work again

lily Member Posts: 160
Good afternoon

Well just phoned work to update them about my hospital appointment for next month.

Work is starting to get annoyed with me being off for so long, my sicknote does not run out till the end of the month so will need to go see doc to check if I can go back or not, also been told that my work is thinking about coming to see me at home I just said that's fine and they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide.

Im hoping to move into my new home at the end of the month so they can do it whenever they want to.

Been told the big boss is not happy with the sickness level as there are 2 of us off longterm but at the end of the day we cannot help if we are off sick.

So tired of the hassle if I could come back to work I would, if my doc says no then I know there is gonna be big trouble, can I ask my union rep to be with me if I get a home visit from work?...I know where this is leading and am not very hopeful that I will be able to keep my job.

I know my other collegue is getting more hassle than I am and she is really worried for her job.....

oh well looks like they will try and get rid of me

Lily x


  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lily
    Most of us who are and were on long term sick have had many many years of hassle
    My answer to them is you have my pain and condition for a day then you would realise why we are off sick!
    Now I'm retired due to ill health I get aren't you lucky well no I had no choice would rather be getting a full time wage not a quarter that I get now!
    Don't think they realise how much it gets to us!
    If you have a sick note or should I say return to work note! Then there's nothing they can do!
    If they do come to your home make sure you have a witness or a union rep when they turn up otherwise its their word against yours
    My work never came to see me as I lived over 25 miles from work too far and too much effort! Think they say it to frighten you back to work
    Do not be bullied into going back too soon I used to and my how my health paid for it!
    It's not your fault that someone else is on long term sick its theirs
    Ooh they do get me so so mad
    Don't let the b*****ds get you down
    Keep strong
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Thank you for your kind words,, Im just so fed up with it all,im in pain and in fact it was them that told me I needed to go home but I refused then an hour later I did, could not do anything with the hands..

    Its 1 thing after another with this work, I try to do every thing by the book but its like they are doing everything they can to make me feel bad that I think they are hoping ill just give up and resign, not a hope in hell am I doing that...

    Its not my fault the sickness levels are up, I think its about time they were also speaking to the people who take days of when they are not ill, ive seen it on fb they think its funny,

    Ill wait till I hear from them then ill get in touch with the union, im not having any meeting with them on my own, even im not that daft lol.

    Take care
    Lily x
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lily
    How are you doing?
    Any more c**p from work?
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Morning Maria

    Hope you are well?

    Well today the body has decided to seize up big time, having to do a type of shuffle to move, every part of me feels so sore,

    Not heard from work but my collegue did and work are not happy, right now I could not care less.. I have a sneaky suspicion that I will be receiving a letter from them very soon..Have to make an appointment with the doc next week( she only does a couple days in advance)so will find out then if she thinks im fit to go back or not..

    Have a good day
    Take care
    Lily x
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lily
    Sorry today is a nasty day for you I hate those days I try and pretend its a chill out day so make me think its not as bad as it is sometimes it works and sometimes it makes me feel worse
    Pity it's not today that work turn up on your doorstep today that would show em
    I get so angry that we are all treat like this I never seem to hear that work supports anyone :x :x
    I hope you get some relief today
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It never rains but it pours.

    Just been told that work has people spying on me on fb, how low can work be and as for the people who are actually doing the spying well I wont say what I think..

    Just deleted everyone from work, not that ive said anything but you never know do you, dirty rotten $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Def think im heading for the sack, oh well

    Have a good evening all

    Lily x
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Lily
    Yes Facebook spies are everywhere
    When I was off sick I never posted only when friends posted to me then I gave little away and sometimes gave info I knew would would get back to evil witch boss so used it to my advantage
    my moto at work ended up as trust no one
    I'm sorry you are having such a bad time
    So called work mates are not worth a flying fig
    My true friends still keep in touch and come over to see me I lived 25 miles from work so its lovely to see them making an effort
    Try and keep your chin up ( silly expression I know! )
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Maria and Unsure

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Fb does not make me fit and well, I post how I am and bits and pieces, as I live far away from family this is one way that I keep in touch with them,especially seeing photos of my kids(adults) and grandkids and of course when I cant get out ,it makes me smile when I see what being are doing..

    I certainly know who my friends are and who are not...

    I will carry on doing what ive been doing because I don't see how im doing anything wrong

    Have a good day
    Take care
    Lily x
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi thought I would post a little update

    Today I got a letter from head office asking for my medical notes and to sign for a health assessment from them.

    With my medical notes is it just what is wrong with me now or is it all my notes that they are asking for?

    Going to phone union Monday but if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

    Thank you
    Lily x
  • lily
    lily Member Posts: 160
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Good afternoon

    Phone my HR today and asked about the letter I received at the weekend, have been told its just this period of illness that they are requesting and nothing more and that the occupational health assessment will be conducted over the phone, how is this possible? I would have thought the assessment would be conducted face to face, I mean how can the assess me over the phone or am I missing something here?

    Ive phoned my union rep and they are to get back to me as she was not in.

    On a side note I moved into my new home today and im knackered

    Have a good day
    Take care
    Lily x