Give up my hobby?

MonaLisasmile Member Posts: 2
If osteoarthritis is wear and tear on the joints and my hands are gradually getting more lumpy and painful should I be giving up my hobbies that require a lot of the use of hands such as sewing and crafting in general? I am a volunteer craft-co-ordinator. Crafting helped me get over a bad bout of depression and I feel quite sad about maybe having to stop. I am on painkillers and antiinflamatories but not supposed to be continuously. If I inflame my hands I take the pills which then cause constipation and tummy problems. That clears up my hands improve then off I go again. Should I break the cycle for good or learn to live with it? It is starting to get me down which is why I have joined this forum. I also find my husband is not all that sympathetic. He has to do the vacuuming and ironing and he is still working.


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi MonaLisasmile

    Thank you for you posting to the forum. It sounds as if you’re going through a tough time.
    You ask if you should give up your hobbies that require a lot of use of your hands such as sewing and crafting.
    These hobbies seemed to have helped you in the past. It can be so difficult thinking about the possibility of stopping something that we enjoy.

    You also talk about the cycle of painkillers and the consequences of taking them. I am wondering if you have spoken to your doctor about this, he/she would be the person best placed to address the medication and adjust if necessary.
    I’m also wondering if you could get a referral to a hand therapist or physiotherapist who could give you specific exercises for your hands.

    The link below is to Arthritis Care information on Osteoarthritis of the hand and wrist and might be helpful to you:

    The following link is to Arthritis Research UK information about hobbies and leisure that might be of interest:

    The Disabled Living foundation may also be useful, the link below will take you to their section on ‘Arts and Crafts’:

    Lastly I am wondering if you would like to put a posting on our ‘Living with arthritis’ forum, this can be very supportive.

    You go on to say that your husband is not sympathetic, that can be so tough too. Are you able to sit together and talk about how you feel, maybe at a time that works for both of you?

    I would like to encourage you to give us a call on our Helplines: 0808 800 4050 (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) here we can chat to you informally and in confidence.

    Best wishes