx
  • lorraines
    lorraines Member Posts: 77
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you very much for your replies I really appreciate it, sadly not in a union I work for a small chain of opticians where it's not encouraged !!!!! we don't even have HR dept .I think I will try ACAS tried everyone else and will contact CA again and tell them .
    Lorraine x
  • lorraines
    lorraines Member Posts: 77
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lorraines wrote:
    Thank you very much for your replies I really appreciate it, sadly not in a union I work for a small chain of opticians where it's not encouraged !!!!! we don't even have HR dept .I think I will try ACAS tried everyone else and will contact CA again and tell them .
    Lorraine x
    Well after going round in circles no further forward so after sleepless nights worrying I am going back to work next week, financilly I just can't afford to fight them or live on ssp.Nothing has changed but I just wanted to say thanks for the good advice I have been given, and also for keeping me company whilst I recovered.I will still be dropping in to see how everyone is doing :D
    Lorraine x
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Lorraine, I wanted to ask you said the C.A.B gave you 2 numbers, did you try the second? Also have you searched for information regarding descrimination at work on the internet? It's amazing what you can find just by putting different questions in the search engine!! Also did you phone around and ask any other solicitors if they deal with discrimination at work cases. I ask that because I did work experience at a solicitors through out my college time and it's amazing by just phoning around because a lot of solicitor's don't say they do something on an advert when they do. Hope you get it sorted because my employer sacked me by letter when I had been off work for 2 months!! Not nice! You keep fighting!