amyltriptoline and citalopram

amet1 Member Posts: 45
hope i spelt this right, well had a problem last week had been put on amyltriptoline a month ago and was also on citalopram...well was called to the dr about drug interactions, he showed me on screen that the doseof citalopram i was supposed to be on 40mg interacts with amyl 10 to 20 mg daily with severe risk of qt syndrome. luckily the computor was inaccurate and i was on 20mg of citalopram and only taking the lower dose of amyl which now puts me at high risk of qt symdrome, apparently this is an acceptiple risk to relieve my pain as i dont want to go onto morphine based drugs just yet and my gp explained that other medication can be a bit more complex to take, just wondering what drugs he is talking about and how they would work with osteo arthritis as i know i have a long journey as i am only 48,and want to maintain my mobility for as long as possible thanx


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi there,

    If you've been prescribed two drugs and are wondering about any risks of interactions it may be worth doing some more homework. I'm guessing that the citalopram may not have been prescribed for your arthritis - so that's going to fall outside our general knowledge here at Helplines. Your pharmacist should be able to give you some more information as well as the prescribing doctor.

    Many people with arthritis are offered low dose anti depressants for pain, but this is quite a technical area. I'm wondering whether you'd find some of our general self management on arthritis helpful?

    If you'd like us to post you an information pack do come back to us, or see

    I hope that is helpful

  • amet1
    amet1 Member Posts: 45
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thanx for the info i was put on citalopram and propanalol 2 yrs ago. when i first started with the severe pain i was coping with menopause,i had a lot of problems with carpel tunnel, reynauds , anaemia ,wear and tear arthritis and to cut a long story short had a complete breakdown as i couldnt cope with all the illnesses together and lost 7 stone in weight over 9 months. the drs have,as my joints have got worse added various drugs ie co codemol, naproxyn, off and on prednisilone, iron tablets,lansoprozale(for pain caused by naproxyn)and now amyltriptoline for neuralgia and parasthesia, so i just rattle most of the it can be hard to cope with as i want a cure, but it wont happen and hate the pain i get.
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi there,

    If you'd like some more information about self managing your arthritis, just Private Message us with your name and address and we can post you some. Or if you'd like to talk about your arthritis, you are very welcome to ring us on the freephone.
